Nicoticket returning?

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Feb 4, 2012
Jacksonville FL
You have two choices:
1. Make your own juice, or
2. buy somewhere else.
I don't think you'll get a lot of sympathy here; no one is holding a gun to your head, saying you MUST buy juice from Nicoticket. Those that do, choose to do so. I don't see your theories gaining a lot of traction with those who have been customers for awhile.

I TOTALLY AGREE with you!!! But, my LAST statement here...was to pretty much “Give the guy a chance to prove himself” my normal, overblown, verbose way...I wanted to state, on the record...that I was incorrect...

I AM going to buy my juice somewhere else...but, st the same time...I did not want my rhetoric in favor of “Giving the guy a second chance” is probably not the very wisest idea..

I understand your frustration with me...


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Nov 16, 2011
New Jersey
I TOTALLY AGREE with you!!! But, my LAST statement here...was to pretty much “Give the guy a chance to prove himself” my normal, overblown, verbose way...I wanted to state, on the record...that I was incorrect...

I AM going to buy my juice somewhere else...but, st the same time...I did not want my rhetoric in favor of “Giving the guy a second chance” is probably not the very wisest idea..

I understand your frustration with me...

Not frustrated with you, Via!; I just didn't agree with your theory at all.
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May 31, 2014
I TOTALLY AGREE with you!!! But, my LAST statement here...was to pretty much “Give the guy a chance to prove himself” my normal, overblown, verbose way...I wanted to state, on the record...that I was incorrect...

I AM going to buy my juice somewhere else...but, st the same time...I did not want my rhetoric in favor of “Giving the guy a second chance” is probably not the very wisest idea..

I understand your frustration with me...

Just last week you were defending Nicoticket to the hilt. Making very valid points on why you were a dedicated customer. This must have been quite the reality check for you.. He's already got your money, his little popcorn reference is telling.
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Feb 4, 2012
Jacksonville FL
Not frustrated with you, Via!; I just didn't agree with your theory at all.
Thanks JD...I USUALLY TRY to stay out of “Drama”...I’m just a little old lady, happy with her old ProVari, going on SEVEN YEARS ANALOG FREE!!!

I’ve been down a few roads...the largest was that my oldest “baby sister” had Fetal Alcohol Syndrome...and endured a LOT of bullying, before being killed in an auto accident....(we had the same birth parents) my “OTHER” “baby sister” (we shared the same mother) not only had FAS, but suffered (REALLY SUFFERRED) with Leukemia for several years before it killed her...she was never strong, but no one seemed to give her a break, teased her unmercifully...and, back in the 50s, it was “Sinful” to be of “Mixed” heritage...something no one pays attention to now, used to cause her to be “Stoned” (with rocks) and sliced with a knife...and not just by whites, but by Asians (like she was), o Hispanics, one wanted her one ice cream store, she couldn’t come in the FRONT door with me...she had to go to the BACK DOOR, for “Colored People”...there were times, I would get beaten up because she had claimed she was my sister, and I had said, “yes she was”...

Six years ago, my pregnant daughter-in-Law was found “unresponsive” on the my son, her husband...she and the 7 month old fetus were dead...we only found out she had been a chronic drug abuser for YEARS when the autopsy revealed the damages to her major organs; heart, liver, kidneys, lungs.....

You never know what folks are fighting to survive...and, I suppose something inside me is just triggered when I think I see something unfair, when I’ve never been treated unfairly by someone....and THAT is what I THOUGHT I witnessed, in fact, it was none of my business. I know NOTHING about the person that was being discussed, and ANY input, including “give the guy a chance” wasn’t due to anything he actually acted on, so has no weight at all.

I’m not detailing any interaction I may have had with him, because it doesn’t matter...but I came to the conclusion that my uneducated & unwise support of “someone who produces ejuice for a profit” needs more than just my sympathy to earn support. There are CERTAINLY MANY HARD WORKING, DEDICATED INDIVIDUALS who do more than just “Make eJuice”; they are involved in getting legislation blocked or passed, they join groups that support the Vaping Community, they attend Conventions and meetings and are as involved as Phil Busardo is, they produce videos, showing how they manufacture their products....this list could go on forever...and it is THESE MEN & WOMEN who deserve our support both emotionally and financially.

Anyway...sorry, I went into another rant...I think I need a dog...he would listen, right?

I’m not so sure I agree with my theory either...a week later...I’ll ask the dog, after I get him!
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Feb 4, 2012
Jacksonville FL
Just last week you were defending Nicoticket to the hilt. Making very valid points on why you were a dedicated customer. This must have been quite the reality check for you.. He's already got your money, his little popcorn reference is telling.

He probably burned the popcorn... is an involved issue...of my entire family, there is only my son & I left...we have experienced many tragedies in our family, and as a result, I’ve become close to one of my first about the same time that she lost her job in 2014, her son & his wife lost custody of their three children youngest 6 months, oldest was 5. All three had HORRIBLE allergies...Cigarette smoke included...
To keep those children from going into long term foster care, Hannah adopted all three kids...but the SMOKING was a big issue...

As a PIF...I told Hannah that I would buy everything that she needed if she would STOP SMOKING and VAPE ONLY. She agreed. Like me, she began at 36MG, reduced to 30mg, reduced to 24mg then reduced to me, she tried vaping 12, and finds that she vapes more often and gets less satisfaction; I purchased her the equipment for Sub-ohm vaping, and she complained that all it does is make her “cough up a lung” (she has COPD like I do) So, she went back to 18 and all is well...she is happy. I am happy, she isn’t smoking, she is healthy, and getting better each year, her 90 year old mother is happy...and yes, I still buy her juice.

When my son’s wife and son died several years ago, his income, naturally, was cut in son, the one who introduced me to vaping, to “save my life” so that his baby would have a gramma...drove up to my house about 2 years ago...smoking the cheapest POS tobacco thing in the world...and I wanted to know why...because it’s cheaper than juice, mom...welcome to PIF CENTRAL...I started buying HIS juice & coils, too...18mg Betelgeuse...

So...I thought about everything for a while...I’m buying 18Mg juice for 4 people....

I talked to every one of them...and after getting them excited about their “Favorite Juice” again being available, not one of them complained when I said I thought I needed to find something else, or mix it ourselves, every one of them told me how much they appreciated all that I HAD done for them in the past... even my Betelgeuse son said “Hey, ANY fruity juice will do, Mom! It doesn’t Have to be EXPENSIVE to be GOOD! You are letting a very SMALL thing work on you! Let it go! OTHER PEOPLE MAKE 18MG, & they will be HAPPY TO HAVE YOU AS A CUSTOMER!”

And I realized...that he was right...

I have been retired too long...& forgot how business worked!

Kent Brooks

Resting In Peace
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Apr 24, 2013
Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Just last week you were defending Nicoticket to the hilt. Making very valid points on why you were a dedicated customer. This must have been quite the reality check for you.. He's already got your money, his little popcorn reference is telling.

What else do I have to say besides "I don't make 18mg?"
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Senior Member
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Nov 12, 2014
What else do I have to say besides "I don't make 18mg?"

hey Kent...

did you stop because of demand? i dont recall if it was an option for your relaunch.... or was it that it didnt make sense to include in your products as it would then be 3 more SKU's you would have to register with the fda and pay for....

im assuming lack of demand leads into my second theory and that the bottom line was cost, not concern for the customer degrading their product since you always offered it in the past. so that doesnt make sense

Kent Brooks

Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2013
Omaha, Nebraska, United States
hey Kent...

did you stop because of demand? i dont recall if it was an option for your relaunch.... or was it that it didnt make sense to include in your products as it would then be 3 more SKU's you would have to register with the fda and pay for....

im assuming lack of demand leads into my second theory and that the bottom line was cost, not concern for the customer degrading their product since you always offered it in the past. so that doesnt make sense

There are several good reasons but the most important one is taste... that much nicotine results in a bottle I'm comfortable vaping myself personally - and - I'm the guinea pig that personally tests each batch before it goes out - I simply can't test 18mg, it's vile. I don't want to produce bottles that taste bad, and, as unlikely as it might seem - we still get a TON of new vapers who don't know any better, so they order 18mg because more is always better. I take pride in producing tasty eliquid - 18mg spoils the bottle.

Demand was low - and the people who are on 18mg generally don't have an issue going to 12mg. The jump from 12mg to 6mg is much harder for people.

I have all my flavors registered in 0, 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 - but that doesn't mean I will make them.

18 was available at relaunch, I took it off a week ago or so. Most haven't even blinked - 12 tastes better and isn't that far off from 18.I made a business decision, obviously I am going to lose some business for the people who are unwilling to go down to 12mg. I have to accept that.
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