Cigar Review

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 9, 2008
Arizona, USA
Oh & one member has a youtube video of the Ruyan Cigar- I didn't think it gave out much vapor at all & it wouldn't exhale vapor at all when he inhaled it.

Yeah that one was mine. I love my Ruyan e-cigar. But yeah... For anyone who is thinking of getting one... buy it for a cigar-like experience. It's made for not inhaling. Not that you can't inhale and still get a good nic hit and throat feel, but the taste and experience is much better if you don't inhale. The liquid seems made to specifically tailored to be absorbed in the mouth like cigar smoke.

I'm also glad to see there's a cigar out there that is different from that.

Good video as always Rat!

I also like that we get to open the box with you.
It would be nice to get an up close pic (with a camera) of the cigar and the cartridge it takes. But no big deal.

The cart you showed looked almost exactly like my Ruyan cart but I can't be sure. Mine rotate and screw in the same way.
If this is the case then Ruyan and Janty e-cigar cartridges would fit.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2008
i've changed the battery out.

The vapor has decreased a little bit. Seems to have leveled off, but i'm gonna drain the atomizer and see if it makes a difference.

I'll let you all know.

would you say it's more equal to a used penstyle now? Or does it give more vapor than the penstyle still? Was also curious how long a prefilled cart would last without refilling it too


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2008
Thanks- I may just have to reak down and get one- The penstyle I have from SmartFixx is ok, but it is a pretty hard draw- jaw gets aching after awhile- would be nice having an E-Cigar that draws easy- plus, if the Ruyan Carts will fit it, it woudl be great to use in public places so that no vapor comes out when exhaled- just so peopel don't get all bent out of shape seeing 'smoke' and just use the ones that coem with the cigar at home where vapor isn't an issue.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2008
Well thanks for doing hte vid- I think now I'll stay with hte penstyle- maybe buy soem cigar cartridges to squeeze out just for hte flavor perhaps. I sure woudl like ot know what hte manufacturers prime hteir atomizers with though, as they always arive smoking like 3 alarm fires, then you never seem to get the good vapor again after a dauy or two.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2008
glad u are reinforcing the disposable factor rat.. even thow u do fudge the issue slightly by saying two weeks for yourself and "a couple of months for others"..

i say two weeks for me.. a couple of months would take either poor user demands (smoke production expectations) or very light use.. i think u are being too kind as regards the life expectancy factor..

otherwise very nicely done.. u are on the way to becoming a respected user review type dude.. well done..


ps.. i should have a couple of cheap cigars plus one ruyan titanium and 50 ruyan carts arriving in the nest few days.. so i can do some direct comparing both with ruyan liquid and the way both products work and how long they last at full smoke production..


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2008
the Netherlands
I see Ruyan and Janty being mixed up a bit on quite a few occasions on this board. Very understandably so, no mistake: but not good for avoiding misunderstandings, I think... Understandable, seeing that Ludo USED to sell both Janty and Ruyan (and, to make it worse, made an account on this board by the name of Ruyan at the time too)... but the names, persons and products are really different things... V8, throw-away cigar, Bling... those are Ruyans. Kiss (including titanium), Janty-classic, Yentle-Kiss and Yentle: those are Janty. Ruyan-cartridges are Ruyan, except the Ruyan number 4... thóse are Janty... (who says I don't understand why people are mixing them up, lol). All Janty-cartridges are Janty.

Ludo used to be 'mister Ruyan and mister Janty'. Nowadays he is 'mr. Janty' only, is not associated with Ruyan anymore.

Just saying this to get and keep things clear, because that's what is needed to not misunderstand each other... not meant as remarks at anyone in particuar... :)
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Peace, I'm outta here
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 22, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
glad u are reinforcing the disposable factor rat.. even thow u do fudge the issue slightly by saying two weeks for yourself and "a couple of months for others"..

i say two weeks for me.. a couple of months would take either poor user demands (smoke production expectations) or very light use.. i think u are being too kind as regards the life expectancy factor..

otherwise very nicely done.. u are on the way to becoming a respected user review type dude.. well done..


ps.. i should have a couple of cheap cigars plus one ruyan titanium and 50 ruyan carts arriving in the nest few days.. so i can do some direct comparing both with ruyan liquid and the way both products work and how long they last at full smoke production..

Trog, i don't think i am fudging it at all really and here is why.

If i were to use a device for 12 hours straight, just a number, and someone else uses it for 20 minutes an hour in that same 12 hours, they should get three times the life expectancy.

so 2 weeks for me should equal at least 1.5 months for someone else. These are all estimates of course.



Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2008
Trog, i don't think i am fudging it at all really and here is why.

If i were to use a device for 12 hours straight, just a number, and someone else uses it for 20 minutes an hour in that same 12 hours, they should get three times the life expectancy.

so 2 weeks for me should equal at least 1.5 months for someone else. These are all estimates of course.


yep it all comes down to how many puff before death.. u are a heavy user.. i am a heavy user.. what i wonder is the average user.. i am an ex 30 a day man..

i guess something like u.. ???.. i have ask the makers the simple question.. "how many puffs per atomizer" they dont seem inclined to answer..

how many puffs per atomizer or how many mls of liquid will it vaporise before becoming a useless wimp..

i could estimate the puff count but i recon they will all be useless before less than 50ml of liquid has passed thru them.. i could be really cruel and say more like 25 ml..

let me have go at the puff count.. 180 puffs per ml... or 18,000,025 puffs in total..

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