Winter is over, Spring is here, E-cig time has come.

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Full Member
Mar 23, 2009
Well, I'm back. I quit vaping through the cold winter months as I love my cigarettes in the chilly snowy weather here in the northeast. But now I am back to vaping and it's time to update my inventory.

I have been out of the game for quite some time and have done some research to help me figure out what I can do to slip back into the scene and get my lungs feeling happy for the remainder of the warm season.

I started with a DSE 901 and a Janty Kissbox Classic. I much preferred the KB-classic as it lasted much longer and had the usb passthru option that came in very handy while at home or in the car. The flavor of the 901's were definitely more pronounced in my experience, but the cart sizes and amount of dripping / cart filling became very annoying, so most of the time I would stick with my KB-Classic unless I was cleaning the atomizer.

Between the time that I stopped vaping and now, one of my friends has picked up a TW-Tornado, and another buddy grabbed a TW version Screwdriver. I quite like both of them as they both have decent throat hit and supposedly have great battery life. My primary needs are throat hit, vapor production, battery life, reliability, durability, ease of use, and additional features in that order from highest priority to lowest.

It seems my options are plenty, but I think I have narrowed it down to a small list, and would love any suggestions or recommendations as to a proper selection. For the longest time I have wanted a Screwdriver, so I may be a bit bias in my choice at the end of the day. Anyway, here's my list:

--- Screwdriver (from trog/cavecom) -- i think the new SD's are supposed to be great?
--- Screwdriver (from TW) -- Not sure how these compare to trog's, but I am open to suggestion.
--- Tornado -- my buddy has one and i like it.
--- Prodigy v1/v2 -- was curious when it came out, not sure how it faired...
--- EGO -- have read some good reviews, not sure if it'll fit my needs.

So its a short list, and I am really not sure if anything else belongs on it, but I could be missing any number of possible e-cigs that'll fill out my list of priorities. I am just really hoping that some of you will take a slight interest in my thread here and help me pick out my new e-cig to help me get off and stay off cigarettes for the remainder of the warm months until the snow comes back.

Thank you to any and all who can help me with this new purchase.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 2, 2009
Las Vegas, NV (in a small cloud)
My favorites are the mods, juicebox, any of the flashlight mods, high voltage or non, there are some really cool variations on the juicebox with sprayers and such for autofilling carts. We've been busy trying to push the limits of vaping.

If you want something easy and quick that you know you like, I'd say go with the Tornado. You said you like it so the safe bet is always to go with what you know.

Honestly, from what I'm told, just about everything on that list is a high quality product. Can't see you going wrong ^_^


Full Member
Mar 23, 2009
Juicebox? Sprayers? Ok, apparently I have missed a lot. I forgot to mention that I have also tried the TW-Screwdriver a few times and it seems a bit better than the tornado, though I haven't had much time with it. The one other thing that I was curious about was the differences between the classic atomizers versus the 510 for the screwdriver kit. I want to know which one will have better throat hit/vapor and what any of the differences are.

As I am looking around now, I see the Provape-1... gonna go look for some reviews for this one as well. I wonder how it fairs against the SD or the Tornado. So many options these days.

I am going to continue to do some research through the rest of this week before I go spending any money.

Thank you for your advice.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 2, 2009
Las Vegas, NV (in a small cloud)
Juicebox is basically a radio shack battery box with a small juice bottle and a tube that feeds to a cart when you squeeze it. They get much much better battery life than anything pen-style or smaller. The downside is, unless you find someone to build you one, its kinda DIY. Small perfume bottle sprayers have been integrated in such designs in some cases to great effect.

Personally I like the 510 attys the most (so far) but I'd say trust your instincts. :)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Glad to see you back. I remember reading your post and thinking you were crazy, but it's good that you've made it back to vaping. I kinda understand the whole "smoking in the cold thing".

I would look into a juice box, as I have heard many good things about them. I'm still using the basic 510 but I'm thinking of making a juice box.


Full Member
Mar 23, 2009
Any recommended place to grab these low resistance atomizers for a 510? I have been looking around and think I am going to get an SD MK1 updated version from Trog, and order an EGO from Janty. Grab some juice from TW and Johnson Creek, and get back in the game.

Some of those flavors on TW look really tasty, but it doesn't look like they offer the higher end flavors in 5ml bottles :/

just saw low resistance atomizers on TW, im sure those'll be fine.
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