Crazy how much has changed in 6 years

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2013
A last gasp. Hundreds of big wattage TC box mods and subohm tanks flood the market, much like a last meal before an execution. Maybe more like a money grab.

Maybe not ...

Might as well that industry is listening and observing and ... reacting.

Sub-ohming / mech mods was something vapers started. Walking the tight rope on tweaking your gear to the max without getting tweaked yourself by it. Industry just picked up the trend, added circuitry ( which hopefully makes it safer for those who are not inclined to read up on Ohm's law and all that ) and of course plans to make some profit.

Not much different from the evolution of cellphones which have come a long way from the brick sized contraptions of old. Yet, how many of the apps and features on your latest do you actually use frequently?
Basics haven't changed:

Behind all the bells and whistles, a phone is primarily still a means of communication and a mod still a portable means of heating a liquid.

Vapocalypse ? Pshaw. If push comes to shove, I just pour a flavoured PG/VG mix onto a hot plate with a funnel over it...

Anything beyond that is fetures and more ofetn than not, featuritis


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 13, 2009
Cool thread. I just came back to ecf after about 5 years. I had been vaping since 08 and joined here in 09. It's crazy to see how much things have changed. I have been vaping on and off for the last 5 years and now have gotten into sub ohms and building coils. I remember when we used to make mods out of flash lights and Radio Shack battery boxes. My first real production mod was a Silver Bullet, loved that thing at the time. Now I like the versatility of being able to dial in the exact vape you want with building your own coils and using high wattage mods. Here are some of my first mods I built with help from a lot of the old timers here. Nice to be back.

First order, definitely not my last!!

510 Juicer


Super Member
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Aug 30, 2010
Good to see some familiar names still posting here, and an excellent thread topic that tends to come up ever so often LOL.

I guess put me in the boring older folks category. Vaping isn't a hobby or an obsession for me. It's what I do instead of smoking. Like the OP and a few others, I drop in here every couple months or so to see what's up.

New stuff for me is really just the ongoing quest for something that's as satisfying and fiddle-free as smoking. After six years, I'm 99% there. I've posted the timeline elsewhere, so no need to redo all that. I feel like I'm at the top of the curve for my needs. The only thing that really appeals to me these days with new products is less maintenance. What I have now involves filling the tank and a fresh battery every morning, so it's not like I'm failing in that department LOL.

I think a lot of my peers (boring older folks) get uncomfortable with the attention drawn by the cloud chasing and/or hipster bunch. I do too, but just a tiny bit. It's not like it's anything new. Anything that comes out that's worth doing, will ultimately get taken to extremes by someone compelled to do so. Personally, I think that does attract negative attention, but also leads to the development and creation of better products that everyone has access to, eventually.

If I've learned anything worth passing on to newbs it's this: learn and understand how whatever you decided to buy works. You can make a satisfying vape from just about any products you can purchase online or over the counter. Seems like the most miserable posts I see here are from people that spend a fortune trying all kinds of different products, when the problem in the first place is probably user error.


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
If CASAA and other vaping organizations get it right, then vaping will be around for a long time. The public doesn't quite understand it because the tobacco lobby doesn't want them to. BT wants to be the only source for ecigs and they want you to buy prefilled cartridges under the guise that it's the only safe way to vape.

Education is the way to safe vaping. Temperature control will ensure that by preventing dry hits and high temps. The new wave of mods offers temperature controlled vaping and testing will prove that it's the way to vape more safely. It prevents production of acrolien and formaldehyde by measuring and regulating temperatures at the coil to ensure a clean vape with no harmful chemicals.


Senior Member
Nov 28, 2015
I was reading through this thread and thinking about all the changes that have happened just since I started, which is like 14 months ago.Right when I started,Thanksgiving 2014 the Kanger subtank was just being released and I remember seeing a thread where they were saying "how can kanger do this" and "how can a company be so irresponsible" "how can they sell a .5 ohm coil to anybody who just walks in" was gonna be the end of the world,mods were gonna be going up like fireworks,chicken little says the sky is falling,vaping is gonna get a ton of bad press...ect we are Jan 16 and no one literally no one blinks an eye anymore at .5 coils.we now have .15 TC coils and .2 premade coils that people are buying to fire with 200 watt mods,things are moving fast now


Shenaniganery Jedi! Too naughty for Sin Bin
ECF Veteran
Jul 23, 2013
Hey! I've been vaping for 3.5 years and really, most of the biggest innovations have come in that time. Obviously, the market has become more substantial driving more investment in technological change.

For all the wonder that is modern RDA's, temp control, and some truly worthy tanks (Crown, TFV4), I still enjoy hooking a simple 510 drip atomizer to a mech mod and dripping my new flavors to test them. Not really a HUGE difference in effect, and to be honest, the flavor doesn't really get any better than that setup. Yet.
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