Perhaps, A Better Way

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Ultra Member
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Dec 18, 2011
Rochester, NY
Don put this together quite a while ago; but it is still very relevant:

This is located in the ECF-Library - The ECF Library

I found Don's wonderful info AFTER I bought my first 808 kit. Luckily I bought one good enough to keep me somewhat happy and off of analogs for a couple months. I have bought two other kits since then. But the info in those posts are dated 2009. With soooooo many new products and changes it could use an update. The post also gives threads to learn more about specific models which is great BUT then you just get overwhelmed with information overload and pissing wars about whose product is best.

Something in between the two would be great. It would be even better if it had links to videos with basic "how to's".

It's a big task but maybe a veteran with lots of experience would be willing to take the time to do that.

Just my newbie humble opinion! :)


Ultra Member
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Dec 9, 2011
Upstate NY, USA
Please dont' misunderstand. I'm not referring to people who buy a drugstore e-cig, then come here to research alternative. They have what they have and they should simply be informed that when they get tired of the constant battery changes, or they feel dissatisfied with the performance, the reason is simply because of the choice they made when they had no information.

My comments are directed toward veterans who, when newbs come here asking what is a good starter, recommend some cigarette look alike. Economy is not a justification. From the stories I've read, plenty of people have paid $100-200 already for a V2 or Blu starter kit and a months worth of cartridges, not to mention the mall and "Free-Trial" deals.

A kGo can kit with 2 batts, charger, atty, 10 cartos and juice can be had for ~$75. My one and only objection is to those veterans who insist that a kit like that is not suitable for a newbie because he has a "mindset" or "concept" that his first e-cig should look like a cigarette. That's my only point. It does a disservice to newbs, puts them on the path to what they will likely soon feel was an unnecessary first step and might even turn them off to vaping altogether. No matter what anyone says, no matter how many times certain posters call me closed-minded or whatever, you can't deny physics and chemistry. A small battery does not and cannot perform like a larger one. That's simply a fact, not an opinion.

If a newb is hellbent on a cig lookalike, that's one thing. I still believe that it is only responsible to discourage them from going that route and, yes, making that mistake. Because the chances are very high that that is what they will consider it. Thousands of testimonials on this forum bear that out. And there is certainly no justification for assuming that it's the way they ought to start or that they'd be confused with something else. To take that attitude is simply patronizing them.

I got it, I knew what you meant.


ECF Guru
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Sep 17, 2010
Other Places
Unfortunately, there's no right or wrong stuff to buy. It's all based upon what you like and what makes YOU happy. I could make a video of my past 18 months, but who wants to sit through a 24 hour video. I started with the Joye 510 and have gone through almost all of the models. I happily landed in modworld and I'm staying here. As for wasted money, I've had my fair share. And for juice, ppppfffftttt...don't even go there.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 5, 2012
I understand that you think this thread has veered off topic, it definitely has. I understand that you think some people are too vociferous in their insistence that mini and super mini e-cigs are useless, I disagree but will accept your point of view. I don't understand why that makes the discussion involving different points of view useless, and I don't understand why you veered off into a personal attack. The last especially bothered me. I guess I'm saying, it's offensive to come in a forum designed for discussion and call any ones contribution a broken record that's not worth wasting your time arguing with with while at the same time and with no basis calling their reasons for voicing those opinions in to question. Your post #91 made me wish we had a dislike button in these forums, and I don't feel that way very often here.

It's simple really. Some were getting too fired up and others were fanning the flames. Just a bit of tough love to make people calm down a touch.

Did it work?
I think so.

Does everyone hate me now?
If so, my job here is done. You'll get over it. I already have.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
Podunk, FLA
It's simple really. Some were getting too fired up and others were fanning the flames. Just a bit of tough love to make people calm down a touch.

Did it work?
I think so.

Does everyone hate me now?
If so, my job here is done. You'll get over it. I already have.

No, it didn't "work".
And isn't that the philosophy of a troll, to consider it their job to make everyone hate them?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
Podunk, FLA
Unfortunately, there's no right or wrong stuff to buy. It's all based upon what you like and what makes YOU happy. I could make a video of my past 18 months, but who wants to sit through a 24 hour video. I started with the Joye 510 and have gone through almost all of the models. I happily landed in modworld and I'm staying here. As for wasted money, I've had my fair share. And for juice, ppppfffftttt...don't even go there.

Unfortunately, with all the overpriced and under-performing junk on the market, there is wrong stuff to buy. It's not all 100% subjective as you're implying. (though I'd agree juice is pretty close). Some stuff is clearly substandard. Yet you still see newbs gushing about how happy they are with stuff they've been using a few weeks, the same stuff that non-newbs know full well is relatively subpar and over priced. I still see a lot of N2N recommendations that make my skin crawl.

What makes someone happy when, like a typical newb, they aren't armed with enough information? The same stuff that's going to make them regret their hasty purchase, or at least rush to upgrade, once they ARE armed with sufficient information.

When I was 16 and choosing my first car, I didn't have the information I needed to make a wise choice. I found a 1966 Firebird OHC hot rod that I thought was perfect. I liked it and it would have made me VERY happy. For awhile, until I bumped up against reality and became more informed. Does that mean it was the right thing to buy? No and, fortunately, someone guided me away from it and toward something that I was happy with long after I would have had to sell that hot rod, (or killed myself), because it wasn't suitable. And a poorly performing car, like a poorly performing PV, is no better an option, even if it claims to "look and taste just like a traditional cigarette."

The majority of newbs who come here looking for their first PVs know about as much about PVs as I knew about the practical implications of a 16 year old h.s. kid with a high performance sports car. They're every bit as capable of being guided away from a mistake as I was.

And for the metaphorically challenged, no I'm not comparing a V2 or a Blu to a Firebird or a newb to a 16 year old. I'm arguing that if someone is not sufficiently informed, they're in no position to evaluate what is going to provide them with anything more than a fleeting moment of happiness. Pointing out that 99% of mini's impose limitations and expenses that most people very quickly tire of, is not being pushy or biased (I'm thankful someone warned me away from that Firebird). It's stating facts that can be verified in thousands of posts right here.
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