Weight gain, grrrrr

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Aug 19, 2011
I quit analogs last summer. Because of that, the fact that I was taking high doses of prednisone for a health problem, and the wretched oppressive heat and drought which kept me from exercising as often as usual, I gained 15 pounds. I hate it. I eat healthy, I'm back to exercising, and I haven't had to take any steroid, thankfully, but I can't drop this weight.

I think I read somewhere that ciggies boost the metabolism and help keep smokers from gaining a lot of weight easily. Is this true? Have any of y'all had this weight gain problem and, if so, how did you deal with it? I guess I need something to rev up my metabolism again because the usual weight loss methods just aren't working:blink:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 18, 2012
I quit analogs last summer. Because of that, the fact that I was taking high doses of prednisone for a health problem, and the wretched oppressive heat and drought which kept me from exercising as often as usual, I gained 15 pounds. I hate it. I eat healthy, I'm back to exercising, and I haven't had to take any steroid, thankfully, but I can't drop this weight.

I think I read somewhere that ciggies boost the metabolism and help keep smokers from gaining a lot of weight easily. Is this true? Have any of y'all had this weight gain problem and, if so, how did you deal with it? I guess I need something to rev up my metabolism again because the usual weight loss methods just aren't working:blink:

Eating healthy might not be enough - you probably need to eat fewer calories. If you think about it, an hour of exercising (something like moderate bike riding) only burns up about 400 calories but skipping a couple of 200 calories snacks AND riding for an hour will cause an 800 calorie deficit - more than enough to compensate for a slightly slower metabolism and use up that extra weight.

The fitness media harps about exercise and "good" foods but it's really more of a math game involving calories. Eating less is probably easier than adding another hour of exercising each day (it is for me, anyway).


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 19, 2011
in here somewhere USA
Nope. People that smoke can still gain weight.

Everyone has their own metabolism, it changes through out your life. Age can mean weight gain. Hormone imbalances, health issues, amount of activity, medications, and of course what you eat or drink. Many factors play into it.

15 lbs over the summer does not sound like 40 lbs in 2 months (which would mean a thyroid issue or even worse health issue, would have to see a doc). 15 lbs sounds normal for quitting smoking, taking predni, and not exercising. Try to exercise and watch what you eat and drink. You should start to see a weight drop. Slowly, unfortunately lol, but it will happen. Hang in there!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 18, 2012
Nope. People that smoke can still gain weight.

Everyone has their own metabolism, it changes through out your life. Age can mean weight gain. Hormone imbalances, health issues, amount of activity, medications, and of course what you eat or drink. Many factors play into it.

15 lbs over the summer does not sound like 40 lbs in 2 months (which would mean a thyroid issue or even worse health issue, would have to see a doc). 15 lbs sounds normal for quitting smoking, taking predni, and not exercising. Try to exercise and watch what you eat and drink. You should start to see a weight drop. Slowly, unfortunately lol, but it will happen. Hang in there!

I'm hypothyroid and have been for many years. If you test low on thyroid and get treated, you're right back with "normal" people in terms of metabolism. For women, you're actually probably a little more normal considering the metabolism problems or perimenopause and menopause.

All people, male and female have metabolic declines after 40. You can make it up through weight-lifting or resistance training or mindless aerobic exercise or eating less or some combination of all of them.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 16, 2011
It takes 3500 calories to gain a pound and to loose a pound. The whole goal is to burn more calories than you take in. Just remember high protein but lean meat. Lots of vegetables, fat free dairy, and get yourself those packs of 100 calorie snacks and fat free puddings for when you get a sweet or salty craving that seems unbearable.

Eat 5 or 6 smaller meals a day. That will help keep your body in the fat burning zone. Breakfast is so important as it kicks start your fat burning for the day.

Take the stairs whenever you can, take a 1/2 walk each day, go swimming, lift weights etc.

Drink at least 8 glasses or what I like to do is get one of those 1.5L bottles and drink a full one by supper time. It's hard at first and yes you pee like a maniac but remember the first 10 pounds is water weight. Look at it this way, your body needs a ton of water to fully function. If you don't drink enough water every day your body retains whatever it can but as soon as you start giving it a constant supply it starts releasing what it has been retaining hence the constant ...... for a few days. A good test is if your pee is pretty much clear, you are getting the water your body needs.

This info stems from Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and a TON of research. My dad lost 75 pounds, my mom 38 and myself 26 so far.

This is just the basic info. I could go into sugars, food mass etc. but I will try to keep it well somewhat short.

Hope this helps :) It's a challenge but it works. Stay healthy and happy :)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 18, 2012
My issue is that since I quit the analogs....my tastebuds are back in full force and loving food more and more! That has caused my weight gain. Good tasting food finally and too much of it :)

Try eating some plain foods: no salt, no oil, no spice. If you're like me, you'll eat a few bites and leave it.


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Aug 19, 2011
Good advice, all. Thanks! Sorry for my delay in responding. No one replied for a couple of days after I posted and I forgot I'd written this, LOL!

I do have hypothyroidism and have taken thyroid replacement for about 3 years now. My latest levels came back fine but it seems to take a while for shifts to show up in my labs, for some reason. I actually had a goiter in the beginning and my thyroid hormone levels tested normal for months. Weirdly enough, after the goiter went away, the thyroid levels kept increasing. I dunno.

I do not eat a lot. i eat several small, healthy meals a day. Veggies, whole grains, fish, and chicken. I rarely eat red meat. I exercise every day for at least 45 minutes -- resistance, cardio, and yoga. The inability to lose this weight is frustrating, to say the least. I found this article and it makes a lot of sense:

Does Your Metabolism Slow Down When You Quit Smoking? | LIVESTRONG.COM

I'll probably have better luck when the weather warms up and I can be gardening and such outside and keeping busy.


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Feb 3, 2012
La Verne, CA
My experience so far while quitting (which I'm still working on doing, although I've drastically cut my analog-intake down) has been that the more flavorful the vape, the more likely I'll sit and enjoy the vape and not go snack... so that, combined with my "normal" exercise regimen (which includes trying to get in 30mins of exercise a day at minimum and/or walking 10k steps), I can continue slowly and gradually losing weight. I haven't experienced a slowing of metabolism yet, though, quite likely because of the nicotine in my vape. :)

Slim Batz

Senior Member
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Jan 16, 2012
Edmonton, Alberta
For me, coffee and cigarettes were my "meal replacements" :) . I don't find vaping curbs my appetite as much as smoking did, probably because the flavors taste like food, but there is no gratification of feeling full. Being naturally lazy, I will admit that grabbing the PV at my left elbow is far less work than making a sandwich so it does help a bit.


Ultra Member
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Nov 17, 2011
The worst part of the weight gain is that I planned on starting more exercising (couldn't breath when smoking, so had to clear the lungs lol). The day before I planned on starting it, I fell while skating with my son's cub scout troop and either broke my tailbone or severely bruised it (didn't opt for xrays, as that doesn't change the treatment).

I am just getting to where sitting doesn't hurt, and my darn dog tried to make me fall outside in the snow yesterday-and pulled a muscle in my leg! This sucks!

I will say I have definitely slowed down on food intake. Things tasted so good at first that I wanted to eat everything! Now, not so much. So that helps too :)


Vaping Master
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Apr 10, 2011
Also, consider the notion that the chimpanzees(?) tested with inhalation of polypropylene glycol back in the 1930's or 1940's gained weight. Please pardon me if I'm in error...I'm going by my somewhat faulty memory, but it seems I've read that here in ECF. I haven't read the actual findings of the study.


Ultra Member
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Nov 17, 2011
I don't know whether I believe it or not-but had a nurse tell me that I would have to gain like 90 lbs in order to be as unhealthy as smoking makes ya (all mentioned when i complained about gaining weight since I quit analogs!)

Honestly, I can still breathe better, even with the extra poundage, than I could while smoking, so I am ok with it so far ;)
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