Penstyle and Supermini

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Peace, I'm outta here
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 22, 2008
Albuquerque, NM


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 31, 2008
sound (and look) very good; just web of still under construction :?
the same time have to say that all my e-cig (i have 4-janty and ecig) work much better when i incert a first, after 2-3 cartridges quality went down ; dont know what it was placed in the atomizer on the factory ;) ..but maybe would be fair to know about myecig after few cartridges. hope it will stay the same as it look now :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 14, 2008
Gotham City
RatInDaHat said:
So I received my penStyle and Super mini from MyECig yesterday and i threw together this video. Be forewarned, the runtime is 16 minutes, but there is a review.

if you have any questions that i didn't answer, let me know.

Bummer! After viewing your video I wanted to order both the items you demonstrated. However, that website is not available. I stopped smoking for about 4 days now and the temptation to buy a pack is getting so strong. I really felt the need to get something really quick. I never tried these e-cigs before. I researched as many of these websites that I could in the last couple of days (8hrs/day). It's all so complicated. I ended up ordering via tele from Njoy in AZ. They said they would deliver (air express $20) by Friday - I'm in NYC. Told them if they didn't deliver on time, I'd sue them if I started smoking again - lol
PS. I used the coupon code provided by Smokey_Joe and got a 20% discount. Thanks Smokey!
And thanks RatinDaHat/Dusty, your video was great (and you have such beautiful blue eyes)! Please let us know when one can order from that website in the US. I really wanted the e-cig that looked like a real cig. :p


Peace, I'm outta here
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 22, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
I know the owner of the site and he is testing the waters right now. Wants to make sure that his guinea pigs fare alright.

i own an NJoy as well and should have my replacement atomizer soon. I can definitely say that njoy has great customer service. MYEcig has been good in that regard as well.

thanks for the compliment, but here is a fun fact.. my eyes change colors from blue to green. no idea why, but they do. BTW, my sister lives in NYC.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 1, 2008
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
dnakr said:
Now I want one - I am going to go broke buying all these new electronic cigarettes.

Tell me about it. :lol: I've got 6 so far, 2 more on pre-order, am ordering another now, and I'm curious enough about 2 more that I'll probably talk myself into ordering them by this weekend. :lol:

Oh, and I'm starting to think about getting an e-pipe, too. :shock: :eek: :lol:


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 10, 2008
Arizona USA
Hello everyone. Very sorry for the delay with my website. I'm doing this whole venture all by myself part time. I have a demanding full time 40+ hour a week job. Very challenging so far juggling between the two. As I state in my signature a no BS website... I've come across some battery/charger issues I'm weening out. I will post in the appropriate section of the forum when the website is up and running. I will only be satisfied with satisfied customers so please hang in there!!!

Feel free to PM me any questions or comments you may have. Thanks.

To RatInDaHat - excellent video and thank you very much

vafvaf said:
lets hope myecig stay on the best level;-)

I hope for the same vafvaf :cool:


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 1, 2008
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Lozzie said:
Hi Dusty, I watched your vid and I was impressed by your white e cig pen style, I got mine this week, but it doesn't seem to create as much vapour as yours does or have a strong taste, I find I have to drag harder, what do you suggest, is the liquid any good?
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