Just received my first Nicoticket order!

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Vaping Master
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Aug 3, 2011
McKinney, TX
Welcome Paperclip! You have just become a member of the most loveable and krazy family ever! We make it our mission to enable you to the best of our ability and we take that job seriously! Nanny will try to recruit you towards PBC and Megan will make ya love GCD! And the Sloth, well you will be buying the 500 ml sample and 2 REOs before you know it! But we mean well! Congrats on your first bottles! I'm sure there will be many more in your future! It's great to have you join us!

Megan Kogijiki Ratchford

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Jul 17, 2013
Arvada, CO
Hey Paperclip, welcome to the NuThouse! That's a nice order you got there, but you missed a few. ;)

If it tastes good vape it! If you like it and want to get a steep on it - order more!

Meg, please stop reading here...

So Paperclip as awesome as GCD is alone I highly recommend getting some CLS in the mix. These two mixed together is just amazeballs yumsauce. If you can grab some Frenilla too and get that into the mix OMG. Don't tell The Don, but I've been mixing frenilla, CLS, and GCD in equal portions and it is a little slice of heaven. Get Stranilla too...it's so darn good it practically brings me to weeps.

Have fun on your trip down the purple brick road and welcome to the family!



Full Member
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Aug 7, 2014
United States
I love the responses guys and gals! This is truly a great community and I'm glad to be a part of it!!

So far this is what I've tried of my juices. All of these are wicked with Rayon. I just picked up some Japanese cotton and looking forward to trying that as well.

GCD (obviously) - In my Igo-W with dual micro coils at .8 ohms. I can't stop dripping this, especially in the morning. Before getting this shipment I was vaping Sour Grape by a local place (DFW Vapors). Very quickly I got the dreaded vapor tongue from the SG and could barely taste the flavor any more. After several sessions with GCD I could actually taste the grape again. GCD is not only an amazing flavor, but seemed to be a great palette cleanser for me. I need to rebuild my Igo-W to a lower ohm and see what the flavor's like around .4 ohm. I will be ordering more of this!

The Virus - In my Veritas clone rda with single micro coil at 1.38 ohms. This is quite good! Before receiving my shipment, this one was the one I was least interested in since I didn't picture a tobacco flavor being very appetizing to me. Because of the rave reviews I got it. I wasn't a regular smoker before starting to vape, so I figured tobacco wasn't for me. I just would bum an analog here an there from friends when going out to a bar and whatnot and. Man, I was wrong! I love this flavor and will be ordering more in the future. It's a nice change from the sweet flavors I'm used to. I really dig it! I need to build this coil at a much lower ohm and see what that's like there too.

Gravity - in a Kayfun Lite+V2 clone from fasttech with a micro coil at 1.17ohms. This one is good but the peach and tangerine seem to have a bit too much bite for me. I'm hoping it will mellow out with a steep and the other flavors will come out more. It's still great, don't get me wrong. This could also be in part because of my Kayfun. This Kayfun was badly manufactured (almost no juice channels and misaligned center post) and I had to modify it to get it working by drilling out the juice channels, drilling out the air hole, etc. This Kayfun definitely doesn't perform as well as my EHpro. I need to try dripping this flavor also to see how it is.

Betelgeuse - In an EHPro Kayfun Lite+ with a micro coil at 1.34ohms. Man, oh wow!!! I LOVE this flavor straight out of the mail. This is exactly what I'm looking for in a sweet fruit flavor. Perfection! I can't stop puffing on this through the day. YUM!!!

I keep telling myself I need to clean out and re-wick one of my drippers and try the other flavors on my list. Every time I say that, I just drip more of the Virus or GCD and say "Oh well, next time". :)

Megan Kogijiki Ratchford

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Jul 17, 2013
Arvada, CO
YAY Paperclip!!! So glad the juices have hit for you! :D

Personally I LOVE GCD beyond all reason or rational thought. That being said Gravity never hit for me. It's not bad, like other juices that clean my drains, but it never really seemed to click for me. With steeping it does mellow out and seem to be more of a blend then the fruits fighting for star billing. ;)

Kent Brooks

Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2013
Omaha, Nebraska, United States
I love the responses guys and gals! This is truly a great community and I'm glad to be a part of it!!

So far this is what I've tried of my juices. All of these are wicked with Rayon. I just picked up some Japanese cotton and looking forward to trying that as well.

GCD (obviously) - In my Igo-W with dual micro coils at .8 ohms. I can't stop dripping this, especially in the morning. Before getting this shipment I was vaping Sour Grape by a local place (DFW Vapors). Very quickly I got the dreaded vapor tongue from the SG and could barely taste the flavor any more. After several sessions with GCD I could actually taste the grape again. GCD is not only an amazing flavor, but seemed to be a great palette cleanser for me. I need to rebuild my Igo-W to a lower ohm and see what the flavor's like around .4 ohm. I will be ordering more of this!

The Virus - In my Veritas clone rda with single micro coil at 1.38 ohms. This is quite good! Before receiving my shipment, this one was the one I was least interested in since I didn't picture a tobacco flavor being very appetizing to me. Because of the rave reviews I got it. I wasn't a regular smoker before starting to vape, so I figured tobacco wasn't for me. I just would bum an analog here an there from friends when going out to a bar and whatnot and. Man, I was wrong! I love this flavor and will be ordering more in the future. It's a nice change from the sweet flavors I'm used to. I really dig it! I need to build this coil at a much lower ohm and see what that's like there too.

Gravity - in a Kayfun Lite+V2 clone from fasttech with a micro coil at 1.17ohms. This one is good but the peach and tangerine seem to have a bit too much bite for me. I'm hoping it will mellow out with a steep and the other flavors will come out more. It's still great, don't get me wrong. This could also be in part because of my Kayfun. This Kayfun was badly manufactured (almost no juice channels and misaligned center post) and I had to modify it to get it working by drilling out the juice channels, drilling out the air hole, etc. This Kayfun definitely doesn't perform as well as my EHpro. I need to try dripping this flavor also to see how it is.

Betelgeuse - In an EHPro Kayfun Lite+ with a micro coil at 1.34ohms. Man, oh wow!!! I LOVE this flavor straight out of the mail. This is exactly what I'm looking for in a sweet fruit flavor. Perfection! I can't stop puffing on this through the day. YUM!!!

I keep telling myself I need to clean out and re-wick one of my drippers and try the other flavors on my list. Every time I say that, I just drip more of the Virus or GCD and say "Oh well, next time". :)

IF this crew were a deck of cards, it would be all jokers. Welcome aboard m8!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 28, 2013
I love the responses guys and gals! This is truly a great community and I'm glad to be a part of it!!

So far this is what I've tried of my juices. All of these are wicked with Rayon. I just picked up some Japanese cotton and looking forward to trying that as well.

GCD (obviously) - In my Igo-W with dual micro coils at .8 ohms. I can't stop dripping this, especially in the morning. Before getting this shipment I was vaping Sour Grape by a local place (DFW Vapors). Very quickly I got the dreaded vapor tongue from the SG and could barely taste the flavor any more. After several sessions with GCD I could actually taste the grape again. GCD is not only an amazing flavor, but seemed to be a great palette cleanser for me. I need to rebuild my Igo-W to a lower ohm and see what the flavor's like around .4 ohm. I will be ordering more of this!

The Virus - In my Veritas clone rda with single micro coil at 1.38 ohms. This is quite good! Before receiving my shipment, this one was the one I was least interested in since I didn't picture a tobacco flavor being very appetizing to me. Because of the rave reviews I got it. I wasn't a regular smoker before starting to vape, so I figured tobacco wasn't for me. I just would bum an analog here an there from friends when going out to a bar and whatnot and. Man, I was wrong! I love this flavor and will be ordering more in the future. It's a nice change from the sweet flavors I'm used to. I really dig it! I need to build this coil at a much lower ohm and see what that's like there too.

Gravity - in a Kayfun Lite+V2 clone from fasttech with a micro coil at 1.17ohms. This one is good but the peach and tangerine seem to have a bit too much bite for me. I'm hoping it will mellow out with a steep and the other flavors will come out more. It's still great, don't get me wrong. This could also be in part because of my Kayfun. This Kayfun was badly manufactured (almost no juice channels and misaligned center post) and I had to modify it to get it working by drilling out the juice channels, drilling out the air hole, etc. This Kayfun definitely doesn't perform as well as my EHpro. I need to try dripping this flavor also to see how it is.

Betelgeuse - In an EHPro Kayfun Lite+ with a micro coil at 1.34ohms. Man, oh wow!!! I LOVE this flavor straight out of the mail. This is exactly what I'm looking for in a sweet fruit flavor. Perfection! I can't stop puffing on this through the day. YUM!!!

I keep telling myself I need to clean out and re-wick one of my drippers and try the other flavors on my list. Every time I say that, I just drip more of the Virus or GCD and say "Oh well, next time". :)

Someone sounds like a perfect candidate for a you know what :D

Edit: Build beat me to it so how about a screenshot?



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 13, 2013
Honolulu, HI, USA
Here' comes Keith around the flank - hide, quick! :evil:

(talked to Katy about a Hawaii trip, sooner than later I hope!)

Plenty of Reo'/ NT' fans around now. We have to hit the uninitiated hard and fast to get our licks in. :laugh:

I don't think she's going to need a whole lot of persuading. You could even write-off some of it if you decide to check out the vape shops here.


Full Member
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Aug 7, 2014
United States
I'm more into the tube style mod than the box mod, but the Reo looks really cool! Damn you, vape community! I shouldn't be spending all this money!!! I can see the Reo in my future, but for now I'd rather spend that $$$ on some NT juice. :p

Do they have any plans to make a VV/VW Reo? I already have a mech and want to get something regulated for my next mod. I was thinking Provari.

So yesterday I saw a new vape shop that opened up in town so I went in for a look. Their juices were pretty mediocre from what I tried but they did carry a few name brands. They asked if I had any suggestions, so of course I suggested Nicoticket! They said they had never heard of it but might be interested. I just so happened to have my Kayfun filled with Betelgeuse on me so I let them try it. Both workers were absolutely floored and had never tasted anything as good! They quickly penciled down Nicoticket to tell they shop owner about. A customer was also in the shop and asked to try it as well. She couldn't believe the flavor compared to what was offered in the shop. I'm hoping they will get in touch with NT. It would be great to pick up some NT locally! :)

So now I have also tried Hummingbird and Grap3 Ap3. They are both great flavors! The Hummingbird is really nice, but not the type of flavor I want to vape for more than several puffs before wanting to switch to another flavor. It's both subtle in flavor and strong at the same time. It produced HUGE clouds on my IGO-W at .6 ohms. Almost too much vapor for me. The GA is a very different grapes than I've tasted before. To me it's like grape candy mixed with smarties candy. I taste it more on the exhale than the inhale. It's REALLY nice. The Grape Ape I've picked up before (DFW Vapors) is more of a grape bubble gum. I'd love to see a grape bubble gum from NT that tastes just like grape Big League Chew! I'd be all over that.

The only flavors of my NT shipment that I haven't tried yet are CLS and CB. I plan to do so soon, but then let them steep for a good bit.

The Virus is growing on me more and more with every vape. I love it especially first thing in the morning and before bed. It truely is a virus. WOW!

Have a great vaping day people!

Kent Brooks

Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2013
Omaha, Nebraska, United States
I'm more into the tube style mod than the box mod, but the Reo looks really cool! Damn you, vape community! I shouldn't be spending all this money!!! I can see the Reo in my future, but for now I'd rather spend that $$$ on some NT juice. :p

Do they have any plans to make a VV/VW Reo? I already have a mech and want to get something regulated for my next mod. I was thinking Provari.

So yesterday I saw a new vape shop that opened up in town so I went in for a look. Their juices were pretty mediocre from what I tried but they did carry a few name brands. They asked if I had any suggestions, so of course I suggested Nicoticket! They said they had never heard of it but might be interested. I just so happened to have my Kayfun filled with Betelgeuse on me so I let them try it. Both workers were absolutely floored and had never tasted anything as good! They quickly penciled down Nicoticket to tell they shop owner about. A customer was also in the shop and asked to try it as well. She couldn't believe the flavor compared to what was offered in the shop. I'm hoping they will get in touch with NT. It would be great to pick up some NT locally! :)

So now I have also tried Hummingbird and Grap3 Ap3. They are both great flavors! The Hummingbird is really nice, but not the type of flavor I want to vape for more than several puffs before wanting to switch to another flavor. It's both subtle in flavor and strong at the same time. It produced HUGE clouds on my IGO-W at .6 ohms. Almost too much vapor for me. The GA is a very different grapes than I've tasted before. To me it's like grape candy mixed with smarties candy. I taste it more on the exhale than the inhale. It's REALLY nice. The Grape Ape I've picked up before (DFW Vapors) is more of a grape bubble gum. I'd love to see a grape bubble gum from NT that tastes just like grape Big League Chew! I'd be all over that.

The only flavors of my NT shipment that I haven't tried yet are CLS and CB. I plan to do so soon, but then let them steep for a good bit.

The Virus is growing on me more and more with every vape. I love it especially first thing in the morning and before bed. It truely is a virus. WOW!

Have a great vaping day people!

Thank you kindly for the feedback! I don't expect everyone will be "over the moon" for all of them - best I can hope for is that 90% of the bottles will be finished, and in the process you find a couple few flavors that really click for you!

I think your description of Grap3 Ap3 rings true to me at really high wattage/low resistance - if you have a VV/VW device, playing with the wattage is fun... really low, I get a Welch's Grape Juice (YMMV!)
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