►►Welcome to little shop of vapors official opening thread◄◄

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 28, 2010
Suffolk County, New York
I just place an order at RAWR Vapor - Earl Gray ...., Banana Cream Pie, and two more I cannot remember at this moment but were a re re-order so I know I like them.

I am vaping the last of my Earl Gray .... on, get this, a joyetech eGo cartomizer on an eGo 650 from waaaaay back. I forgot I had a couple. Not bad at all.
BB, thanks for the super fast shipping of the order :) I was busy last week and had to close the store to have some medical stuff taken care of with my back, so didn't have a chance to thank you. The batts I got from you got "ganked" by my oldest son, he's been off smokes since Sat! Yay! Now my soon to be DIL wants one too so I guess I need to order more :)

I'll need 2 batts a charger and some 1.7 single coil cartos for them. Is it best to just buy a kit? LMK either here or by PM but would like to order tonight or in the morning so I can get it to them Sat.

Thanks again for the great service!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 28, 2010
Suffolk County, New York
Isn't that just like a kid? Swiping their parent's vape? I made up a kit that I think will fit just right and it will be sent out in the morn.

I added a couple of treats just because. :)

True story - good friend, fellow vapor and mentor Jason lent me a ProVari.
Seriously lent me a ProVari.
Sick right?
Lives 3000 miles away and just pops it in the mail for me to play with.

It only took a tank of Gooey Better Cake and I am hooked.

So all this karma from NY to MO to CA will wind up as a new ProVari purchase. LOL!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 28, 2010
Suffolk County, New York
One of the very first juices I vaped in 2010 - Honey Beez - arrived today.

I swear it tastes just like Honey Nut Cheeriois.

Committed a 5ml Smoktech MEGA carto with no problem. Serious throat hit and excellent vapor.

Nice and warm on a Buzz Pro set to about the middle of the dial.

It's a wonderful thing. :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 28, 2010
Suffolk County, New York
There was a time I would but unfortunately/fortunately you are no longer my only west coast customer. You will always be my first though. :p

I think I may close this as an official opening thread and start a chatty sort of thread for vaping discussion but also other bits and pieces - pugs, food, pug, wine, pugs, and I am sure there are other things in life but the wine is making it hard to think of them.

Hey! Is there a wine juice? Would you vape a merlot?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 28, 2010
Suffolk County, New York
Sash - I think you have one but not the exclusive design for little shop of vapors made by Phiniac Glass.

Check it out! little-shop.jpg
Phiniac Glass Sandblasted Tank


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Oct 20, 2010
That's a nice one, BB. Are you gonna start carrying them now? You should have had her put Tootsie on the tank. :D

I have 3 Phiniac tanks. 1-plain regular, 1-textured Tall Boy, and my newest is a regular textured Phiniac that I received yesterday. For some reason the textured ones are the ones that call out my name.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 28, 2010
Suffolk County, New York
I am not carrying them, no, but this one is exclusively mine - all mine! LOL!
It can be purchased at Phiniac Glass through the link at little shop of vapors or at Phiniacs site.

Tootsie was too tiny for a tank, my "shop" was quite generic for a tank but who does not like a fresh bunch of sunflowers?

Textured sashwa?
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