Wicking tips for rm2 : having little trouble

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Jun 5, 2009
upstate new york
Hey guys,

Relatively new to rebuilding on my reo - maybe 2 months now -

Ok on wicks - what techniques are you finding that works best with cotton and rm2 and reo ?

Long tails vs short tails ? Tried both and not sure - anyone have really good luck with one ?

Biggest question I have is density of wick - we all know the cotton expands - I've seen superx and other videos and everyone seems to go with a method where you stop at the point where wick can barely pass thru or barely barely touching coils --- have people had luck with really dense wicks in terms of a a lot of cotton but rolling it really tight ? Or have people had more luck with thin fluffy wick where the rolling is minimal?

Do you guys use wicks as they are meant to lol- meaning do you squonk just to have the juice reach the cotton for the fluid to travel thru cotton and hence coils - or do you guys occasionally squonk slow and high enough to immerse coils in juice ?

I'll keep experimenting - much more pressing issues in the world at large but if someone who is having goodluck with their builds can offer some wicking tips that would be cool

Vape on :)


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Oct 24, 2013
New Jersey
For length, I have tried both tails and cutting the ends off about 2mm away from the coil (about as close as I can get with my clumsy ape hands). I find that the latter method gives a much better vape. With my old RDA's, I used a lot of cotton so that I wouldn't have to pop my cap off and drip every two or three hits (or one hit on super sub-ohm coils), but thankfully the alleviation of this hassle is one of the wonders of the bottom fed world. Technically speaking, the more air that can pass under your coil, the more flavor and more throat hit in your pull. Adjust the height of your coils accordingly. Too much cotton will block the airflow, effectively ruining your vape. As for the cotton itself, I think the general consensus is "enough so that there's no drag," as in the cotton will easily pass through your coil when you thread it. I have tried so many cotton builds it's ridiculous, and time and time again I found that a minimal amount through the coil (as opposed to around or beneath it) works best. There is a reason that 9/10 pictures you see have it set up in this way.

Here's mine.

Funk Dracula

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Jun 7, 2013
^^^^ good pic.

Just enough to barely hang down to touch the deck.

The advantage we have with being able to squonk is we don't need wicks to store juice and actually heat wick. We just need the wicks to soak up enough juice inside the coil for a good 2-3 hits.

There's better performance and taste to be experienced using as little cotton as necessary. This would be a hassle with a regular top dripping RDA, but all we have to do is squonk.


Vaping Master
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Apr 5, 2013
Marion In USA
I find that one and a half inches of Aunt Lydia's number ten size natural bamboo works even better than cotton. Fold it into the shape of a lower case "e" pull through from the middle with a piece of wire. This is like six threads of bamboo through a 1/16 micro coil. Bamboo absorbs better than cotton and tastes better if you forget to squonk. It can be sourced from Walmart dot com and costs $2.49 for 300 feet. That should be enough for about 2,400 wicks. YMMV. Also be aware on the site when I ordered it shows a 300 foot roll of bamboo and says it is 3 feet. When delivered it was the 300 foot roll.


MKUltra Member
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Aug 23, 2013
Gabriola Island, Canada
I find that one and a half inches of Aunt Lydia's number ten size natural bamboo works even better than cotton. Fold it into the shape of a lower case "e" pull through from the middle with a piece of wire. This is like six threads of bamboo through a 1/16 micro coil. Bamboo absorbs better than cotton and tastes better if you forget to squonk. It can be sourced from Walmart dot com and costs $2.49 for 300 feet. That should be enough for about 2,400 wicks. YMMV. Also be aware on the site when I ordered it shows a 300 foot roll of bamboo and says it is 3 feet. When delivered it was the 300 foot roll.

Could you post a pic or two? I'm very curious and would want to get the "e" and mounting right.


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Aug 18, 2013
I wrap my coils around a 1/16 bit then roll some cotton, fairly dense about an inch in length. I then thread it through the coil and pull it through just until I start to feel some resistance. I then pull it back ( to be looser) and trim the cotton to just inside the edge of the RM2 base. For me it works great and is fairly consistent.

Curious about the bamboo build as well.........:pop:


ECF Veteran
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Oct 24, 2013
New Jersey
Here is my Dual Coil RM2.....28 gauge, 10 wraps each came to about 1.3ohms.

It's a 0.6 ohm dual coil setup. :)

I didn't want to add another hole to my top cap, so I just stacked them on top of each other, it works great!

View attachment 309227 View attachment 309228

So each coil is 1.3Ω? Sounds about right.

OP, considering your other thread about batteries and such, if you want to try dual coils, I would recommend this build over mine. The picture I posted above uses 26G Kanthal and comes in around 2.5Ω. Using my build on your Reo may cause complications, as my Reo is heavily modded.


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Jun 5, 2009
upstate new york
Awesome build tmel. And i do want to try the build. Thx for suggestion zmajls to go witn tmels build. As soon as my ohm reader comes in the mail and some higher amp limit batteries come in i gonna attempt tmels build like a .....(fill in the blank). ---- soooo curious how it would vape. Not getting the performance out of the rm2 as it can do. I like a student driver driving a porsche. But getting there slowly. Thanks for the tips. Saving this thread


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Jun 5, 2009
upstate new york
When you do the doil coil - how the heck do you get the exact same resistances on both wires.... Same gauge, wrapped on same tool, with same amount of coils n tension lol --- what is tolerance ya think can one be a .7 and one a .8 or .9 ??? I read that it was dangerous if they are not the same --- sure wish i knew WHY they have to be exact same.... The journey continues


ECF Veteran
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Oct 24, 2013
New Jersey
When you do the doil coil - how the heck do you get the exact same resistances on both wires.... Same gauge, wrapped on same tool, with same amount of coils n tension lol --- what is tolerance ya think can one be a .7 and one a .8 or .9 ??? I read that it was dangerous if they are not the same --- sure wish i knew WHY they have to be exact same.... The journey continues

It is not dangerous for them to not be the same - they will simply heat up at different rates and your vape will be inconsistent. As far as building them, obviously they will not be 100% identical. Nothing on this planet ever is. But try to make them as similar as possible; use the same wire, the same tool for creating the coil, and the same amount of wraps on each coil. When making a dual coil build, if you make two coils that are 0.8Ω each, your final product will be 0.4Ω. With two 1.0Ω coils, your final product will be 0.5Ω. Once your coils stray away from identical ohmage, the math gets tricky. I don't have the proper keys on my keyboard to type the formula for you here, so check out this website instead.

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MKUltra Member
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Aug 23, 2013
Gabriola Island, Canada
Here is my Dual Coil RM2.....28 gauge, 10 wraps each came to about 1.3ohms.

It's a 0.6 ohm dual coil setup. :)

I didn't want to add another hole to my top cap, so I just stacked them on top of each other, it works great!

View attachment 309227 View attachment 309228

Very nice! Ima try this tonight.

Still hoping for some bamboo pics, tho :)


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Jun 21, 2011
Southern Maine
I did hemp on the very first coil I built.. bamboo with the second coil, and now using cotton.

hemp had a yik taste I couldn't get past or rid of.

loved the bamboo- very smooth, great flavor, the taste of a dry-ish hit is not as bad as with cotton.

I'm using cotton for the convenience. easy as pie to change a wick. I do what others have suggested- enough to get through the coil until there's slight resistance, then snip the ends to the edge of the cup.


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May 8, 2013
Denver, CO
Honestly, I can't vape a single micro coil on my Reo anymore, it sucks.

I then moved on to twisted 28 gauage kanthal and a single coil, it vaped great but it crackled/popped and spit too much at me.

With my current dual coil setup, it vapes like the twisted coil, but it doesn't crackle and pop at all for me.

The build was very easy to do, I used my DZ coil jig 1/16 bit and made 10 wraps, and then did it again. I built my RM2 as normal like I would with a single coil, but I just wiggled the other one above it.

Everyone always says to move your coil slightly up or down to adjust flavor/TH....well, with 2 coils like this...1 is for flavor, 1 is for TH.

I should also mention that my RM2 cap is drilled out to 3/32 and I don't recommend going any larger, the draw is perfect to me.

If anyone gets stuck trying it, feel free to PM me and we can hop in chat or something. :)


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Jul 22, 2013
Until just the other day I have been using dual coils almost exactly like tmel's setup. I did have a tendency to position the upper coil slightly farther back from the airhole. I've been using 30 ga kanthal with 7 to 10 wraps around 5/64th drill bit. For wicking I was using the "bed of cotton method. I would roll the cotton into a little ball and push it against the coils opposite the airhole. This vaped pretty good and was a cinch to rewick, but I do think the flavor may have been diminished some. It also looked terrible. I'd actually gone back to wicking through the coils before going to my current setup. I think the flavor is much better.

Currently I'm using a single coil of twisted 30ga. 5 wraps I think, with a resistance of .7 ohms. I'm also wicking through the coil again. I've not used anything but cotton with microcoils.

Each setup is a little different in regards to performance.

I do know that after using either dual coils or twisted wire, going back to single coils, or untwisted just isn't an option.
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