Slim's is not too Shady

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Aug 22, 2013
Brisbane, Australia
@Vapntime - How was the Cereal Killa and Wolverine? Not to mention your Milkshake mix...?

Yep, I'm enjoying the cereal killa, I think I like the fruit circles aspect more than the sweet cream though, so I might order fruit circles on its own next time or with milk from slims. My wife grabbed the wolverine and I haven't seen it since. It smelt good though lots of flavors, I think slim does these types of flavors really well like castle short was really good and i'm not usually into those 'grown up' flavors hehe. The cinnamon roll milkshake is coming along, needs a bit of a steep I think, but like usual from slim's its still very decent FOOB. Just to put Slim's into perspective I received $50 worth of juice recently from two not very well known budget vendors. Which, I have linked too on ECF recently, they went straight to the waste of money box (this box contains many premium juices as well hmm ;)).
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Aug 22, 2013
Brisbane, Australia
FYI, the 25% coupon code "ejuice25" from their Facebook page is good until 09/01 if anyone is on the fence this weekend. That made my order of eight 10ml bottles $28.50 plus $2.99 shipping.
Here's my order. Kind of all over the place as I'm pretty much a sweetened tobacco vaper.. A couple of the sweet base ones I may use to liven up some boring straight tobaccos I've got sitting around.

Law Man (can't resist that mess of flavors plus tobacco)
Castle Short (I love CLR but anything close would be cool)
RY4 + Pistachio Pudding (might be good, might be vominous)
Unicorn Milk (Let's see what the kids are all digging. I'm old..)
Cherry Balsam Tobacco + Creme La Creme (been years since I tried a good cherry pipe tobacco)
Caramel Corn (possible mixer or maybe straight up)
Blacky Cigar (loves me some good Black and Mild)
Cotton Candy (mixer or for the wife)

I'll check in once I've tried a few.

Really liked castle short, wasn't a fan of the Unicorn milk which was a surprise.


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Feb 4, 2015
West Virginia
Are the juices light in flavor? I keep ordering from companies and only seem to get a hint of what everyone raves about . I'm still very new at this though. When 5P is mentioned I want to believe Slims have the same density but I never want to assume. Been searching for some decent dessert vapes. Love apple too, so you have given me some good ones to start with manoover.

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Are the juices light in flavor?

I had no problems with the flavor strength, even though I ordered Standard level, and that's the one I'll continue with. You can get Heavy (20%) flavoring for no extra charge, and many of the on-site reviews recommend that. Maybe @fogmust can say which flavor strength he ordered from Slim's and compare against 5P intensity.

Given your prior experience, you might be happier with more flavoring. I thought Slim's flavors were so good that I can't see how 20% would ruin them.
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I find the flavors to be very satisfying at the standard level. As a matter of fact, I think all of Slim's flavors are pretty strong, but taste is such a subjective matter, that I can't say that what is OK for me would be OK for you too. Then again, you have the option to customize your juice on his site and the prices are so decent, that one can easily experiment and find what's right for them.
The ultimate test would be to vape both side by side, but I don't have an empty tank right now, and neither do I have the time to re-wick one... Maybe I'll do it this weekend and report.


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Feb 4, 2015
West Virginia
I have constant sinus issues and it affects my vape taste buds big time. Sometimes I feel like I'm just vaping air and it's unsettling. I switch juices all the time to try and prevent that too. Could never get use to menthol to try and wake my vape buds. Lemon is the best kick in the ... I have lol. I'll see if Slim's does any Labor Day sales before I pull the trigger on a sample pack. Thanks for posting all this info guys, it's been a big help and keep the reviews coming!
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Jan 29, 2012
The burbies of Cleveland
It's here! :)

Ordered five bottles and received nine - free sample Nirvana lol Slims Juice (800x600).jpg The Gear (800x600).jpg

Then, I fired up Word and got to vapin'!
Regulated mods – set at 19 watts
Mechs & RDA’s - running between .5 and .6 ohms
FOOB today – steeped for 3 days courtesy of USPS
All of these are 50/50 PG/VG with standard flavoring, 10mg nic

Vapor production on everything was good!

Unicorn Milk – IPV Mini 30w/Royal Hunter - Strawberry, Cheesecake, Bavarian Cream, Sweet Cream, Vanilla Custard, and Graham Cracker
Creamy strawberry goodness! This tastes just as complex as it sounds! Strawberry’s upfront, with a mild flavor of cheesecake right behind it. Graham cracker is juuust barely there on the back-end. The two creams and custard are what’s calming down the taste of the cheesecake – I couldn’t pick them out individually if I wasn’t reading it, but this is pretty tasty! Super-blonde juice – I don’t think this would gunk a coil even if I steeped this for a long while.

Pirates’ Treasure – Nemesis/Plume Veil - Rum, Brandy, Whipped Cream, Vanilla, and Cinnamon
Cinnamon’s upfront. If you’re not into spicy, stronger cinnamons, this one’s not for you. Rum’s coming in on the back end, slightly diluted by the brandy. Catching the vanilla in my nose when I exhale – nice! I can’t taste the whipped cream, but I think Slim may have added it just to calm the whole thing down. Predominantly cinnamon and booze – If you enjoy a cinnamon-spicy booze flavor, this is a good one! A light brown color to the juice – whether this steeps into a coil-killer remains to be seen. Solid throat hit.

Apple Cheesecake – SS Stingray/Derringer - Apple Pie, Sweet Cream, Cheesecake, and Graham Cracker
Exactly as described! This isn’t apple cheesecake – it’s an apple pie, with a complex spice profile to it – just a touch of cinnamon and vanilla, just delicious! I had to hunt this down on the site (it’s in Sweet Things) and I was a little worried that the cheesecake would get lost in the flavor of the apple pie. Oh, HECK NO, lol…the cheesecake stands proud on the inhale and blends beautifully with the taste of the apple pie. Vapor smells incredible! Mild, (but there!) throat hit. Medium/light tint to the juice – probably not a coil crusher.

Jack of Apples – Coolfire 4/Plume Veil - That delicious apple cinnamon flavored cereal we all love
A little disappointed with this one – an acceptable apple/cinnamon that won’t set your throat on fire, but there’s very little milk to it. Gonna let this one steep and see where it goes. Another very “blonde” juice - throat hit is 3 out of 5.

Okay, Man00ver! These are for you.

Dr. Whom? Copper Nemesis/Plume Veil - Cola, Cherry, and Toasted Almond
From reading Man00ver’s reviews of Vape Wild, I know he’s a fan of amaretto. This isn’t amaretto – it’s predominantly Cherry Coke, but I get a light taste of almond on the exhale. No throat hit – but not bad! 3.5 outta 5 stars, but that might go higher once the Doctor has a chance to steep.

Muddy Snowball – Coolfire 4/Little Boy - A sweet blend of Marshmallow, Dark Chocolate, and Coconut
Profoundly disappointing. I could swear this is ECBlend’s chocolate, and while I’m a regular customer of ECB, their chocolate’s not great. So, there’s that, with a whiff of coconut on the exhale. With an MTL hit, I get the marshmallow on the inhale. With a lung hit, the marshmallow zooms right past my taste buds and we’re back to that chocolate. Not optimistic that steeping is going to save this one, because IMHO, steeping has never improved ECBlend’s chocolate. Shoot….oh…zero throat hit.

Drunken Turtle – Stingray/Little Boy - An amazing mix of Fudge Brownies, Pralines and Cream, Salted Caramel, and Kahlua. One of the top sellers by far!!!!
Ruh-ro…more chocolate. But NO! First, this can easily double as a chocolaty room freshener! Another complex juice that manages to pop all of the flavors in the description. The brownies are up front, but this chocolate (I take it all back!) is delicious! I’ve got clueless, Midwest American (that was for Vapntime ;0) taste buds, so I’m not positive what Pralines and Cream are supposed to taste like, but there’s something mildly fig-style fruity in there, so that must be it. Keep inhaling and there’s the salted caramel, and just to show off, there’s just a whiff of coffee liqueur on the exhale which (sniffsniff!) is also what’s smelling up my living room. Very mild throat hit - Fantastic stuff. Definitely a re-order.

Okay! I don’t have any more mods that can run a sub-ohm coil! Gonna have to re-wick a few RDA’s here, before I can review the last two. This is a TON of juice for under $30 shipped!

Next up – Cereal Killa and Badger Grease. Don’t touch that dial!
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Jan 29, 2012
The burbies of Cleveland
Cereal Killa - Stingray/Little Boy
It’s a lemonish/fruity COPYRIGHTDMCA flavor made weak with some kind of ‘milk’ Pleah. No throat hit, really weak flavor. Either this needs to steep in a big way or this is just some really bland, tasteless juice. :glug:

Badger Grease – Coolfire 4/Plume Veil - Vanilla Custard, Brown Sugar, Honey, Sugar Cookie, and Toasted Almond
I’m glad I saved these two for last!

Badger Grease, I’m sorry to say, is not great. A perfumey, chemically taste that makes it impossible to pick out any of the flavors that supposedly go into it. IMHO, it tastes like a weird fruit gone horribly wrong. Steeping might save this, but if it stays as is, I wouldn’t order this again. Bummer – this was on my Wish List. It’s coming off.

But, hey, three out of nine is still good in my book. Thanks again, Man00ver, for getting the Slim thread rolling!


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Oct 10, 2014
Braselton, GA, USA
Thanks, hurricanegirl! I can now safely scratch Muddy Snowball, which looked interesting but definitely made me wonder if it was a better thought-exercise than a reality. Drunken Turtle for sure, though (it was already a sealed deal after dionysuskiss' recommendation). And "Dr. Whom?" will get a shot too, because cherry almond cola just might be my soda vape (I haven't liked those types very much, so far).

Glad to hear a good report about Slim's Unicorn Milk. I already decided I'd be doing an "Attack of the Clones" order, trying out all the Slim clones I mentioned to DebbieNY on page 2. Even though quite a few of those run counter to my profile preferences, if they're worth copying maybe they're worth investigating. Might be fun.

Now, you've done it! I'm going to fill my Subtank Nano with Badger Grease and break out the sub-ohm coil! That'll be my very first sub-ohm experiment....


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Oct 10, 2014
Braselton, GA, USA
Badger Grease, I’m sorry to say, is not great. A perfumey, chemically taste that makes it impossible to pick out any of the flavors that supposedly go into it. IMHO, it tastes like a weird fruit gone horribly wrong. Steeping might save this, but if it stays as is, I wouldn’t order this again. Bummer – this was on my Wish List. It’s coming off.

Now, you've done it! I'm going to fill my Subtank Nano with Badger Grease and break out the sub-ohm coil! That'll be my very first sub-ohm experiment....

I did this, so now I think I get your point. When I fire the Badger Grease at 24-26W on the 0.5ohm OCC, the honey and almond are riding very high. They floralize (hey, new word?) the flavor quite a bit, and the cookie, custard and brown sugar practically go into hiding. I still recognize the recipe, and I can vape it this way, but it's MUCH better balanced at 12W in my little 1.5ohm BDC super-tootle tanks. It's a low-power liquid in my book.

As a side note, I'm not sure this sub-ohm thing is for me. While this coil lasts, I'll try a few lighter-flavored liquids I have with simpler profiles. Right now, it's just feeling a bit too energetic. I don't think I need this much dense vapor and sizzle.... :confused:


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Jan 29, 2012
The burbies of Cleveland
I did this, so now I think I get your point. When I fire the Badger Grease at 24-26W on the 0.5ohm OCC, the honey and almond are riding very high. They floralize (hey, new word?) the flavor quite a bit, and the cookie, custard and brown sugar practically go into hiding. I still recognize the recipe, and I can vape it this way, but it's MUCH better balanced at 12W in my little 1.5ohm BDC super-tootle tanks. It's a low-power liquid in my book.

As a side note, I'm not sure this sub-ohm thing is for me. While this coil lasts, I'll try a few lighter-flavored liquids I have with simpler profiles. Right now, it's just feeling a bit too energetic. I don't think I need this much dense vapor and sizzle.... :confused:

(Grabs the Build Box...30g, 2.5 mm, I'm gonna shoot for 1.8 ohms...ah'll be bahk!)


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Jan 29, 2012
The burbies of Cleveland
Meh. I'm glad I didn't waste one of my beloved Smoktech BCs on that, Man00ver..24 gauge. 3.5 mm, 12 wraps! That's, hands down, the biggest coil I ever built lol..1.2 ohms and "floralized" is the perfect word for it! Badger Grease is one of those rare juices that's so bad, it's unvapeable. Lovin' this Drunken Turtle, though!

(Man00ver, I found a site that sells Smoktech bottom coils for ninety five cents each..way better than the $1.34 I was paying. If you're paying more than that, check out Desert Vapes. Not t.b confused with High Desert Vapes..)


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Oct 10, 2014
Braselton, GA, USA
Well, you tried! I'm still getting on well with The Grease, even in this hotrod tank. It's pretty dang rich, though. Not sure I'll reorder it.

Thanks for the tip! Those aren't my coils, though. I use these micro-core dual coils (just got 25 more in from China); I think I still have a couple of those Aro single-coil heads around somewhere (and the plastic clearos they go with), but I gave up on them long ago.

These are my favorite tanks. I have 10 of them in 9 different colors.


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Jul 13, 2013
Central Oregon
I just want my juice. ;-) Ordered on Saturday, shipping notification on Wednesday, still sitting at the Origin facility in Chattanooga Thursday night.. I'm figuring I'll have it out here in Oregon Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. (I get my mail one or two days after it goes through Portland) Deciding which one I'll load up FOOB while the others steep. Gonna be hard.


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Oct 10, 2014
Braselton, GA, USA
Deciding which one I'll load up FOOB while the others steep. Gonna be hard.

I think you should head right into the Castle. It started out great for me!
I'm itching to know what you think about Unicorn Milk and your Pistachio Pudding concoction...but a good steep is probably worthwhile. I want to know, though!
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Apr 7, 2015
So here is my short review...

1. I requested a custom blend and it was delivered pretty spot on
2. Butterscotch was very good, comparable to a more expensive blend I have 120ML's of.
3. Castle Short, definitely a poor mans option but "some" resemblance of the OG for a very very more affordable price - There are some very common DIY recipes that produce a better result, probably not flavorings he keeps around because there are about 6 or 7 key ingredients that make a good clone. Again, not bad.

Shipping and service was just fine, I would order again. Thinking about trying a Blueberry Cake Custard he has and snoop around some chocolate/coffee/Tiramisu if he has that.


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Jul 13, 2013
Central Oregon
I'm itching to know what you think about Unicorn Milk and your Pistachio Pudding concoction...but a good steep is probably worthwhile. I want to know, though!

Both of those will steep a full week before I try them. It's funny, I put in a comment on my custom pistachio RY4 blend that HE (or whoever) should decide whether to use pistachio or pistachio pudding with the RY4, and I would trust them to make that decision, which I would not hold against them. It will be interesting to see what's written on the bottle. Yes man00ver, I agree I will probably go straight to the Castle Short the first day but I may also hit a couple of the base flavors I ordered just to take their temp. I have to admit I'm excited to see whatever else is tossed in with my order. They seem to be quite generous from what I've read so far. I just hope I find a couple flavors that I can depend on as reorders. I only have a couple that are staples after almost three years and dozens of companies. So far I have never reordered a juice that was cheaper than $19 for 30ml. I'm not a juice snob. That's just the way it has gone so far. I'd like to break that cycle.


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Oct 10, 2014
Braselton, GA, USA
Thanks for checking in! Butterscotch is one of those things I haven't enjoyed much in a vape. But it's good to know it's done well here, in case I get the urge or see an interesting mix (like Wolverine).

I requested a custom blend and it was delivered pretty spot on

The suspense is killing me...pray tell!


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Oct 10, 2014
Braselton, GA, USA
Both of those will steep a full week before I try them. It's funny, I put in a comment on my custom pistachio RY4 blend that HE (or whoever) should decide whether to use pistachio or pistachio pudding with the RY4, and I would trust them to make that decision, which I would not hold against them. It will be interesting to see what's written on the bottle. Yes man00ver, I agree I will probably go straight to the Castle Short the first day but I may also hit a couple of the base flavors I ordered just to take their temp. I have to admit I'm excited to see whatever else is tossed in with my order. They seem to be quite generous from what I've read so far. I just hope I find a couple flavors that I can depend on as reorders. I only have a couple that are staples after almost three years and dozens of companies. So far I have never reordered a juice that was cheaper than $19 for 30ml. I'm not a juice snob. That's just the way it has gone so far. I'd like to break that cycle.

I also was thinking he might know better than me about some customized ideas I'm having, especially on ratios...but we're all so different I think I'm better off doing a little mixing of his stuff myself. Your story will be good to hear.

I was a little disappointed not to get any freebies with my first order. It wasn't hard to get over it; they did toss me a free 30mL coupon code. I still enjoyed myself and didn't have to pay much, of course. You too, I hope.


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Aug 22, 2013
Brisbane, Australia
I also was thinking he might know better than me about some customized ideas I'm having, especially on ratios...but we're all so different I think I'm better off doing a little mixing of his stuff myself. Your story will be good to hear.

I was a little disappointed not to get any freebies with my first order. It wasn't hard to get over it; they did toss me a free 30mL coupon code. I still enjoyed myself and didn't have to pay much, of course. You too, I hope.

Just request some in the comments box, I usually ask for 3 specific and I get them every time (no nicotine though).
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