PIF discussion thread

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ECF Veteran
Apr 7, 2009
Ardenthope has brought a valid point to the PIF thread, instead of clogging that thread with responses we will do it here.

posted by Ardenthope********Doesn't count********OT

I'm going to say something that is probably going to pi$$ some people off but, I have to say it, flames be darned. PIF is not what is happening on this thread. This is a trading thread. Sure, some people are giving from their hearts, but many are "clamoring to get the good stuff". It's not a bad thing, just call it what it is. Trading forward, swapping forward and the like.

What's happening on the What I Need/What I Want threads, now those people are paying it forward. They are giving of themselves and not requiring anything in return - the true definition of Pay It Forward. What's happening over there is why I joined this group and--- if I'm allowed to stay in the group after posting this comment---, where I will stay.

I am sorry if I upset you, I just wanted to voice my thoughts to my friends (I consider everyone involved with PIF my friends).


There will be no flaming in this post at all,
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Vaping Master
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Nov 1, 2009
Mtns of Tennessee
I think Ardent has a valid point....but this is a giving thread. I have taken things I didnt necessarily need but thought i could offer it up later on.

It's about giving, folks....the receiving is just an extra bonus.

It makes me feel good inside to offer up something that someone else hasnt tried or wants to try. Honestly, if i dont get something in return..its not a problem for me.

I understand everyone's thoughts....and while they all are valid points......its basically a giving thread.

My views are this.......Even if you don't have much to offer up and you see something that you would like.....Take it...

It doesnt matter if you think you dont have something " as good". ...so be it....someone will need or want what you have to offer...and if not...others will add to it.

It's all about the joy it brings to our heart to pass along "goodies" to others...


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Jan 10, 2010
From a newbie perspective, I watch this thread often and it feels very warm and giving to me. It seems to me that this is a good thing. I, for one, love having a place to go where I can try lots of new things and offer up some things for others to try (and enjoy) as well. I personally ordered 50 empty sample bottles the day after discovering this thread so that I can start making samples of all of my favorite juices and not just the ones I wanted to dump. I love them so much that I want others to try them and this is a good way for me to "pay it forward" in that way. At least, that's what it means to me.


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Jan 20, 2010
Williamsburg, VA
I have to agree with what a lot of people have said.. while I can see that it might look that way for one.. I am new here and new to vaping.. and I see a whole lot of people "paying forward" juice that I might love and not otherwise get to try.. I don't know about anyone else's financial situations, but I can't afford to spend hundreds in a pop trying different juices. So.. I need to say a HUGE thank you to those who pay it forward, as it greatly reduces the trial and error stage for others. I, too, have now purchased some bigger bottles in hopes to be able to help out someone else when they're in need.. I think what you guys do here is outstanding, and hope that it continues.. the generosity I've seen from this group in the short time I've been watching is tremendous. More than once, tears have dropped. I've only participated one time, as I don't have much to offer as of yet.. but know that what you guys are doing is truly paying it forward.

(I am also glad it's been moved to another thread)

Back to my blueberry cheesecake.. that's simply my :2c:


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Jan 10, 2010
The PiF thread has helped me so much as I have not been able to buy my own liquids, it has helped me try enough to find a few that I really enjoy and it has helped me give back. It is far from a simple swap and that is the one part of Ardent's post that offended me.

Yes! This is exactly how I feel. The PIF thread has been so wonderful for that and I haven't even received any of my juices yet as I've only just started! I am so excited that I will be able to try out different vendors, flavors and mixes. I could never afford to do this on my own and I love being able to offer something that someone else might want to try.


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Jan 27, 2010
North Carolina
You know, I've gotten many things that I've needed and wanted from the PIF thread. I've also given a lot of it to my sister and friends that I've gotten into vaping with the hope that they will give up smoking. And even though I've never felt like my offerings were the greatest (I just don't have a lot of stuff...since I'm always giving it away), no one has ever made me feel bad about it. I offer what I can, I take what's needed or really wanted, then offer what I have...and to my knowledge that's how it's supposed to work. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Vaping Master
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Feb 27, 2010
Well this is what I think, Alot more stuff is going on in this group. Now we have what do I want and need threads! I have given and received in these threads with nothing asked in returned both ways! People are giving their stuff away!!!! So if it seems people are not offering up as much on the pif thread that could be why. And you do not HAVE to accept and offer. If the offer is not take many of us add and ask nothing in return! I think everyone need to relax and have fun! just my 2 cents!


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Jan 10, 2010
Bianca, that seems like the heart of it to me. I also share everything I get with my very few friends that I've gotten into vaping. So this thread doesn't only help me, it helps out people in my personal life as well. I love giving and never expect a single thing in return. I've been that way my whole life and if I could afford to buy everyone their dream set-up I would. This way I get to help spread the love.


Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Apr 7, 2009
One thing that we need to remember, if someone takes an offer and doesn't offer something up, who is that going to help? If there is nothing to take, then the thread will die.

Like I have always said, and have put in the guidelines, offers do not have to be equal.

The only real time limit is on the dibs and BRBs so the thread doesn't just sit there. Shoot, I've had offers myself sit all night and no one take it. And I usually make pretty good offers.


Vaping Master
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Dec 31, 2009
SF East Bay
I think it's easy to misunderstand someone's intent in a forum such as this. And I think some are misunderstanding the point being made. I don't think it has anything to do with what someone can't afford to offer but rather if they never do and can.

I took from the post that we don't want to stray too far from the feeling we get from giving and the joy of receiving something we want and have it turn into a game with no concern for each other. I've only seen this happen on a couple of occasions and with new members to PIF. It takes awhile for people to understand the love we have for each other and coming from the big forum where it's often dog eat dog it's a bit of an adjustment and learning process. Those of us with more experience can lead by example. But never should we allow members to be harmed by mean words. That's NOT what this is all about... it's about feeling good. That's what I think. :D


They call me 'Tibs"
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Feb 23, 2010
Yeah, and there's alot of stuff going on in PMs "behind the scenes" also.

how very true!!!!
the only pif transaction i ever did was not the best. the little mod came in pieces and naturally without battery. i now got the battery but it doesn't work. guess what? karr offered to fix it for me!!!
so, there are a lot of things going on behind the official thread: gooddog wanting to expand my horizon with juice samples, jules offering contact lens cases for dipping my 401, unsure running a little give-away
really, lots and lots of nice people and i hope we won't lose the spirit of the group


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Mar 25, 2010
Newnan, Georgia, United States
PIF is about giving - not receiving. This is the only point I wish to make.

I'm not singling anyone out, I'm not wagging my finger, I'm in NO way angry or feel wronged in any way whatsoever.

When one person gives, another recieves, and the only way to know how well it is working is to hear from the recievers and their/our experience. It seems obvious to me that this thread is indeed accomplishing a good bit of what the group is about, though at the same time, obviously this isn't what the whole group is about, which is why we have other threads/stickies. Different ideas and people coming together in the same group with like minded ideals.


Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Apr 7, 2009
how very true!!!!
the only pif transaction i ever did was not the best. the little mod came in pieces and naturally without battery. i now got the battery but it doesn't work. guess what? karr offered to fix it for me!!!
so, there are a lot of things going on behind the official thread: gooddog wanting to expand my horizon with juice samples, jules offering contact lens cases for dipping my 401, unsure running a little give-away
really, lots and lots of nice people and i hope we won't lose the spirit of the group

I'm glad you posted that. I forgot about, lol I have a little notebook that I write things in and I haven't had a chance to look at it yet today with everything going one. Sorry :oops:
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