vivi nova modders

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Mar 5, 2012
This peice of crap with potential has been stashed away in my junk drawer for weeks now...

Surely someone, somewhere has done some experimenting with these and solved the bad taste issue?

They vape like a freight train but the vapor tastes like crap. Now im pretty sure the consensus is that the coils legs heat up and burn the rubber isolation grommet in turn causing the nasty unhealthy taste. I have noticed myself a little black burnt residue on the rubber grommet.

I dont think the kanthal wire or silica wick could be causing the foul taste because i tried extensively cleaning them with the same results...

So has anyone tried replacing the coil and wicks??? I was about to replace them in a head and see if it solves the problem but dont want to waste anymore juice or time on this thing unless I know for sure what the culprit is to the foul tasting vapor.

If its the rubber grommet burning then i dont think changing the coil and wick will help if still using the same grommet, but stardusts are nearly identical in design but dont give off the nasty taste, only difference is stardusts use a silicone isolation sleeve instead of the white rubber one in the vivi.

Any findings,solutions, or opinions from anyone who has messed around with these would be awesome. They do have potential and just want to get it vaping without tasting like crap. Ive been following the official gotvape vivi nova thread but i think a hammer would be more helpful.
They unloaded these tanks on people , they dont work right and in my opinion are unsafe, then the owner goes on rants and acts like we are the problem when people complain and he has done nothing in offering a solution except to wait and buy the next version or the next version replacement heads, im good no thanks, wont get my business again.

It seems about half of the people with these have the bad tasting vapor problem. I dont know if the other half just cant notice the taste or there is just varying amounts of the taste that isnt as destinguishable to people, or if some of these really work as intended.....
I am just looking for a definative cause and solution

thanks in advance.


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Mar 5, 2012
Be careful guys- If these are indeed burning off the rubber grommet- it cant be good for you, its not a super bad "burnt rubber" taste, just a mild off flavor and the flavor from the juice is just really weakened by it- I can notice it night and day because my modded vision stone 3 tastes like it should- tons of vapor and flavor, the nova is tons of vapor and an off flavor.


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Mar 5, 2012
This may seem silly, but maybe swap the grommet to a silicone one? Just an idea I had.

I have a V2 on the way and hope it's all good. Rebuildable heads are the ticket to these.

Ive thought about doing this too when I had a head apart but I think the harder rubber was used because this grommet must hold and support the center positive post and keep it in place, silicone may be too pliable and squishy


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Mar 5, 2012
Took an old ce2, took the wick out, doubled it over (2 x as thick) wrapped some cheap nichrome from madvapes around it, rebuilt it, and it's working great. Go for a little over 3 ohms and use it at 4.5ish volts. I've had great success with that.

glad to hear someones got one working! So the off taste was completely gone after a rewick/recoil?

Maybee they used some funky cheap wick material or heating wire in these and that was what was causing the nasty taste...

I guess I should of just tried rewicking and coiling one when I had all my stuff out the other day.
I will be happy if this is all thats needed to solve the issue, I will try it out this weekend when I have some time.

Anyone else eliminated the problem by rewicking and recoiling one of these heads?


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Oct 30, 2009
Clearwater, Florida
Well according to the good folks at Gotvapes, the fact that all 18 heads that came with the 6 Nova's I bought taste like crap, is all in my head!!! No worries, apparently because they didn't design the crappy heads, it's not their fault, but I can buy the new improved heads from them when they come out. Shame on me for falling for their hype! Never again.


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Mar 5, 2012
Well according to the good folks at Gotvapes, the fact that all 18 heads that came with the 6 Nova's I bought taste like crap, is all in my head!!! No worries, apparently because they didn't design the crappy heads, it's not their fault, but I can buy the new improved heads from them when they come out. Shame on me for falling for their hype! Never again.
This is exactlly what im talking about. Ive watched youtube vid after vid about these tasting like crap, read thread after thread about it too, but on the gotvapes official thread about it- he acts like we are all crazy- he runs his mouth - and he wants you to spend more money. Ive never bashed a vendor but gv has horrible products, packaging, and customer service.


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Oct 30, 2009
Clearwater, Florida
No, we're not looking for a tutorial on how to rebuild the garbage we bought so that it's usable. If I wanted a rebuildable atty I would have bought one. Instead, I have $100 worth of nothing sitting somewhere in a drawer. I don't usually bother dealing with the "Sucker Born Every Minute" vendors but in this case I made an error in judgment based on the fact that I was trying to help out a few new vapors and thought that the Nova would be easier for them to use rather than punching holes in carto's. Fool me once ..............


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Feb 3, 2011
Actually, that is exactly what the OP asked for.

You are in the modding forum. If they suck, and you're unwilling to fix them, then just throw them out and complain to the vendor.

If enough people complain maybe one day they will stop buying unreliable, underperforming and unproven trash from China and expecting the consumer to iron out the issues for the next revision.


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Feb 3, 2011
BTW I have used the Vivi and complained about the bare nichrome run in the rebuild thread.

It's astonishing that someone purposefully designed them like that and I am convinced that they never actually vaped them before shopping them to vendors. The only solution is to rebuild them with no resistance wire from the coil to the post or to just not buy them in the first place.


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Feb 3, 2011
You're correct! Sorry, I had to vent! I guess I thought he was looking for a way to tweak them into working better, not rebuild them. anyways, good luck to all.

No worries, I understand your frustration. These are not Boge cartos that cost a buck and change that you can just throw away if one stinks, they are 10$ or 15$ investments in a system.


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Mar 5, 2012
I just recoiled and rewicked mine, I didnt have any no resistance wire except for the insulated wire pulled out of old cartos and wasnt sure if it would be ok to use this without the insulation on the wire, and had problems with it so what I did was doubled the kanthal on the coils legs , hopefully this will add enough resistance to the legs of the coil to not heat up, havnt tried it out yet, tired from work but ill post my results.


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Mar 5, 2012
well..... doubling the coil legs worked great!

I did a 2ohm 5-wrap coil 32awg over 3 lengths of wick, I left about an inch of kanthal for the coil legs and folded the legs in half and tightly twisted them, this effectively should cut the resistance of the legs in half, did a dry burn test and the inner coil lights up nicely and slowly works to the outer coils, the legs are not glowing and not getting hot, no burnt or funny taste, the flavor is great now

Gummy Bear

Vaping Master
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Oct 10, 2010
orlando fl
Ah, just found this thread. I love the ViVi. But I bought it so I could mod it. It comes with 3 heads, So I can rebuild for a long long time with the only wear part being the rubber. If you guys think it is a problem with the rubber seal burning, simply pull it out and look and see if it is. Otherwise I would think it is the wick. I re-wick with #4 cotton yarn and 32 ga. Kanthal to 2 ohms. The cotton does taste a lot better but only after about 2 days. I have ran one coil for over 3 weeks at 5 ml/day with no gunk at all.

If there are any of you guys that just hate their ViVi, By all means send it to me.
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