WOW, so much has changed since I was last here!!

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Vaping Master
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Jan 30, 2012
United States
I've been away from ECF and the E-Cig Hobby for a couple months now. I had/have a few things going on in my personal life. Its very nice to be back here checking ECF and seeing all my favorite posters and friends are still going strong. :)

WOW all the new mods and accessories are great.
All the new fasttech mods are really interesting. I'm loving the new flat top KTS, that thing looks gorgeous. I'm already scheming about catching a couple day labor jobs to make a Fasttech order. The Flat top gold/silver KTS (ggclone) looks great. I'm also digging some of the other FT mods that must'of recently came out. I can't believe they finally have a flashlight mod, hilarious. And it actually does VV and VW. I'm very happy with the prices I'm seeing on these mods at FTech as well. I'm also interested in the Swordsman mod that I saw on there. It looks very nice with the wood grain finish and steel caps. FTech also has some great looking accessories now. I love that they are carrying genuine Kanger Protanks and knockoff Protanks w/good reviews. I am struggling with wanting to pick up a few of these. (with nothing but dead moths in my wallet) Another mod that I saw at the FTech website that looks interesting is the I-Atty Genesis Mod! (the new version of china's 1st terrible attempt at a Zenesis clone) Although, I think they are now pushing to call it the ATTY mod for short, after finding out that there is already a genuine device named I-Atty. The ATTY device is not actually a genesis device apparently. I've read that it does utilize a regular 510 connection. The silver one has a detachable Atty, and the colored model's Atty's are fused to the body, but are the same under the hood. (a regular 510 connection) Never-The-Less, I am hearing GOOD things about the "ATTY" genesis RBA tank that they are also selling separately on the FTech website. I've seen a few videos now showcasing the Atty as a nice RBA that may even be able to compete with the AGAT2 and the RSST. I've not heard much about the Atty genesis device as a mod, but I'm hoping to find out that it will be a nice (and CHEAP!) entry level genesis device for those looking to finally get their hands dirty. Another interesting debut I missed is The Private V2, an all-mechanical mod thats on sale for under 13 bucks, and it doesn't look like a piece of crap either! :) Very cool to see and I hope this will be the trend. $15 mechanical mods that everyone can afford to stock up on for the vapocalypse. Fantastic. It seems a Lot of new mech moids are coming out or have come out and I'm excited to hear the reviews on these cheap beauties.

I'm happy to see that the Zmax, in all it's current incarnations, is leveling off at a price tag of around $50 bucks. Not shabby. Not the $30 that can get you a Vamo, but, hell, it's not a throwing baton with a :O face on it, so that's gotta be worth something. The makers of the VAMO are also coming out with a very cool looking new VW device called the KDS. Its set to come on the market under $40 bucks and it looks really NICE! I like it so much better than the VAMO's looks, and its telescoping without the stupid hieroglyphics of the SVD. Pretty cool. Speaking of the Innokin SVD, Innokin is coming out with their new box mod. Its similar in desidn to the BilletBox, except it uses recessed Innokin Iclear30 tanks. It will have a manual voltage (wattage?) wheel similar to the buzzpro or the REO VV models. Pretty cool. You can see it here: Pretty sweet looking mod. Innokin knows what we like.

Speaking of the AGAT2, I'm now seeing better reviews for the new AGI Genesis/Dripping atomizer. When it 1st came out, we were seeing some bad reviews and conversation coming out about it for it's various weaknesses. I'm now wondering if they may have changed some of the weaknesses. I'm also interested to hear more about the Titanium AGI that I just recently saw. I'm seeing conflicting reviews for these but the general consensus is that in dripping mode, its a great dripper. In gen mode, just OK. Its got a voltage drop (the 1st version does) and the 1st version had a post problems. I am hearing that newer models have a better spring and they have fixed the post issues. But this means you'll have to confirm with your vendor which version they have. I believe you want the version with the brass spring. I'm also seeing people use silica with this thing more than mesh. I'm more interested in the Atty (Zen clone) offered at FT right now, for the price to performance ratio.

I'm happy to see that the original Kamry K100's have stuck around & are selling well alongside the newer K101's. I like the look of the K100s a lot more than the 101's so I'm happy to see that I am still able to order them on multiple sites.

Also was "happy" to see that Smoktech (not my favorite manufacturer, heh) has come out with a new model, the Magneto. The Magneto doesn't look like it will be a HORRIBLE mod for budget vapors looking for a low quality mechanical. I'm liking the fact that the Magneto does have a genuine magnetic switch, a 1st for the Low Q mods as far as I know. Cool. :) But, in regular Smoktech fashion, they added the ridiculous cosmetic accents, such as the dimples that they like to put on everything, and of course the hilarious spider they put on the Magneto's battery cap. Are they trying to copy the after market Provari's spider cap, or were they trying to copy the Spider Ihybrid LE? I don't think they care. They just think we need spiders. lol. I'm sure the Magneto will have plenty of problems, being a Smoktech mod... (like wobbly tubes, chrome plated firing pins, no vent holes, etc) but I'm hoping that it won't have these problems all at once :p lol. It is an aesthetically pleasing mod.

What else, what else? The HERO mod definitely looks cool to me. A silica wick hybrid, which is similar in looks to the Zen Sidewinder. I like the looks of the Hero, the small form factor, and the overall design, under the hood and outside. If I had the $$ to drop on a mod right now, I'd probably pick a Hero up. The reviews I've seen definitely look promising. I like it.

What else is going on since I last logged into an E-Cig site? Well, I was very surprised to see that Vision is now slinging out Vivinova Dual-Coil Heads, which is neat, and also ViviNova RIBBON WIRE heads, which is very interesting to hear. Cool stuff. I can't believe this type of thing happened in the short time I've been away. These are out, along with all the New BCC that I am now seeing on the market, including the new smoktech Bottom Coil Clearomizers and new kanger protank clones that will be widely available to "compete" with Kanger. LOTS of protank and BCC clones available all over the net as well, which is cool to see. I just wish that these clones would take the original kanger heads! I dont want to buy something that says PROTANK and then buy Kanger Protank heads that will not fit, or will leak... But, you can't ask a counterfeiter to be perfect I guess. SPEAKING of the Kanger Protank, the Kanger Protank 2 is hitting the shelves now!! What the heck? Everything comes out the month I leave?? The new Kanger Protank2 will have a sleeker design (imo) and it will also allow users to put their own 510 drip tips on top. Cool.

The tiny Innokin Itaste VW is now being sold (with Variable WATTAGE innards) which is very exciting. An Ego Sized device with a nice screen and a good track record with variable wattage capabilities. I can see this model going far. Happy to see it. Want to see more competition for this type of thing coming out soon!

Ichybrid, the Ihybrid clone dropped and looks interesting... Not my favorite design but, I'm sure it'll make a lot of us happy when these become easily purchasable. Then the new mass produced Ihybrid PURE!!! will be on vendor shelves shortly, with the 1st preorder already complete! I'll be really intrigued when I'll be able to actually throw a faceless-made mod into my basket and checkout!! :D Cannot wait to see an easily obtained AMERICAN MADE HYBRID on the market. SO excited for that. Rainbow Heaven Elite Hybrid mod was preorder-sold and up for sale recently as well which is cool. Can't wait to start seeing more cheap aluminum hybrids!!

REOSmods (my favorite mechanical mods) has come out with a new color, GREEN, which, is pretty cool. Probably will be my new obsession for a while until I tell myself I'll never be able to afford one. Green is my favorite color though, next to blue and red. :p I literally CANNOT FIND my Reo Mini 14500 right now. Personal note: I went out of state for a week and when I got home my room was a disaster. (The way I left it, hah..) But whats scary, is when I got home, the 1st thing I looked for was my Reo, and I couldn't find it. Its been a while now, and I still haven't run across it, and I've TORN this room apart looking for it. I hope its here somewhere. I can't find it's batteries either and thats whats got me worried. If I just misplaced the Reo, the batteries would be around. (gulp!)

Some items that we've all been waiting for to get back in stock, are in stock right now. Including some of the variations of the MM Poldiac mods. Very cool. Wish I could afford one. Another item I saw available was the Killer 705, which I know a lot of people, and a lot of bottom feeder owners may be happy to read. The Terminator by smoktech Is on shelves now. The Terminator seems like a pretty cool Killer "clone" in and of itself, and it may be worth looking into if you love dripping attys but hate dripping.

The KICK2 is coming out shortly and it should be available to a WIDE market just as quickly as it hits the shelves. :D Everyone knows the Variable Voltage KICK, and more recently, the Kick-clones that have been coming out. Well, just as soon as the Kick Clones reached the market, (Sigelei has one out "The Stomp" for 20 bucks now, wow!) Evolv is sticking it to the chinese with their brand new Variable WATTAGE model, the KICK2! And whats fantastically awesome about the variable wattage of the KICK2 is that it'll be able to pull FIFTEEN (yes, 15!!!!!) WATTS. So you'll be able to use 1ohm and SUB-ohm coils with the KICK2, without worrying about your battery's voltage draining. Regulated Sub-ohm vaping for anyone! And I know what your thinking... This thing is gonna be $250 bucks, or completely unobtainable, like those damn DNA20 VW mods. But your wrong. Evolv has stated that the KICK2 will be priced the same as the original KICK, at just $50 bucks for a 15w regulated experience with any mech mod!!! :D This is definitely going to revolutionize mech mod user's vape experience yet again! Every1 must be really excited for this!

What else? Theres some NEW battery news! new 30AMP 18650 batteries can be found now... woah. :p & EFEST has added a new battery to their line. The new Efest 22660 battery is 3000MAH and is only $10 compared to the 15 bucks you spend on the MNKE batteries 26650 bats we're used to. Very cool. I am now on the lookout for a cheap $10 fasttech 26650 mod for sure! :p

Finally, the Penelope Clone is out. I know we've all been waiting what, years for it? its here. The Euforia Tank will be available to a wide audience and its already being sold at a few vendors including Stormy's Vapor Cellar. Its 80 bucks, but its there. Stormy's prices have always seemed pretty damn high to me, at least on rebuildable items. Idk if there is a store-wide coupon idk about or what. But the Penelope clone is available and from what the ........'s blog says, parts may even be interchangeable w/the real deal. So this thing sounds like a well built clone of one of the most, well... THE most beloved silica wick genesis RBA thats been sold. This comes with (new to me) news of an Ithicka clone. The Ithicka clone is already being sold all over the net. Thats fast cloning.

So what have I learned from this? Hmm... I need $$


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 30, 2012
United States
Killer 705... I don't see a Killer 705 on the list. (I actually browser searched it to check.)
What do you mean by this man? The Killer705 is available again. I have it listed.

Thanks Caridwen, its nice to check in. Can't believe all the new products and mods out. & the prices are great.

Rogan- This is a haiku compared to some of the stuff I've posted here to ECF in the past haha. It all just added up. Then I passed out from exhaustion. :p


Full Member
Apr 24, 2013
Eufaula, Ok,USA
Plumes, you are one knowledgeable guy! Just full of information and I need some. Have been trying to find a forum to ask this in but now I think I have found the person to help me in the right direction. When I bought my LeCig VV it did not come with the manual. I have not been able to locate one online anywhere. I won't say my current feelings on this very pretty color VV until I have tried it with a manual.
I apologize to you and the forum if I am asking an inappropriate question in the wrong thread to a direct person. I have a very difficult time searching forums to find a matching topic. Maybe that's why I have been a member so long and have not reached my 15 posts. :confused:


Resting in Peace
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2012
Treasure Coast, Florida
Welcome back! I noticed you had disappeared :(
Glad you're back on track
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