Finding Your Perfect Hit: How to increase your nicotine concentration


I've made 60ml of e-liquid with 5% flavoring and 1mg/ml of nicotine concentration, I've already consumed 12ml but I can't stop vaping and I don’t feel enough hit, I think I'm missing some nicotine. I'd like to increase the nicotine concentration. What can I do?


Since we want to increase the nicotine concentration in our current e-liquid, we'll need to add some nicotine booster.

Let's see what the current constraints are:

- We have 48ml of e-liquid
- We have a 60ml bottle
- We have 20mg/ml nicotine booster (the same one used to create the e-liquid).

Let's do some calculations to find the actual composition of the e-liquid:

- 48ml * 0.05 = 2.4 ml aroma
- 1mg/ml * 48ml = 48mg nicotine
- 48mg / 20mg/ml = 2.4ml nicotine booster with 20mg/ml
- 48ml - 2.4ml aroma - 2.4ml nicotine booster = 43.2 ml base

It would be nice to know what maximum nicotine concentration can be achieved with these constraints. We have 12ml of available space in the bottle. If we add 12ml of nicotine booster at 20mg/ml, we get 240mg of nicotine that can be added to the current 48mg.
We can therefore calculate the maximum nicotine concentration we can achieve:


The maximum nicotine concentration that can be achieved our 60ml bottle is 4.8mg/ml.

However, if you don't know which nicotine concentration is right for us, it's wiser to try increasing the concentration little by little. Let's do the math to reach a nicotine concentration of 2mg/ml to start with.






So we've calculated that we need to add 2.67ml of nicotine booster to increase the nicotine concentration from 1mg/ml to 2mg/ml.

Cool, now you can test the new e-liquid and see if it suits you better! And if it’s still not enough, ou can repeat the previous step and calculate again for a higher nicotine concentration.

That conclude this article ! Bye !

Hey! We've added booster to our e-liquid to increase nicotine concentration, but isn't this diluting the e-liquid's aroma concentration?

... Yes, it does. It's not too serious though but keep in mind that if the difference between the base concentration and the final concentration is bigger. Then there will be a biffer difference in aroma concentration. If we had increased the nicotine concentration to 4.8mg/ml, which is the maximum we could achieve within the constraints, we would have lost 1% of the flavor concentration.

We started with 2,4ml of aroma (48ml at 5% aroma).

So with the same amount of flavoring for 60ml because we added 12ml of nicotine booster with no flavoring. We then have:


We obtain 4% of aroma concentration. It's 1% less, which isn't too serious, but maintaining one concentration while trying to increase the other is more complex and will surely be the subject of another article!

But don't worry, in the meantime you can make those calculation with the our calculator, which already allows you to increase the nicotine concentration while maintaining the flavor concentration at the starting level! Don't hesitate to try it out, it's as easy as pie! Go take a look here ;)



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