Kids and ecigs

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Full Member
Dec 17, 2011
What is your feelings on kids using an ecig? Many of us on the forum started to smoke before the legal age. We all know vaping is believed to be safer than analogs and do you think support kids that pick up an ecig rather than vapng ? Kids are going to rebel and pick up some of these bad habits regardless of the legal age. Believe it or not but kids are able to get ecigs very easily(I won't go into detail unless you guys want). Maybe you are telugtant to not care if it is 0mg I'm not sure. It can give vaping in genral a bad fep that kids are vaping and people who dont know about ecigs will get ideas and want to ban ecigs alltogether Please post your replies on your take of kids and ecigs


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 1, 2011
Ecigs should be treated as an alternative to cigs not as something less serious, they are not toys.
Kids cant smoke cigs and shouldn't vape ecigs.
In an ideal world no kid would get their hands on cigs or ecigs but if they must I guess ecigs are the least worst.
I wouldn't worry though, ecigs ain't cool, if their going to smoke anything it wont be an ecig. Too expensive, cant be shared like a pack of 20, hard to toss if spotted. Cigs still have advantages for starting out unfortunately.
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