Pen Style Cart capacity MOD

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Moved On
May 24, 2009
This is a simple mod to increase cart capacity on pen style e-cigs such as DSE801 and BE112.

Materials: Three cartridge inserts, one mouth piece, an empty tube from a bad atomizer (not sure of a suitable substitute), stuffing material (poly fill), and 1 good atomizer.

Size it all up prior to assembly, I had to cut about 1.5mm from the open end of the resulting cart so that the stuffing contacts the atty bridge just right.

Procedure: Cut the closed bottom off two of the cartridges, leave the shoulder so that the end of one cart fits into the next. Assemble the carts with hot glue then remove any excess glue so air can pass by the extended cart.

Next I removed the cotton from both ends of a plastic q-tip and inserted it to the bottom of the new cart. The straw is a nearly perfect fit and comes about .5mm from the opening on the cart.

The hard part is getting wick material all the way to the bottom of the extended cart. I used a straight piece of wire with the prepared poly fill taped to the end, then I gently pushed the filling all the way to the bottom while watching to be sure the fiber was pulled in after it. I would have preferred long thin forceps, but I'm not worried about the tiny piece of tape left behind. Once the fiber was fully inserted I packed about 1cm extra in so that it is denser near the opening, then I cut it flush with the opening.

Finally I installed the cart to the mouth piece, then I installed the open tube sleeve to the mouthpiece. The blank atty tube is slightly tapered so that one end fits the mouth piece and the other just fits over the existing atty to form a perfect seal.

I filled the cartridge with a syringe and needle, it took almost 3ml of juice to fill it. Once filled I installed it to the atty, screwed the atty to my USB Probe MOD (4.8V) and am vaping like a fiend.
View attachment 3055

View attachment 3056
This is a rebuild, the first edition used tape to hold the sections together and it leaked a little. Now that it's hot glued it is air tight at the seams and is working at least as good as when I used tape.

Yes it's long and looks silly, but for home use it can't be beat. The assembly is about the same length as the auto battery.

I can vape all day and them some from a single filling.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
This is a simple mod to increase cart capacity on pen style e-cigs such as DSE801 and BE112.

Materials: Three cartridge inserts, one mouth piece, an empty tube from a bad atomizer (not sure of a suitable substitute), stuffing material (poly fill), and 1 good atomizer.

Size it all up prior to assembly, I had to cut about 1.5mm from the open end of the resulting cart so that the stuffing contacts the atty bridge just right.

Procedure: Cut the closed bottom off two of the cartridges, leave the shoulder so that the end of one cart fits into the next. Assemble the carts with hot glue then remove any excess glue so air can pass by the extended cart.

Next I removed the cotton from both ends of a plastic q-tip and inserted it to the bottom of the new cart. The straw is a nearly perfect fit and comes about .5mm from the opening on the cart.

The hard part is getting wick material all the way to the bottom of the extended cart. I used a straight piece of wire with the prepared poly fill taped to the end, then I gently pushed the filling all the way to the bottom while watching to be sure the fiber was pulled in after it. I would have preferred long thin forceps, but I'm not worried about the tiny piece of tape left behind. Once the fiber was fully inserted I packed about 1cm extra in so that it is denser near the opening, then I cut it flush with the opening.

Finally I installed the cart to the mouth piece, then I installed the open tube sleeve to the mouthpiece. The blank atty tube is slightly tapered so that one end fits the mouth piece and the other just fits over the existing atty to form a perfect seal.

I filled the cartridge with a syringe and needle, it took almost 3ml of juice to fill it. Once filled I installed it to the atty, screwed the atty to my USB Probe MOD (4.8V) and am vaping like a fiend.
View attachment 3055

View attachment 3056
This is a rebuild, the first edition used tape to hold the sections together and it leaked a little. Now that it's hot glued it is air tight at the seams and is working at least as good as when I used tape.

Yes it's long and looks silly, but for home use it can't be beat. The assembly is about the same length as the auto battery.

I can vape all day and them some from a single filling.

I've thought about doing this too but never tried it because of the length.

With a bit more work, you could use an old atty or battery tube to enclose the super-cart :)

Good you implemented the 'straw mod' as it would help considerably with such a long cart :)

edit: qtip is for air; they are surprisingly good for air, despite small diameter :)

So how about a secong qtip as straw mod - worth a try, so dont use only front of cart.

3ml is wicked :)
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Moved On
May 24, 2009
I've thought about doing this too but never tried it because of the length.

With a bit more work, you could use an old atty or battery tube to enclose the super-cart :)

Good you implemented the 'straw mod' as it would help considerably with such a long cart :)

edit: qtip is for air; they are surprisingly good for air, despite small diameter :)

So how about a secong qtip as straw mod - worth a try, so dont use only front of cart.

3ml is wicked :)
The q-tip is a complete straw mod, it goes all the way to the bottom of the cart, it's a generic junk cotton swab from the dollar store and only purchased for the "straws" which are softer with a larger inside diameter and thinner walls than the 'real' thing (far better for this purpose really). The cotton pulled off cleanly so I used the entire straw with just a notch cut on the inserted end so it can breath.

An overall tube enclosure would be nice, but the empty atty shell goes over the end of and fits tightly on the live atty. I pushed it just a little too hard and it was difficult to get it back off. The taper really makes it fit good and the 'seam' is only noticeable when the light hits it right. Of course if I want another one I don't intend to destroy a good atty, so will need to find something else like an oversize plastic straw or metal tube (preferably a thin wall metal tube).

The length is ridiculous, but I am used to it so that now a regular atty seems strange. The extra length balances nicely on my probe mod which is made of copper. Just checked, with the extended cart the center of gravity is right at center of the probe which explains why it's more comfortable to hold.


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2009
South Florida
Neat concept (and a clean-looking, non-klunky one)!

I wonder what this would be like with the Prodigy (or name your own favorite high-volt battery holder). Such devices have solved the portable power problem. This is a solution to cart capacity limitations.

Now all we need is an automatic juice injection system (the semi-automatic UPAC is a step in the right diection) and we're set!

If you ever make your device for sale, let me (and everyone) know. I'm impressed by you Modders, but I ain't one myself (all thumbs and zero patience).

Well done!


Moved On
May 24, 2009
Neat concept (and a clean-looking, non-klunky one)!

I wonder what this would be like with the Prodigy (or name your own favorite high-volt battery holder). Such devices have solved the portable power problem. This is a solution to cart capacity limitations.

Now all we need is an automatic juice injection system (the semi-automatic UPAC is a step in the right diection) and we're set!

If you ever make your device for sale, let me (and everyone) know. I'm impressed by you Modders, but I ain't one myself (all thumbs and zero patience).

Well done!

Thanks Don,

I don't think it would be affordable if hand built, but it seems that some of the vendors that sell mods might consider having extended cartridges made (I think there is one for the 4081). It would just be a matter of stretching the cart/mouth piece assembly to increase capacity (two inexpensive plastic parts). Of course the pen style cart is already a lot bigger than most, but doubling it would be nice.

I intended to just double the size, but to get the length right without cutting the tube I used, I ended up with nearly triple the capacity. 2.8 VS 1.1 ml.

If a vendor sold an extended pen style cart I would buy it, and I think it would sell very well.


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2009
South Florida
The thanks go to you and MoonMan and others like you, framitz! I just sit on the sidelines and put in my two cents.

As for "some of the vendors that sell mods might consider having extended cartridges made" ... so go talk to them! :)

I'm just a relative-newbie diletant (sp?), but my impression is that entrepreneurs like Steve at Puresmoker could interact more with inventors like you. For example, I was a bit disappointed that the Prodigy V2 (the Protege) will simply be a thinner (less powerful) version of the V1. Probably a good move from a marketing/sales perspective (going after all those infatuated with the 510), but not the breakthrough that the SD, GG, and Prodigy V1 were.

Of course I really shouldn't complain; this infant cottage industry is evolving lightning fast. Reminds me of the hobbyist stage of the PC revolution during the mid/late 70s. An exciting time, even for a non-techie consumer like me.

Onward and upward!
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