Where else can I get blank cartos for my V4L batteries?

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Full Member
Nov 2, 2010
Hi all,

I apologize if this question has been asked many times before...I can't seem to find the answer I'm looking for? It's weird but I've noticed there are some major inconsistencies amongst V4L blank cartomizers. Whenever I order a sample pack of their blank cool carts, I've noticed the gold ones are always the best and longest lasting, the greens are hit or miss, and the pink ones are just god-awful with a sickening underlying taste of vitamins :confused:

So, can I just order blank KR-808 blank cartomizers from say...FSUSA and they'll work on my V4L manual and/or XL batts? Can anyone recommend some other good suppliers for blanks? Or is it just time for me to switch to another vendor's KR-808 battery/cartridge setup (I'm only interested in 2 piece e-cig)

Thanks a ton!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2010
Low resistance atty's and carto's are designed to get hot quicker and burn hotter. They do tend to produce more vapor so they give a little stronger hit. They also burn out a little quicker and drain your battery a little faster. It's kind of a trade-off. I don't know if those factors are a concern to you, but something to consider.
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