I think I just destroyed 3 510 atomizers...

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Oct 14, 2010
I don't know if I could post here...new yet, so here goes..

I've used Methanol (methal alcohol) to clean with. I just soak the atomizer for like 10 minutes, and then blow it out gently.
Another great cleaning fluid is Denatured Alcohol. You can get medical Denatured Alcohol at the pharmacy, but only from the pharmacist.
I would use denatured alcohol which you can pick up at the local paint store. Great stuff. don't drink it though. If you do, you will go blind, but only for a few days.
Ethanol (Ethal Alcohol)... is almost 100% grain alcohol..too expensive, and you have to get it at a liquor store.

After cleaning..I just blow dry them with the hair dryer for a bit, and that evaporates all the residual alcohol. Add a drop or two of VG or PG and I'm good to go! (*Hick*)


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i let mine soak in a bit of gasoline...it was pretty gunked up...it worked fine

but the pharmacy keeps the 99% ISO locked up in the cabinet....so go buy yourself a huge bottle for like 4 bucks....way better than cleaning with water...regardless of what anyone says
Wack, I know your joking about the gasoline.


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Oct 29, 2010
Santa Clarita, CA
you really dont need to let the atty dry for 24hours, why??
for one we but denser liquid than water on it for longer periods of time than when we wash them...
so do dry burns and litely blow on it and it will forse the water out or cause it to steam, just dont over heat so you dont pop it

also i use this cleaning method http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/tips-tricks/69834-my-atty-resurrection-method.html

and get perfect results in 5min without buying everclear or iso alcohol, imo thats just more wasted money for a job that water does best
Make sure the atty is really dry before you use it. Also, repriming can be as many as 8 drops.

My suggestion is to dry the atty in some sort of airflow...

You also get much faster drying with 91% isopropyl alcohol.


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Aug 27, 2010
Norfolk, VA
I use IPA all the time. I let it soak for about 5 minutes, and rinse with water, and they are almost like new. All my attys are de bridged though. Just for giggles I looked up IPA in the MSDS at work, and it's really not to terribly bad compared to some of the other household items. It does have a flash point of like 58 degrees of something crazy low. Kind or silly...

Dry burn seems like a must though to remove the rather unpleasant taste associated with IPA.

Wow, this post does nothing but restate everything everyone else has said for the last 4 pages... Whatever <post>
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