Will I be happy with/am I ready for an RBA?

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Rattlin Steele

Full Member
May 13, 2014
Ex-smoker vaping now for 2 months. Rig to date has only been a pair of 650 maH ego-c twists combined with CE4 & CE5 clearomizers. Relatively low watt user, averaging around 5.5 by my calculatons (3.8V, 2.6ohms). Overall very content with the vape. I value flavor and warm full TH, but dislike even the slightest burnt taste. Clouds are my lowest priority. For example, tried a 1.6 ohm carto filled to the brim and even at my lowest voltage (3.2) the burnt taste was too much. Frankly, I guess I don't understand this whole low/sub ohm thing. Can the better battery units really go that low on the voltage? Or is it that the higher wattage can be overcome by significantly better wick supply. Otherwise you'd think it would taste horribly burnt.

I actually like the CE4s when new, but after 3 days they begin to have issues and are much less satisfying. As an ex-smoker I tend to vape the same way, meaning I often vape fast and hard for 5 minutes or so. Replace every 3 days and the costs begin to add up. BTW, I favor the 555, RY4, hint of tobacco type juices along with hazelnut, caramel, coffee, chocolate flavors, all 50/50. I don't know how these compare on the viscosity scale with others and how they affect coil life.

My main interest in an RBA is sustainability. Get a SS RBA, figure out and stock up on my wire and wick choices and I think I should be good for the long haul, o-rings and tiny screws aside. Technically, I'm not intimidated by them at all.

I know I'll likely a need a better power setup, but that's for another thread.

I'm currently most intrigued by the kayfun Lite Plus V2. Most everyone seems to like it. Also been checking out the Russian 91 and the Squape, but favoring the KFL+. Would probably start with a Ehpro clone since I'm just starting out, plus I can't seem to find a real one in stock anywhere. Would be willing to mod (and screw up) a clone if necessary.

But the real question is am I going to be able to get a similar vape as what I'm used to? I know that's a subjective question, but can anyone enlighten me about the lower ohm coils? Do I need to go to lower ohms? I should still be able to build a coil around 2.5 I would think, but would that work the same in this type of unit as it does in the disposables?

Also, any other RBAs you'd strongly suggest for a noob? The choice are overwhelming. The ones I mentioned are just ones I see talked about a lot here.

Thanks for your help!


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May 27, 2013
I've been vaping for years, but I'm a noob when it comes to rebuilding, so I'll just answer your main questions. :)

But the real question is am I going to be able to get a similar vape as what I'm used to? I know that's a subjective question, but can anyone enlighten me about the lower ohm coils? Do I need to go to lower ohms? I should still be able to build a coil around 2.5 I would think, but would that work the same in this type of unit as it does in the disposables?

A couple things. First of all, a rebuildable atomizer is just that: an atomizer that's rebuildable. Just because with some setups it allows people to vape a much lower resistance (ohm) coil doesn't mean you HAVE to. If your preferred vape is a 2.5 ohm coil at 5.5 watts then knock yourself out, you can certainly accomplish that with a rebuildable atomizer. As a matter of fact, you don't even NEED a new battery if you don't want to get one. Your Ego is fine (though you'll get a lot more freedom and experimentation with something variable, so I recommend it).

Though, you might even find that you like a higher wattage than you originally thought. This is because if you crank a clearomizer up too much you'll end up tasting a little bit of the heated up silicone cap, maybe a little metallic taste, etc., etc. When you drip you're pretty much just tasting your juice.

(Special note: if you plan to keep your Ego as your only battery you need to at least get an ohm meter. Do not try building your own coil if you don't own either an ohm meter or a variable voltage mod that can check your resistance.)

And is the vape similar? Yes and no. You're still inhaling the same vaporized flavored liquid that's heated up by wire, you know? So of course it'll be similar. But it feels different in a way I can only describe as "cleaner."

Also, any other RBAs you'd strongly suggest for a noob? The choice are overwhelming. The ones I mentioned are just ones I see talked about a lot here. Thanks for your help!

My recommendation for just starting is the IGO-L, hands down. I had recently bought my first rebuildable dripper but it was a 3 post model meant for dual coils, and the guy at the shop drilled the holes too large, yada, yada, and it was a fail. But then I went back to the basics, bought an IGO-L, and this thing is GREAT! My very first coil and wick I threw in it has been rocking for hours.

Or if you want a tank, go for the Kayfun Lite. It's more complicated than a dripper but it's so popular on ECF that there are dozens of people here to help you out with it. I'd pass on the Squape. I haven't used it, but see a lot of negative comments about it. I also think the Aqua looks great, although I'm sure everyone on here will tell you to get the Kayfun instead.

I hope any of this helped. ;)
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ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
I started out on a igo-L not long after I started vaping and feel in love with dripping. I have 3 now. I just started using a Kayfun Lite but the jury is still out on that one. I have been happily vaping and never thought it would get much better but I was wrong. Started using a rm2 atomizer on a reo grand and it is dripping heaven. Instead of constant filling, you have a 6ml bottle of juice just sitting there waiting on ya anytime. I absolutely love it. Another dripper that I have come to just love is the Vision Eternity. It holds 35 or so drops so it is pretty convenient and very enjoyable.

Good luck to you. There is so much out there to try. Happy vaping and dripping to ya. I think you will really enjoy the enhanced flavor of the juices that you get from dripping. :)


Senior Member
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Jan 12, 2014
- I value flavor and warm full TH, but dislike even the slightest burnt taste.
- Can the better battery units really go that low on the voltage? Or is it that the higher wattage can be overcome by significantly better wick supply. Otherwise you'd think it would taste horribly burnt.
- I don't know how these compare on the viscosity scale with others and how they affect coil life.
- My main interest in an RBA is sustainability.
- I know I'll likely a need a better power setup, but that's for another thread.
- But the real question is am I going to be able to get a similar vape as what I'm used to? I know that's a subjective question, but can anyone enlighten me about the lower ohm coils? Do I need to go to lower ohms? I should still be able to build a coil around 2.5 I would think, but would that work the same in this type of unit as it does in the disposables?

- Sub Ohm can give you a nice warm vape. Throat hit tends to come from factors in your liquid (pg/vg ratio + nic strength), diameter of your RBA's chamber, and air flow. From my experience less air flow = More TH + More Flavor + Less Clouds. Smaller Chamber = More Flavor & Slightly Warmer Vape. Higher Watts = Warmer Vape.
Some people will say single coil also = More Flavor. I actually prefer single coil at .5 than dual coil at .5 anyday. It gives me the flavor and draw that I prefer most. But someone else will likely have different preferences.
Example of increased TH: When I put 6mg nic in my kayfun not too much throat hit. When I set up my father's Kayfun with 18mg it kicks my throat hard.

- Higher wattages can be overcome by good wicking. For example the new threads about people figuring out how to wick the Fogger V4 at low ohms without getting dry hits from around .2 to .4 (When starting out make sure you do your research on sub-ohming & battery safety. I don't recommend a Fogger V4 to someone new to RBA's nor do I recommend going .2 -.4 right away. But as you gain knowledge and experience about building and battery safety it doesn't hurt to go up and down in ohm's to find what you like most.)

- Do you need to go lower ohms!? :ohmy:
Fack I'm not the right guy to answer this. But a statement I've seen put on here that I completely agree with was "You don't see people going from low-ohms to high ohms. They usually go sub-ohm and never come back"
But considering you like the vape of clearo's and cartos I don't think you will need to go sub-ohm. You could build with 32g or 30g A1 Kanthal wire which is thin and will heat up faster at lower wattages and easily give you the ohm range you're looking for (2.5 you said).
I think someone else experienced with 32g and 30g could better answer questions about the vape quality with these gauges.

Edit: Forgot to say I think an Ehpro Kayfun would be a good place to start. Kayfuns are considered reliable, almost bullet proof by some. Make sure you read up on preventing leaking, and building and all that. Hope you find what you're looking for.

Edit #2: I used to ....ing hate Low ohm carto's. I don't know why they would ALWAYS burn out on me even on low watts. SR resistance cartos gave me a vape I liked for about 8 months until I started looking for a "fuller" warmer vape.
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Jan 12, 2010
Washington, DC area
For example, tried a 1.6 ohm carto filled to the brim and even at my lowest voltage (3.2) the burnt taste was too much. Frankly, I guess I don't understand this whole low/sub ohm thing. Can the better battery units really go that low on the voltage? Or is it that the higher wattage can be overcome by significantly better wick supply.

It's definitely the wicking, along with size of the atomizing chamber and other little details that add up to a big difference. For a comparison, I was vaping with clearo tanks at about 6 watts and anything higher tasted burnt to me. When I got my KFL, I found I liked it at 8 watts (and have since gone up to about 10 as my usual setting). As someone else mentioned earlier, the higher quality tank seems to taste cleaner. I can turn it up higher than the 10 without getting a burnt taste, but I don't seem to notice much difference in the vape, so I keep it where it is to save battery power.

I know I'll likely a need a better power setup, but that's for another thread.

It can work with your ego battery, but you'll be able to better tailor the vape to your personal preferences with a variable voltage or wattage device. There are a million threads on the forum about that, and you can get a decent one for as low as $40 or so. The other advantage is that it can measure the resistance of your coil without the need to purchase a separate meter.

I'm currently most intrigued by the Kayfun Lite Plus V2. Most everyone seems to like it. Also been checking out the Russian 91 and the Squape, but favoring the KFL+. Would probably start with a Ehpro clone since I'm just starting out, plus I can't seem to find a real one in stock anywhere. Would be willing to mod (and screw up) a clone if necessary.

Excellent choice - it's what I have, and I'm so happy with it that I ordered 2 more this morning so I could keep 3 different flavors tanked up at a time. As far as the other ones you mention, the Russian 91% is essentially the same thing (the designers split up, and one began selling the Kayfun while the other produced the Russian). The Squape is pretty similar in design, with a few small differences that are supposed to make it easier for beginners, but the things I read/hear say that it's a little more finicky than the kayfun.

You may also see recommendations for the Aqua or the Fogger V4. These are both designed for dual coils instead of a single. Those probably aren't best for what you say you want - the multiple coils will need more power to work well, they'll be at lower resistances right off the bat, and they'll burn juice faster to make bigger clouds. Finally, some people seem to really like the Taifun. That's set up a bit differently from these, and I don't know a whole lot about it, so I can't really advise there.

But the real question is am I going to be able to get a similar vape as what I'm used to? I know that's a subjective question, but can anyone enlighten me about the lower ohm coils? Do I need to go to lower ohms? I should still be able to build a coil around 2.5 I would think, but would that work the same in this type of unit as it does in the disposables?

Yes, you can absolutely get the same vape you're used to, although you'll probably notice better flavor. That said, the smaller wire (which offers the highest resistance) can be a little more difficult to work with. I started with 30 guage wire (which is fine, but 32 might be a little too small) and wrapped my first coils around 2 ohms, which was a great starting place. My standard coil now is 28 guage at 1.5 ohms. As other people have mentioned, the cartomizers tend to taste burnt at lower resistances, and a Kayfun won't have that problem. So to answer your second question, it won't work quite the same as the disposables.

Also, any other RBAs you'd strongly suggest for a noob? The choice are overwhelming. The ones I mentioned are just ones I see talked about a lot here.

If you want to try dripping, I'd recommend an Igo-W for about $11. It sounds like you've pretty much got the tank style covered. I'm very happy with my EHPro Kayfun Lite + clone, and it sounds like you'll enjoy it as well. Make sure to check back in and let us know how you like it.
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Rattlin Steele

Full Member
May 13, 2014
Though, you might even find that you like a higher wattage than you originally thought. This is because if you crank a clearomizer up too much you'll end up tasting a little bit of the heated up silicone cap, maybe a little metallic taste, etc.

I think you're on to something. I have deconstructed a CE4 before and, in addition to the top cap, there is a silicon (?) sleeve just below the coil, which is used to hold the coil leads in place. I hadn't thought about it before, but it's likely getting dried out and crispy over time and contributing to the burnt taste. Perhaps it is most of the burnt taste! Doesn't sound too healthy! :ohmy:

I have digital multimeter and ohm out everything before I put them on my batteries.

Good to know I can start out on the ego-c for now. I'll worry about the battery system down the road.

You all talked me into trying an RDA. For the price, I'll probably try both an IGO-L & W. I really had not considered them before, but I'll likely keep using my current setup at work for the time being, so a dripper should be fine at home. Plus it should be better for learning to build coils and also trying out new juice blends. I do like blending pre-made juices, but hope to advance to creating my own from scratch soon.

Question for those that use silica wicks... What diameter do you like in an RDA/RBA? I want to try both silica and cotton. I'm thinking start with 2mm?

Started using a rm2 atomizer on a reo grand and it is dripping heaven. Instead of constant filling, you have a 6ml bottle of juice just sitting there waiting on ya anytime. I absolutely love it. Another dripper that I have come to just love is the Vision Eternity. It holds 35 or so drops so it is pretty convenient and very enjoyable.

After investigating the REO a little, it intrigues me also. But I'm unclear on how the juice gets from the bottle's wick and into the atomizer on top. Does it require special atomizers?

Also, how many vapes does one typically get on an RDA before having to open the top and squirt in new juice? I now it will vary, but I hope I'd at least get the equivalent of one cigarette.

Thanks everyone!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 7, 2013
Warren Mi
Well to get right to the point I have got to say, GET ONE! I have been vaping since last aug. Got my first rba april 5th to play with at home on a mechanical. What you said sounded exactly like all the things I thought I knew. My favorite juice is mbv cinnamon roll. In a vivi nova pyrex with a 2.4 coil I keep the volts down around 3:7 on my winder. The rba I picked up from my local bm is a helios clone. Building and installing dual coils is simple. Any way with a fresh charge at 4.2 and. 5 ohms(that is 2 1.0 ohm coils) there is absolutly no burnt taste and a great hit in a flash. Say goodbye to super long draws you get more vape in 1second than you will ever get from a clearo. I cant give you an opinion on wich one and dont think it matters as long as you get the ability to go single and duel coils. That way you can find what works for you. Also I would suggest a mech and a good 30 amp batt. That way if you want to go sub ohm you can. I learned this by getting a 10 amp with my mech becouse like you I had no interest in sub ohm cloud chasing. Now that battery is only used when I put one of my old toppers on, which means never.lol. Good luck have fun. STAY SAFE!



ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
Ex-smoker vaping now for 2 months. Rig to date has only been a pair of 650 maH ego-c twists combined with CE4 & CE5 clearomizers. Relatively low watt user, averaging around 5.5 by my calculatons (3.8V, 2.6ohms). Overall very content with the vape. I value flavor and warm full TH, but dislike even the slightest burnt taste. Clouds are my lowest priority. For example, tried a 1.6 ohm carto filled to the brim and even at my lowest voltage (3.2) the burnt taste was too much. Frankly, I guess I don't understand this whole low/sub ohm thing. Can the better battery units really go that low on the voltage? Or is it that the higher wattage can be overcome by significantly better wick supply. Otherwise you'd think it would taste horribly burnt.

I actually like the CE4s when new, but after 3 days they begin to have issues and are much less satisfying. As an ex-smoker I tend to vape the same way, meaning I often vape fast and hard for 5 minutes or so. Replace every 3 days and the costs begin to add up. BTW, I favor the 555, RY4, hint of tobacco type juices along with hazelnut, caramel, coffee, chocolate flavors, all 50/50. I don't know how these compare on the viscosity scale with others and how they affect coil life.

My main interest in an RBA is sustainability. Get a SS RBA, figure out and stock up on my wire and wick choices and I think I should be good for the long haul, o-rings and tiny screws aside. Technically, I'm not intimidated by them at all.

I know I'll likely a need a better power setup, but that's for another thread.

I'm currently most intrigued by the Kayfun Lite Plus V2. Most everyone seems to like it. Also been checking out the Russian 91 and the Squape, but favoring the KFL+. Would probably start with a Ehpro clone since I'm just starting out, plus I can't seem to find a real one in stock anywhere. Would be willing to mod (and screw up) a clone if necessary.

But the real question is am I going to be able to get a similar vape as what I'm used to? I know that's a subjective question, but can anyone enlighten me about the lower ohm coils? Do I need to go to lower ohms? I should still be able to build a coil around 2.5 I would think, but would that work the same in this type of unit as it does in the disposables?

Also, any other RBAs you'd strongly suggest for a noob? The choice are overwhelming. The ones I mentioned are just ones I see talked about a lot here.

Thanks for your help!

1: People use high power batteries to get high power.
2: Gotta go rebuildable to save money on replacing coil heads.
3: No you don't need better power setup, but that's another way to save money.
4: Yes you can get the same vape as what you are used to, but it will end up better .
5: Nope you don't need to use lower ohms.
6: Yes you can build coils at 2.5 ohm no problem, and yes it will work the same as the disposables; but chances are you'll use thicker wire, and cotton wick instead of silica, your ohms will end up more like 1.5 to 2 ohms and you'll find a better vape.

Rattlin Steele

Full Member
May 13, 2014
Well I finally got all the stuff in and had time to try it out. For now, I went with the IGO-W, 32 & 30G kanthal, 2 mm Ekowool hollow braid, and also ordered a cheap mech and some 18650 LiMn cells. And also a few needle tip bottles.

Still trying to dial it in to my liking. I think I'm definitely not a low ohm guy. First coil with 30G, 5 wraps, came in at 1 ohm and it was too harsh for me on a fresh 18650 in the mech (3.7V) and better but still too much with my Ego-C Twist set to 3.2V. Juice is nearly 80 VG. Tried again with 7 wraps and got it to 1.4 ohms. Better but still harsh on the mech. Getting acceptable on the Ego at 3.2V. Next attempt I will try to get between 1.8 and 2.0, probably 10-11 wraps. Have not yet tried the 32G wire.

These are not tight touching wraps (Is that what they call micro-coils?) since I'm wrapping around silica wick and a paper clip, but I want to try that as soon as I get to the drugstore and get some organic cotton. I am supposed to leave enough wick to trail down into the pan right? I only seem to have enough clearance to get one end of the wick into the pan. Should I try to leave enough slack on the wire leads to let both wick ends to hit the pan?

Overall, it is a big difference from the clearomizers as you all said. The volume is much greater and I'm liking it a lot. I had figured I'd use the clearomizer/Ego-C at work since it's more compact, but I may not be able to go back to them after I get the RDA coils dialed in where I like them. Next will be a KFL and picking out a better mod. I think I'm really going to have to have VV and VW.

Thanks again everyone for your help.


Ultra Member
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May 16, 2014
United States
Yes you will absolutely love a KFL+ I guarantee it especially considering your not a sub ohm person like me. I couldn't live without my Russian 91/KFL +s V2. If you are looking for an excellent KFL + clone go for the EhPro V2 you can get one from FluidVapes.Com for $35

Oops just ran into a steal $26.99 and this is the GOOD one!!


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