5 pawns mixology

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May 31, 2014
Los Angeles, CA, USA
I received a sampler pack of the (new) flavors from 5 pawns. I never tested their juices before. So far I've tried :

- Castle Long : Pretty good taste but way too sweet for me. The coconut is a bit too much for me too and very roasted). I'll happily vape the rest of my... 4ml but I won't order 30ml of it.

- Perpetual Pin : The description sounded a bit weird, and... it is. My first impression was... this tastes like grass (don't ask me how I know what grass tastes like :D). After a few days of taking a few puffs now and then, it still tastes like grass, but a bit less. I can taste the citrus, and a hint of something else. It would make for a fine juice if it wasn't so, well... grassy. I would probably buy a 10ml bottle to give it a chance, it that was possible.

- Lucena : Now, that's something else. The first word I wrote on my notes ? YES. I'm not usually a big fan of fruity flavors, mainly because they all taste like artificial flavoring, and are usually too sweet. This ? This is just perfect. The flavors are well balanced, nothing really stands out too much. It's a rare thing that I can taste individual flavors. Here I can taste the run (yum) and the peach, and it does taste like the real thing. More a white peach than a yellow one. And it's not sweet - alleluia ! I will definitely buy a 30ml bottle SOON.

Then the other two - I've just tried them, haven't really vaped them enough to have a definitive opinion, but my first impressions :

- 64 : ok, so maybe I was a cow in a previous life, or something. But this one totally tastes like grass. More so than PP (I tasted 64 first). Too bad because I love grapefruit and mojitos, but all I can taste is grass, with a faint hint of mint.

- Fifth Rank : It has potential... lime, and champagne ? Give me. I will try again and come back to tell you, but so far I found it very lemon-y and a tad bitter on the inhale. The mint is very subtle and pretty interesting. I liked it but can't say if it's better than my other citrus juices yet.

All were 12mg nic, 50VG/50PG, born on 04/01/2014. Tested on 510 atomizers and EVOD battery, then for the first 3, in aerotank mini and Innokin VV.

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