1.0 ohm coils stopped working with my eGO One 2200mAH

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New Member
Dec 31, 2015
I've been using a 1.0 ohm coil for months. I've found that both the 1.0 and .5 coils really suck at drawing the intended 50/50 liquid(right?) so now I drip the liquid directly onto the coil. The coil has lasted far longer this way and the hits always taste great. I don't have to replace them every few days to a week either. When I relied on the tank to supply the liquid, it never tasted great and the coil was constantly going dry. This often lead to me accidentally burning it. I'd have to constantly dry hit the thing to get the juice to migrate. I'm considering just trying a drip tip or something.

The coil stopped working yesterday and I don't know why. I'm now using an old .5 coil I had lying around in the same way, dripping. I bought a new 1.0 coil but it's not working either. I'm getting a quick/steady blink from the light when I try to fire it. This has happened before and I think it means the circuit isn't complete but I can't figure it out. I don't know what the issue could be if a .5 coil works but a 1.0 doesn't.

TL;DR - .5 ohm coil works but both an old and brand new 1.0 ohm coil won't on my eGO One 2200mAH. Quick/steady light indication when button is pressed.

Edit: So I was playing with the old and new coils and decided to try swapping the metal piece that slips out of the bottom. The old coil now works with the piece from the new coil for some reason. Maybe there was a point where contact wasn't being made. The new coil doesn't work with either piece.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 28, 2014
I suggest you check out the informative thread below.

Basic Coil Building And Safety For Beginners

Try not vary much from the advice posited in this guide. The reason behind suggesting it is for your safety.

What tanks are you using? I myself use Smok ARO, T-Dux 3, T-Dux 4 as well as an unnamed manufacture's RGM2 tanks. These work very well for me. Yes, I do clean them about every two weeks. I drop used, dirty heads into a small container of 80 proof vodka. Then, vape on a new head for two weeks & occasionally give the container a few gentle shakes. After two weeks, I rinse the heads with hot tap water, remove any debris with a pin & paper towel.

Yes, I have rebuilt & had these heads rebuilt. Usual course for wick material here is Redi-X kiln fired wick. I do dry fire coils after rinsing, simple few short quick pulses. I let the water steam off before popping the head into a tank. Using this method & material, not had any real issues with juice not drawing. You also may want to consider using cotton as wick. You need to replace wicks, that's a given. If you're doing that with some of these kind of tanks, replacing a wick, may as well rebuild the coil too.

I find the heads I use are bought for rather affordable prices. I pay ~$1 for single coil heads per unit & ~$2 for dual coil heads per unit. If a head gets to be too far gone, say about 3-6 months, easier to just toss an old one and buy a five pack every once in a while. If your concerned about sanitary issues you can boil the heads. That will in effect sterilize them, killing all sorts of nasty virus & bacteria. It will also break free a lot of the gunk.

I too use 50%/50% juice for the most part. Once in a while I may use a little 40-30%/60-70%. Some juices simply like a little more VG than PG, I find. The 50/50 though suits me in most cases, it's a nice moderate base. You could also try upping your mix to say 70/30, 80/20 with being heavier on the PG. It is thinner and may not gunk up your heads as quickly.

Also, rinsing out tanks is a good idea as well. Not boiled any yet but may start adding that to cleaning process. If you've tanks you can take apart, they clean easier too. Obviously, you don't want to boil plastic tanks but a hot tap water rinse ought not hurt anything. I got away from plastic tanks on account of using juices known as tank crackers. I use Pyrex based tanks now, or stainless steel barreled tanks. These are really nice. :)
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Senior Member
Dec 21, 2015
I''m not so sure, maybe you have to buy this exactly coil for it to work:


I''m now using Ego-one same as yours. However, mine is the fake one (at the first time, I do not know much about e-cigs, and my place has very limited supplies). Therefore, I have a lot of problem about it (leaking, burning taste, harsh flavor, ect...), but I have a lot of experience with it. Lol >.< . Do you have the same problem like me ? Just talk, if there is maybe the way to get out of it I will help you !
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 1, 2012
Mallorca, Spain
Alright I called the shop and found out why. Apparently the coils with blue rings aren't meant to run through straight power; they're for temperature control in newer devices. The coils that work on my device have black rings.

The 1Ω coil should work regardless of it's o-ring color.
You are having connection/continuity problems.

The vertical coil CL heads never performed well for me, I prefer the CLR horizontal coil heads.
The Ego one is a fine unit, but the airflow needs to be almost closed to get a "cigarette like" draw and hit.
For a new user, most don't draw sharply and strongly enough to create the negative pressure needed to pull liquid into the wick/coil.
Another issue with the ego one is condensation.
If vapour is left in the unit, it will condense back to liquid and end up in the bottom/AFC area.
Solution: Fire as normal and draw, release the button and continue to draw for another second to clear the unit at the end of your hit.
No vapour in the tube, no condensation (some say leaking) in the AFC area.

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Senior Member
Dec 21, 2015
I agree with Izan, Ego one is fine, but It has a lot of problems itself. For me, burning taste (fixed), leaking a lot to the bottom (AFC area) air hole .. if I keep it up-right position long enough or the e-liquid almost running out. However, there is one thing that I do not know is the harsh taste. When I do not use it about 1 hour, 3-4 puffs will have very harsh taste. Do not know why?

Sr for my poor English !


Full Member
Jan 5, 2016
The ego one coil with the blue oring is a coil made of nickle, designed for a mod capable of temp control which the ego one 2200mah is not. It will fire in power mode but will burn out pretty much instantly. The blinking light is likely due to the fact that the resistance of that nickle coil is too low for your mod, 0.15 if I remember correctly.
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Senior Member
Dec 21, 2015
And how about the leaking issue of the ego one 2200mah. I mean the leaking that happens when the e-liquid is nearly running out of the tank, and this leaking also happen when I keep my ego in the up-right position in some time when I do not use it. I do try a lot of research to find out how to fix, but nothing can help. If there is a way, please teach me how to fix !

I''m sr for my poor English !
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