12 years later...

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The Story:
  • Started smoking at 14-ish (~27 years ago).
  • Started vaping in 2007.
  • Quit smoking in May of 2009.
  • Founded an e-liquid company during the summer of 2009.
  • Closed the company Feb. 28, 2017.
  • Retired to Ecuador in June, 2017
  • Used my e-cig for the last time almost exactly a month ago (~Sept. 1).
  • Boxed up all the pieces and parts yesterday.
Mostly a complete success, but turns out my ADHD (PI) is much worse than I thought, though the nicotine was masking symptoms. Oh well, though I'm sleeping half the day, I am not addicted to nicotine for the first time in my adult life.

Really excited that I can leave the house without worrying about drugs for the first time in almost 3 decades (Do I have enough cigarettes, lighter, batteries, e-liquid, charger, spare atty, etc). Now to figure out how to stay awake long enough to leave the house...


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 1, 2012
Mallorca, Spain
The Story:
  • Started smoking at 14-ish (~27 years ago).
  • Started vaping in 2007.
  • Quit smoking in May of 2009.
  • Founded an e-liquid company during the summer of 2009.
  • Closed the company Feb. 28, 2017.
  • Retired to Ecuador in June, 2017
  • Used my e-cig for the last time almost exactly a month ago (~Sept. 1).
  • Boxed up all the pieces and parts yesterday.
Mostly a complete success, but turns out my ADHD (PI) is much worse than I thought, though the nicotine was masking symptoms. Oh well, though I'm sleeping half the day, I am not addicted to nicotine for the first time in my adult life.

Really excited that I can leave the house without worrying about drugs for the first time in almost 3 decades (Do I have enough cigarettes, lighter, batteries, e-liquid, charger, spare atty, etc). Now to figure out how to stay awake long enough to leave the house...
Congrats on your retirement and relocation.

Have you been introduced to nicotine's friend, caffeine?

Are you taking anything for the ADHD?

Congrats on your retirement and relocation.

Have you been introduced to nicotine's friend, caffeine?

Are you taking anything for the ADHD?

Thanks... Unfortunately coffee doesn't seem anywhere near as powerful (granted, I was using 100-200mg of nicotine a day). Was on medicine for ADD in law school, but it didn't do that much. Now, I'm looking around to see what's available here - though if it's going to be "addictive" or something I have to take multiple times a day, I might as well go back to using nicotine (especially since I have enough to last several lifetimes).


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
ADHD can be cured.... You die. LOL.

That's not really fair. Interestingly enough, some kiddos seem to "outgrow" their ADHD, while others don't. Trauma has the exact, almost, effect on disrupting the brain's organizational functions as ADHD and also, looks fairly similar on a brain scan. So, some of those kids (IMHO) are not actually ADHD at ALL.

As far as medications, you certainly have some non stimulant options. There is Strattera which has helped almost no one, ever, that I know of. It like, well I have NO CLUE why it even passed clinical trials. You have clonidine. That works okay if you are CRAYZEE HYPERACTIVE, but otherwise, well, not so much. It will also make you tired, and it will also like, well it's an elderly blood pressure medication. It slows you down that is for sure.

Then there's Vyvanse which has not been around long enough to really kind of um, count on much yet as far as long term.

As far as the stimulants you've pretty much got your Ritalin and derivatives, and Adderall and derivatives. Plenty of long acting of both types out there.

The most well known is Concerta which if you MUST try it for the love of god get the name brand and/or the generic MANFUACTURED by the name brand company.

Concerta itself is NO LONGER under patent, but it's delivery system, which has a hole in the top and the ah, med spouts out rather like a fountain, which actually lasts a full 12 hours, is not.

In a spectacular move of idiocy, the FDA said, "Oooh.. Just use whatever long acting mechanism you DO have other drug manufacturers." This has resulted in a bunch of kids who find Concerta "makes them emotional" which like, will HAPPEN if half your medication gets dumped in your system at once, like. That happens all the time.

Anyway, you can try XR Adderall if you want which will give you about 9 hours or so, so you get through the work day. Start SMALL if you are stimulant naïve you may not actually need much if NIC was doing the trick. I am serious. Like 10-15 mg PER DAY and the normal BIGGEST adult dose is 60--70 per day..

It might be easier just to use nic, but whatever, you asked, so I am answering.

Also it is not TYPICAL for tolerances to JUMP wildly. I was on the same dose of Adderall for over a decade before like, I needed a MINOR increase.

Stimulants.. You aren't going to crave more if you have ADHD (unless you can't find your shoes, maybe then.) Like, it functions OPPOSITELY to a normal child fed stimulants, who would go ape, love it, maybe want more and it can be addictive for THAT LOT.

But if you have ADHD really stims should make you feel normal, or even calm. Etc.

Also unless you have preexisting cardiac issues, really,, they've been around for decades and they are safe. Unless you have had 5 heart attacks and your heart numbers (if you feel freaky about it get an EKG done or whatever) they have minimal side effects.. Appetite loss (as the drug peaks, so eat a good breakfast after work snack and dinner. Etc.) Maybe dry mouth at first, but they're really rather harmless. Honestly.

Okay here endeth my screed.
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