I'm having trouble finding a clearomizer I like for my itaste vv v3. Any suggestions?

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(the itaste board wasn't any help) I love my itaste, but I can't seem to find a clearomizer which is up to par (I'm not set on a clearomizer, I'm open for suggestions, it's just what I've been using). It came with the iclear16 which had gurgling issues even though I never over-filled it or got juice in the mouthpiece. It also doesn't have a very tight seal somewhere, and when I use them I can hear air sucking in from the outside breaking the vacuum on the inside and thus giving poor vapor performance. After rave reviews I got the protank II mini. Looks really, really nice on the battery, looks great with the fancy drip tip I got for it. However, it tasted very burnt even after the factory chemicals were vaped off, and even after I flipped the rubber gasket upside-down to fix this it still had a metallic taste and the flavors were very muted compared to the iclear16. Oh, and so much fun, the glass tube completely separated from the mouthpiece. Yup, I was very careful not to screw things on too tightly and yet the thing literally just fell apart after a day of use.

So I've been doing tons of research trying to figure out what to get. This is what I've found in other forums, but I still feel lost:

Aspire CE5-S BDC clero
Kanger T3/T3S
EVOD bottom coil (I'm really weary of using a polycarbonate tank, and I've heard complaints about muted taste)
Kanger MT3
Smoke Tech Pyrex Aro
IClear30 (really intrigued by this one, would try to replace wicks with cotton ones)
Vapeonly mini/vapeonly 3.5 ml bbc mega
stardust clearos
Smok Trophy Tank
BDC Aspire Large Aspire Tanks
killer 705
diver v2
Igo-S or Igo-W
vv nova/mini vv nova

You can see how I'm overwhelmed. I'm super pick about my ejuice as it is, so I want something that gives bright flavors that aren't muted, burnt, or metallic tasting. I really want cotton wicks, or a tank that is really easy to replace with cotton wicks and I don't want to worry about polycarbonate tanks. I've only been vaping for two months, so I'm not quite at rebuilding yet. I want good performance, none of this falling apart/air leaks/gurgling nonsense. Maybe I'm delusional :p
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Mar 10, 2014
Syracuse, NY
I have numerous i clear 16's and a mini pro tank ll. The pro tank is glass so I'm keeping that one for home use. It's an airy vape for me. Picked up a plastic drip tip and am liking it much better.

I really like the 16's. The only problem that I have with them: A few times I went to unscrew the tank from my battery but unscrewed the tank part instead. Juice leaked all over. Lesson learned!

I'm also waiting for an Aspire ce5s, to come in the mail.

Best of luck on whatever you decide!


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Jan 25, 2012
I've stuck to Kanger T3's with my MVP2 for six months now. I can rebuild the wicks for pennies. I have not felt the need to experiment or buy a bunch of different tanks and such. I'm also not claiming they are the best, just that they work for me and because I can rebuild them, they are economical.

I really like the 16's. The only problem that I have with them: A few times I went to unscrew the tank from my battery but unscrewed the tank part instead. Juice leaked all over. Lesson learned!

Baha, I've done that before too! After that I just learned that I had to unscrew from the metal base and I don't even touch the tank. Fun times :)


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Sep 29, 2013
Near Austin, Texas
Get an Aerotank, a Protank II with an Aerotank base or Mini Protank II with an Aerotank base. Works for me!!! 0mini.jpg
I dont see the aspire et-s on your list.

It is glass (pyrex) but protected by metal (stainless steel?) and has never flooded, leaked, or given me any issues. I have been running it on an iTaste VV V3 and absolutely love it.

How does it compare taste wise to the iclear16 that came with the itaste (if you used it)? And is yours 2.1 or 1.8 ohm?


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Jan 1, 2014
How does it compare taste wise to the iclear16 that came with the itaste (if you used it)? And is yours 2.1 or 1.8 ohm?

Ive never used the iclear16 as I bought my VV as the express kit. I do use iClear 30s's on my VTR and I would say the aspire tastes better. The iClear 30s is a top coil so every once in a while I get a bad tasting hit unless I twirl my device upside down. The aspire with the bottom dual coal never needs to be twirled.

EDIT: oh and I run the 2.1 ohm ones.
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Jan 20, 2012
Well, I can only tell you my opinions on the things I've used.

1. Evod - my all time favorite of those I've tried. I did not have a problem with muted flavor, wicking or leaking. I do, however, use eliquids high in PG & do not use tank killers (cinnamon, menthol, etc.). Coil heads lasted a pretty long time (over a month each with regular cleaning).

2. Protank (don't know if it was 1, 2 or 3). I absolutely hated this one. I got dry hits right away & tried several tanks & several heads. I was vaping 50/50 eliquid. They were all tester tanks from my local vape shop's juice bar. They were all genuine Kanger & not knock offs so...yea.

3. Vivi Nova mini - I used these for over a year. They were decent for flavor & TH however dry hits are to be expected if you do not do the spin thing to keep your wicks wet. It was easy enough to deal with but once you got down to 1/2-1/3 tank you had to take more time to saturate the wicks. I used these just before switching to Evod.

3. Stardust clearos - These were the first clearos I used & they did work decently but had many of the same issues of the Vivi Novas. The problem they had that VNs didn't have is they leaked A LOT. And with the ones I had (don't remember which generation) the tanks did crack even though I don't use tank killer juices.

4. Igo S - This is my favorite RDA. I got my first one when I was using Twists & the Igo S looks nice with it. For me it is easy to build a good coil for & has great flavor.

That's it for what I know. :)
Ive never used the iclear16 as I bought my VV as the express kit. I do use iClear 30s's on my VTR and I would say the aspire tastes better. The iClear 30s is a top coil so every once in a while I get a bad tasting hit unless I twirl my device upside down. The aspire with the bottom dual coal never needs to be twirled.

Ha, the iClear30 is a top coil? I don't know how I missed that. There's no way I'm buying a top coil when I can't even get those with a bottom coil to work correctly. The aspire sounds pretty good to me, I think I'll give it a try. Thanks for the reply, who knows if I would have come across it otherwise.


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Dec 14, 2013
Mini Protank II with an Aerotank base.
Although I agree that the Aerotank base is the best think Kanger ever did for their bigger tanks, it's so easy to tune the airflow on the Mini PTs by opening up the holes in their stock bases that I'm not sure it makes sense to use an Aero base on them. I mean if you're going to stick the adapter and a 19mm base on your VV V3, then why not just use a 19mm tank on there as well? ;)
Well, I can only tell you my opinions on the things I've used.

1. Evod - my all time favorite of those I've tried. I did not have a problem with muted flavor, wicking or leaking. I do, however, use eliquids high in PG & do not use tank killers (cinnamon, menthol, etc.). Coil heads lasted a pretty long time (over a month each with regular cleaning).

You are awesome. That saves me so much time and money (and frustration) eliminating all of those. I think I will try the Evod and just be careful about what juice I use in them. And I hated the protank too, even before it fell apart the draw was very airy and I got dry hits a lot as well.
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I like evods and the aspire/vapeonly ET S (pyrex bdc) on my V3.

Great flavour, easy to fill and easy to clean.

Zeroclue: I'll put those to the top of the list as well, thanks.

What part of Denver are you in? I'll bring you a couple of micro coiled, cotton wicked Kanger coils for your Evod/PT. THEN you can decide if you don't like the Kanger products, and if you want to start rebuilding. I'll even bring the stuff to show you how to do it.

Rickb119: I actually live in Littleton it was just easier to put Denver and I'm there often anyway. The only thing is I was going to return my Protank since it broke, but I could exchange it. Do you think the Protank is really that amazing after the rebuild? I'm just a little gun-shy about doing it, but I would like to try.


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I will second the EVODs - look great on itaste V3 and is a good workhorse.

In the tips section on this forum it shows details on how to rebuild them, also plenty of videos on youtube: Rip Tripper being one of my favorites.

I build micro coil: 28 gauge/11 wraps/cotton yarn/1.5 ohms and vape at 8 watts on itaste V3, MVP2, 134 and SVD.

Mini Protank 2 lastest version (removable 510 tip) has performed excellent for me and is of course rebuildable also, and as shown on pictures above looks amazing on the V3.

I use the Smoktech Dripper on my V3 - it is tiny 6-7 drops for a few hits before adding more drops - works great, easy to build and looks like it was made for the V3
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Ultra Member
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Jul 20, 2013
Greeley, CO, USA
Do you think the Protank is really that amazing after the rebuild?

Well......I have 6 PT2's, several Evods (that get used mostly for new juice tasting), and about 60 heads in rotation (all rebuilt micro coil/cotton).

In all fairness, I haven't really tried that many others. Found something I liked, and that works well and just kinda settled in with it. I do have a Kayfun clone that I've played with a little but haven't taken the time to fine tune everything with it. The few good hits that I got from it were AMAZING! After that, dry hits. I know it's something I'm doing wrong but I haven't had the time (or inclination) to fool with it lately. Some day.

I do think you should return (and not exchange) the Protank. And, I was serious about the coils and lesson. I'm in Denver often but rarely know when I'll be there (or where). I work on medical lab equipment and priorities are always changing. If you want, PM me with your work address and I'll mail them to you.

Edit: Sorry, I'm tired and have a few pressing things on my mind today. I meant to say, EXCHANGE the Protank.
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I use the Smoktech Dripper on my V3 - it is tiny 6-7 drops for a few hits before adding more drops - works great, easy to build and looks like it was made for the V3

Looks like I really should try the Evods. And does the Smoktech Dripper work well even without a rebuild? I don't think I'm going to have time to rebuild anything until the summer :/ but I really want to try dripping. And I'm assuming I should get a drip guard for that?
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