Gotvapes - Customer service issue : BeatNic

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Full Member
Dec 2, 2010
Company name
Date of your initial complaint to the supplier.
8 March 2013​
How did you contact the supplier
Website ticket system​
Ticket number (if you were issued one)
General nature of complaint
Customer service​
Briefly describe your problem or issue
I SO do NOT want to do this, but the folks at Gotvapes have cut off communications with me and I have no further recourse, so I don't really know what else I can do besides post here…

6 weeks ago on March 6th, I ordered a black Anyvape CVI V1 kit from Gotvapes for $79.95. It came with a Vivi Nova tank (clone I think) that I did not need (as I prefer dripping) which made the price a little high, but they were the only vendor with stock available and my 2-yr old Infinity Pro had just died, so I opted to go with it.

Everything arrived quickly. I charged the battery, assembled the device with the Nova tank (just for fun) and had it working for a few seconds before it died completely. It was never able to fire.

I contacted Max at Gotvapes ("woody55" I believe) and they agreed I should send it back for an exchange. Also, we agreed to wait a couple of days for some extra batteries I had ordered from another vendor to arrive in case it turned out to be just a bad battery.

Batteries arrived, I tested the unit again, same results.

Before sending everything back, I asked if I could exchange the Nova for something else (it whistled and leaked like crazy - couldn't use it even if I wanted to). They said no since I had already used it. I get that, so…

I sent everything but the tank back and covered shipping costs myself (didn't ask for reimbursement)

Gotvapes, which is only a few hours from where I live, received the package the next day (according to USPS tracking). However, it was 6 days later when they finally responded informing me they were out of the color I preferred (black), and offered me a silver instead. This being my primary device I intend to use daily for as long as possible, I really didn't want to settle for a color I didn't like, so I opted to wait for more stock to arrive.

That was 4 weeks ago.

Since then I have been watching their stock on their web page, checking in with them every now and then, but no stock as of yet in any color. I don't blame them for this as it clearly seems to be an issue beyond their control, but I'm stuck on a USB passthrough here and I need a new device. So last week, 1 week ago today, I asked them for a refund so that I could buy one elsewhere. I was told the owner was doing taxes. So I waited. After tax day, I asked again but received no response. Each day since I have asked for a response but have not gotten one. Yesterday after searching the forum here a bit, I sent a pm to "dannoman" asking for help with my order, but have not yet gotten a response.

So now I am here. I'm out $80 for a tank I didn't even want, I have no device, and no one will respond to my inquiries. I hope someone here can help. :(


Full Member
Dec 2, 2010
We're at 12 days since my request now.
49 days with no functioning battery mod.

All is peaceful, quiet, serene, unfettered by rude interruptions of ecig vendors attempting to make amends for a transaction they are unable to fulfill or any obnoxious notifications to refund any monies that may be vacant from my bank account.
I even poked at them a couple of days ago to see if I could yet entice a response (because I just love bearing the brunt of abuse). I believe my exact words were, "Trying again. Please let me know what's going on.", followed the next day by, "And again."

The silence is deafening.
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