A lot has happened since joining ECF

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Jan 4, 2016
Congratulations Rose! Enjoy watching your sig line click off the days. I had to put a dare into my sig line :)

LOL! Now that's brave! I like a good dare, but that one would send me screaming to the cigarettes. :) One day, maybe I could be that brave.

Right now I have to give myself permission to mess up, even if I fight against it.

Congrats to you! The best I've ever done is 6 months (before e-cigarettes), and I was in the depths of despair every moment. And I'm a super-happy type of person. I'm hoping it will be different this time.


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Jun 30, 2014
Ocean City, MD
LOL! Now that's brave! I like a good dare, but that one would send me screaming to the cigarettes. :) One day, maybe I could be that brave.

Right now I have to give myself permission to mess up, even if I fight against it.

Congrats to you! The best I've ever done is 6 months (before e-cigarettes), and I was in the depths of despair every moment. And I'm a super-happy type of person. I'm hoping it will be different this time.
When I first started vaping I quit for about a week to 10 days or so, but then I started sneaking cigs, and by the time I ended up back at a PAD or so I decided that the only way I could do this is to never have another cig again, ever. And it was much harder that second time around (as others have attested to).

We all have to do it our own way. I'm rooting for you!


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Jan 4, 2016
Since you DIY you can easily do helpful things, such as setting up an atty with higher than normal nic levels for a "vape shot" when the cravings hit. And even try WTA if you need to. I wish I had been DIYing when I finally quit. You're a smart cookie!

I've already made a 1.2 mix (normal is .6), and it's ready to use if I need it. I read a few posts where people advised that, and it made sense to me.

Regarding WTA, I'm a bit conflicted. I do have some WTA e-liquid (.6) and some concentrate on the way. But it seems to be difficult to get, and I'm guessing that it will eventually be more prone to regulation than nicotine. So I'm reluctant to even start using it if I don't have to. I'm leaving the WTA on the back-burner for now. I'm probably just a bit paranoid. :)
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Ultra Member
Nov 26, 2015
Seattle, WA
Right now I have to give myself permission to mess up, even if I fight against it.

Congrats to you! The best I've ever done is 6 months (before e-cigarettes), and I was in the depths of despair every moment. And I'm a super-happy type of person. I'm hoping it will be different this time.
For some, it takes some thought to make the switch. I fight occasionally against what I refer to as "situational smoking" urges. I was working on the vehicles last week and found myself craving a smoke - it was something that I always did when turning wrenches. It's a little less convenient to vape with dirty, greasy hands.. So I grabbed a clean towel, put that around my mod and took a few pulls and was good to go. Part of it is just re-training the brain to change gears with vaping in lieu of smoking. just like your morning cig and after-dinner cigs were. With a little time, thought and effort, you totally CAN do it.

And if you do "slip up", don't be hard on yourself. Just figure out what you can do differently the next time to reduce the chance of it happening again. :)


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Jan 4, 2016
For some, it takes some thought to make the switch. I fight occasionally against what I refer to as "situational smoking" urges. I was working on the vehicles last week and found myself craving a smoke - it was something that I always did when turning wrenches. It's a little less convenient to vape with dirty, greasy hands.. So I grabbed a clean towel, put that around my mod and took a few pulls and was good to go. Part of it is just re-training the brain to change gears with vaping in lieu of smoking. just like your morning cig and after-dinner cigs were. With a little time, thought and effort, you totally CAN do it.

And if you do "slip up", don't be hard on yourself. Just figure out what you can do differently the next time to reduce the chance of it happening again. :)

Yes, it's the psychological stuff that will mess us up, especially with long-term habits. :)


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Jan 24, 2014
A lot has happened, read this link and you'll see what also happens:
Stop Smoking Benefits Timetable

When I left ciggies behind, I read it and ticked off the benefits. I also began to taste and smell again, so my taste in liquids changed. I'm still a lover of tobacco liquids, but I catch subtleties much better.

My secret for staying off the ciggies was that I always said I could have one if I wanted. The subconscious mind will crave them until you tell it you're not Stopping something but rather, changing. Then, for me, it quieted down.

So dont panic if you get cravings, they happen.

That's precisely why I still have those tobaccocicles in my freezer, 18 months down the road from the last one I smoked -- without them, I panic; with them, I have free choice!

WTG, Rose, and I know just what you mean -- when I'd been smoke-free 48 hrs and didn't even miss it, I was over the moon! The entire first year I was smoke-free, every so often it would just hit me, I don't smoke anymore! And I'd do a little celebratory dance. :D I still get that moment of pure amazement sometimes -- 39 yrs enslaved to those stupid things, and now I don't need them anymore! And I'm absolutely another who could never have done it, without ECF. Tech support, consumer support, hand-holding support... ECF has it all! :D



Ultra Member
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Jun 30, 2014
Ocean City, MD
I've already made a 1.2 mix (normal is .6), and it's ready to use if I need it. I read a few posts where people advised that, and it made sense to me.

Regarding WTA, I'm a bit conflicted. I do have some WTA e-liquid (.6) and some concentrate on the way. But it seems to be difficult to get, and I'm guessing that it will eventually be more prone to regulation than nicotine. So I'm reluctant to even start using it if I don't have to. I'm leaving the WTA on the back-burner for now. I'm probably just a bit paranoid. :)
Rose, I think you have the right idea. You are smart to keep an emergency stash of WTA on hand. Just be sure to store it in front of that emergency pack of smokes, so you grab the WTA first :)


Senior Member
Jan 3, 2016
San Diego, California
LOL! Now that's brave! I like a good dare, but that one would send me screaming to the cigarettes. :) One day, maybe I could be that brave.

Right now I have to give myself permission to mess up, even if I fight against it.

Congrats to you! The best I've ever done is 6 months (before e-cigarettes), and I was in the depths of despair every moment. And I'm a super-happy type of person. I'm hoping it will be different this time.
Smart, most important thing to remember is you can have one occasionally. It's the "I can't have one" that makes the subconscious rebel and trigger cravings.

I think everyone's heard my rant about the subconscious being a two year old. Tell it it can't have something and it will rebel.
Tell it it can, but you're choosing not to, it'll go along. The advice about about a good vape shot will do the trick quite nicely.

We're all behind you, Rose. You really can do this.
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