How to Talk to Our Kids about Vaping

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Apr 13, 2013
New Joisey (aka NJ)
Well, I believe I caught my young teenager dabbling a little with ecigs / vaping (against his parents wishes).
His explanation: "It smells so GOOD!", and, "Don't you think I haven't tried an ecig before with some of the kids at school?"

I may be many things, but I am vigilant, and not particularly naive about certain things that kids may do or may try. ( I was a kid once, and in fact, I still ARE

In any event, have any of you had "THE TALK" with your kids? Just how do you talk to your younguns and the kids about vaping / ecigs, and what do you tell them?

I predict that this is becoming or will become a concern for many parents. All suggestions appreciated........gotta believe that others have faced this. Please fire away! Watchful parents want to know!
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Vaping Master
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Mar 30, 2013
Portland, OR
OK--kid-less here, but I'm of the camp that doesn't think nicotine isn't like (OTHER STUFF) don't smoke it once and get addicted to it right away. I think it literally takes years of repeated, regular exposure to really get hooked. And I'm not so sure that getting hooked to nicotine alone is like being addicted to (OTHER STUFF).

I think I would approach it like you would approach any behavior that you can see being detrimental. Explain the personal results of your own choices and why you don't want the same for your kids, but if they insist on vaping, it's sure better than some other stuff, including smoking! Take the mystery out of it, maybe get some zero nic juice just for them...believe me, vaping with mom/dad if there's no buzz will NOT be all that special. ;)

If it's a phase or a fad, it will fade, and with likely no harm done. If they end up doing it for the rest of their lives, only they will be able to decide if that's a good decision or not. You can't make it for them (I know you know that).

Just tell 'em you love 'em and that you would hope that they don't choose the same way you did, and regret it later. The rest is up to them.
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i would agree with this if TyPie's kid wasn't a "younger teenager." I honestly think it's delicate situation that isn't going to be easy to remedy to be 100% honest. As a kid, seeing anything done by a leadership or role model figure is going to be deemed "ok to do" i know that is how i functioned as a teen. As tough as it is, i honestly think it would be wise to eliminate his or her's exposure to your vaping habit/hobby/etc. I do how ever think it's a good idea to have a serious conversation about it, like alisa1970 mentioned on how you hope they don't make the same choices you did... I'd advise it is for the propose of quitting smoking and not a recreational hobby, probably talk about the dangers of nicotine addiction and it's seriousness. It's hard not to come off as preachy to a kid, but at the end of the day you are their parent. The choice you make will be the right one :)


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Apr 12, 2013
Indianapolis, IN
Is there a vaping equivalent to smoking a carton of cigarettes?

But seriously, I'd explain what cigarettes did to you and that ecigs are not for people who don't smoke much less for underage kids.
I would definitely find a way to lock up my juice and pv so they're not accessible.
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Super Member
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Mar 31, 2013
Abbotsford, B.C. Canada
Dealing with young teenagers, heck any teenager is difficult. All you can do is explain this is about harm reduction for people who are already addicted to nicotine. I raised two boys, one would lecture me about the evils of smoking but the other was a bit more difficult, always questioning authority and a fair bit more reckless. One day he said I was a hypocrite for telling him not to smoke (or do drugs), as I was addicted to nicotine. I told him look......your my son and I love you, if I was standing in quicksand and sinking fast would I want you to jump in with me? He actually seemed to accept this explanation at the time. However my husband and I were never afraid to just say no, set the rules and the consequences for breaking the rules and stick to them. Your vigilance, sense of humor and willingness to enforce your rules will see you through!


Moved On
Nov 7, 2012
I never understood the argument of- give them just a little if they are curious. There are so many things that they are curious about, fire, alligators, ....... Say no. Tell them why life is better w/o vices such as drugs & alchohol. For every 1 person that has done well while on drugs (yes, nicotine is a drug), there are thousands that have ruined there lives. Show them Lindsey Lohan before and afters!


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Mar 1, 2013
Vienna, IL
I won't let me kids try it until they are of age, but here's a question for you guys.....what about 0% nic? What if its just for the flavor? I know that not inhaling anything is better than nothing, but most food these days is worse for you than 0% nic juice lol..

Again, I'm not advocating this, because I believe the act is addicting as much as the nicotine, there really any reason not to? I've just never heard a counter-argument before is why I'm asking. Just generally curious what others think.


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Mar 13, 2013
this is a difficult one!!
I remember when I was a kid and my parents smoked, they always told me that it was really really bad for the health and the addiction etc. that I shouldn't be as stupid as them to try it in the first place.
but now we are in a grey area were the hobby (hobbies are always a good thing right??) is an important part of the ritual. for example the pipe smokers but the nicotine (supposedly) being as innocuous as caffeine etc.
what we really need to know first are first hand experiences from persons that never smoked analogs and turned into vaping; we need to know exactly how this pans out to better help us understand this... in the near future kids (that in any other time would ended up smoking) are going to skip it and jump directly into vaping.
so we first need to know if vaping will turn up like coffee drinking; some may drink their morning coffee religiously, some just on coffee shops with friends and some throughout the day.
there are still too much that we don't know that it is hard to have the talk when we don't know what we are talking about really.


Ultra Member
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Mar 13, 2013
this is a difficult one!!
I remember when I was a kid and my parents smoked, they always told me that it was really really bad for the health and the addiction etc. that I shouldn't be as stupid as them to try it in the first place.
but now we are in a grey area were the hobby (hobbies are always a good thing right??) is an important part of the ritual. for example the pipe smokers but the nicotine (supposedly) being as innocuous as caffeine etc.
what we really need to know first are first hand experiences from persons that never smoked analogs and turned into vaping; we need to know exactly how this pans out to better help us understand this... in the near future kids (that in any other time would ended up smoking) are going to skip it and jump directly into vaping.
so we first need to know if vaping will turn up like coffee drinking; some may drink their morning coffee religiously, some just on coffee shops with friends and some throughout the day.
there are still too much that we don't know that it is hard to have the talk when we don't know what we are talking about really.


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May 23, 2013
Middle East
I've spent the last 35 years teaching older teenagers, and the last 40-45 years smoking (until 5 weeks ago!!!).

I am the counselor for the whole Grade 12 level in my school - guidance, careers, psych first aid, et cetera. I know a lot of my Grade 12s smoke, and they knew I smoked. When we were together at the kind of out-of-school activity where smoking happens, I tell them to look at me and ask themselves if they really want to smoke for the next 40 years...and if not, to please, please consider stopping while it was still easy for them to quit. When the subject has come up, I've shown my "smoker's face" to a couple of the girls, and asked if they really wanted wrinkles on their lips, like mine... yucky... not cool...

Anyway, a couple of them (closet smokers) have seen me vaping, and have been curious. Given we were outside school and they are over 18, when they asked, I showed them what my ego-CE4 was and told them how it had helped me to finally, finally, emphasis on the finally, completely stop smoking. They were impressed.

In our culture, shisha is pretty much acceptable, so the principle of sitting somewhere vaping is not foreign, exotic or even forbidden-therefore-tempting. I believe that they now know that there is something effective out there, available IF NEEDED. I didn't go into a "pleasure spiel" about the e-cig, just a "this device enabled me to quit smoking and doesn't annoy anyone" spiel.

Teenagers are basically allergic to hypocrisy, and they generally don't appreciate preaching or dire threats of punishment, either. There's a fine line to tread with them, plus the ethical responsibility involved. Not easy!


Vaping Master
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Mar 18, 2013
Kids: "Dad, we're glad you gave up smoking, but now we want you to give up vaping"

Dad: "Why? It's enjoyable and hasn't proven to be harmful"

Kids: "Because its still smoking, its not good for you and you are addicted"

Dad: "It's not smoking, stop bugging me. It's annoying"

Kids: "No"

Dad: "Your older brother Timmy used to annoy me. Look what happened to him"

Kids: "We don't have an older brother Timmy"

Dad: "Not any more. Think about it."


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Mar 13, 2013
for me it's a different issue my boy has 2.5 years and have an upcoming daughter, so ther really didn't see me smoking, they will surely know I vape as I will keep vaping indefinetly.
my son sometimes reaches to my shirt pocket and grabs my ego setup and gives it to me, he calls it medicine, I'm not sure if I made the right call on telling him that or not but I have no better answer for now. But I would like to have one once he begins to make more questions


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Vaping Master
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Mar 30, 2013
Portland, OR
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