510 Carto contant problems

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 30, 2011
A, A
I got a Provape a couple of weeks ago. It came with 5 510 LR cartos (I think they are Boge). Of the five, four of them leaked.
A lot.
I could only vape for a few minutes, before the taste would start disappearing, then I would have to add a few more drops. If I added anymore than that they would leak so much my Provape would stop working and I'd have to unscrew it and clean all the juice off.

Very frustrating. :mad:

At least the taste was good on these.

So I ordered another pack. I only filled 2, and both of them tasted so horribly burnt that I gagged. :(

(I know this is the carto section but just to make the point of my frustration, the atomizer I got also tastes ... not necessarily burnt, but "metallicy" (is that a word?). Like licking a penny (don't ask me how I know what that tastes like :p). I tried cleaning it several times, etc. No help. Luckily, I've fallen in love with Fireball, which actually covers up that taste, so the atty is not going to waste.)

My poor old KR808 didn't give much in the way of volume, but at least the carto's seemed to be fairly consistent.

I also got some Dual-coil cartos. These are far superior to anything else I've tried, but while I get tons of vapor, the flavor just isn't as strong. Also, they don't seem to hold as much as the KR808's. Seems like I have to refill them way more than I did the KR808's (I've seen posts saying certain batteries/cartos/etc. can be "juice-hogs" so I'm going on the assumption that this is normal behavior for the dual-carto's.)

I've heard people say that the dark juices cause all kinds of problems, which sucks because the chocolate flavors are some of my favorites. The cartos I filled with chocolates were the worst for leaking.

Am I just ordering the wrong stuff. Am I filling wrong (dripping slowly down the sides just like I did with the KR808's). Are my expectations too high? :confused:

I've seen many posts of people having similar problems. I've also seen many posts of people saying their stuff works great.

Any advice would be appreciated!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 12, 2011
Western Ky.
The Boge LR cartos hold about 25 drops in my experience. I just filled 15 yesterday with no issues. If you fill a Carto and then vape it fairly soon and it tastes burnt then odds are you did not get enough juice into it or it did not sit long enough and when you took a toot you burned it. That is why you should either always do the first fill using the condom method or fill by dripping but let the carto sit thread down for 30 minutes before vaping.


Full Member
Apr 16, 2009
Earth, Milky Way
I've had my share of problems with Cartas. The only time I've had a real leaking problem is when I've overfilled them. I've found that a normal sized cart takes 18-20 drops, and the dual coil and "mega" sized carts can handle around 40-44 drops.

I get myself in trouble when i don't vape them dry, then i decide to top-off. I start guessing how many drops, invariably i end up overfilling them and the juice starts coming out the air holes near the threads.

I've trained myself to smoke them dry, then refill when they start tasting "empty.."

Hopefully someone comes along with a better solution soon, maybe the CE2's are the answer, but they have there own set of problems. For now we are all going through the all the problems of early adopters, beta testing.
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