510 Cart/Atty Mod

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Full Member
Sep 29, 2009
Hey guys, this is my first post, so i believe i cant post pictures yet right?!
I have a 510 and was looking at videos all around to see if I could reduce the size of the 510 cart; because seriously.. who likes the huge size of the cart?
it just makes the button wayyy too far.
Therefore what I made was an easy mod that does not use the cartridge.
I will try to explain it first, and eventually will post some pictures.
This is what you are going to need:

Electrical tape, Scissor, Utility knife, a 510 Cart.

and the steps are:
1 - squeeze the back of a 510 cartridge. A little cap should come out. (I just gave a little bite on the end and the thing popped out)
2 -two options here
a - Remove the filling of the cart and put as much as you want of the filling inside the atty; but leave enough space to put the little cap in the atty.
b - tea bag mod, or whatever you want to do.
3 - (optional) make the hole in the cap bigger, so that you can drip without having to remove it.
4 - cut a little strip of electrical tape and tape it around the cap. (just 1 time around is good)
5 - push the cap into the atty.
6 - do your best to keep most of the tape around the cap, and trim the excess tape off with the knife.
Done =D
hope you like it.. it makes it look neat and much more compact.
This is the final product:
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