Will quiting be easier now that i only vape? Try Chantix again?

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 20, 2010
N.W. Florida
Ok so a little background...

Smoker for about 14 years..(1-1 1/2 packs a day)
Tried Chantix in the 2008 and i FELT it working and getting rid of the craving, but i was going thru a lot of stuff at the time and just didn't quit.

I quit smoking analogs about 6-7 months ago and have been vaping for 6-7 months ( i quit the same day i started vaping ) and have not Looked, Touched or Wanted a analog since then.

I Have always and currently vape 12-16mg juice at 5-6volts.

Well i am 6-7 months into vaping and i am thinking about quitting. Once again, I looked at vaping as a "AID" to help me quit, not replacing the addiction so to speak.

So i am sure after 6-7 months OFF the analog, The chemicals (not nicotine) are out of my system, I was thinking about trying Chantix once again and this time i "believe" i might have a much better shot at quitting. Reason being, I am only up against Nicotine now ( which i know is a very powerful thing to overcome ) but i think that trying to quit just the nicotine it self rather then Nicotine and the other chemicals in analogs will be easier ( and i am certain there were some chemicals in the analogs that also aided in the addiction )

So, My plan is to vape for maybe another week or few days while taking the .5mg chantix and then quit vaping and go to the 1mg as directed.

Also, when i am at home, I vape all the time but when i go out 90% of the time i leave my unit at home and i can be without anything for a good 4-6 hours and not even worry about it. I tried getting myself into the habit of not carrying these with me 24-7 so that way i could slowly take myself off them.

Was curious if anyone had any stories to share? Comments? Thoughts? Advice to my plan?

Also, when i was using Chanitx i did not experience any side effects other then the upset stomach ( which i found to be a good thing because then i would not eat all the time which is a common problem when you quit )

Please note, I am not trying to turn this into a Chantix thread ( as there is already one going on) i am simply asking others opinion and advice on my plan. Maybe someone else used another plan to help them quit? or maybe they have some pointers for me? or something along those lines.

If Chantix doesn't harm you, go for it, but don't throw your PV away.


Crumby Jokes
ECF Veteran
Apr 1, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
This is a very encouraging thread.
I've been vaping and analog free for a little over a month.
I have noticed that long periods without vaping are much more comfortable and endurable than the same periods without analogs when I was smoking. There are indeed other factors in analogs that are addictive and I'm free from them. I did my withdrawals already and it was a cake-walk. I guess I have good vaping gear.

I can easily see reducing the nicotine content. I've decided that 18mg is more pleasurable taste-wise than 24mg and I've adjusted to it although I vape almost constantly at the computer or in the car.. At some point I can see alternation between 0mg and something a little higher and quit altogether if it suits me. I'm in no hurry yet but I've never felt this optimistic.
I think your plan is good and I also feel like youve got most of the task completed just being off of analogs for so long...to me, the nicotine itself is way easier to get off of than the habit of hand-to-mouth and all of the other psychodrama thats behind why we smoke to begin with. I think you'll do just fine once you decide the time is right!

El Dee

Ultra Member
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Apr 1, 2010
Brother that's all good...really good...Here's hoping for your continued success...I've been backing down the nic,,hoping soon to be all 12mg. I would freak without a cigarette available 24/7. Now it's not that bad. Still a vape-a-holic and sometimes chain vaper but I don't smoke. Someday I won't vape either but I'll keep the GGTS in case of emergency. Better to go back to vaping than smoking, I did that a few times.............


Ultra Member
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May 9, 2009
S. Indiana
what do you mean your blood pressure going whacko? Does vaping negatively affect BP? I take meds for BP and am wondering about that?

There are several threads about blood pressure on the forum. Type it into the search box in the lower left corner of the page and it will search the forum.
Many members have had their meds lowered or discontinued. It seems we are all a little different and there are many other factors involved.


Super Member
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Mar 19, 2010
Big Pine Key
I found that the nicotine is not the major part of the addiction... after 4 months on the e-cig I have reduced the nic to about 8mg and alternate with 0mg. I can now run around all day and work without using the e-cig, where I used to panic if I didn't have a pack of cigs nearby... I don't even freak out if I leave my KR808 at home... I still enjoy the e-cig after dinner or with a glass of wine or a cocktail, so I'm keeping it around 'til I feel I don't need it anymore. (my regular habit was 1 to 1 1/2 packs a day for 20+ years.) :):):)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 5, 2010
This is all very interesting. That the nicotine, at least the nicotine used in e-cigs, is not very addictive.

Because recently when I tried quitting smoking (without ecig - cold turkey) it was hell... all i could was sleep to get rid of the pain...

Maybe it was because I was so used to the lifestyle of smoking itself... or that I was going crazy from the lack of alkaloids I used to calm me down and focus?

Right now I'm basically over my addiction to nicotine.. I think... whatever that means... but I am now going to start smoking de-nicotinized tobacco because after quitting cigs my depression problems have once again resurfaced... as well as problems with staying calm... having more anger and just problems with my mood. So I think its probably not the nicotine that I even wanted in the first place. See my thread in the newb section if your interested to learn more.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 3, 2010
Orlando, Florida
I am still waiting for my kits to arrive which should be any day now, but I love how motivating this thread is. When I first came across e-cigs several months ago I thought '???!!! What the-??!!' because it was this inocuous device that just appeared one day at the corner store. I can't remember the brand name, and the clerk was at least as mystified as I was so she was no help, but it really did pique my curiosity. I got it enough to realize that it was an electric device that did not emit smoke, but functioned like a cigarette. Since I am very cautious about anything I might ingest or inhale, I started researching it online - and now here I am.

I know there is no such thing as a silver bullet. I'm not going to wake up tomorrow 'not' addicted to nicotine. But what I do have today that I did not have only a very short while ago is the belief that there is a much, much healthier alternative and that I CAN quit smoking. WOW. And what truly amazes me is how relaxed I feel about it. It went from I can't, to maybe I can, to I can, to I can't wait! As I read these threads and read these stories, which are really amazing, my confidence grows, and I can't WAIT for that moment when I can slap an 'analog free' banner onto my sig. So GO for it! Have some FUN with it! And most of all ENJOY every analog free moment! :)
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