why does every clearomizer I put Unicorn Blood in leak??

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 7, 2013
I love Unicorn Blood from Fuzion Vapor but every clearomizer I try leaks and or cracks. I have tried 2 types of kanger and evod tanks...an iclear 30... and a protank 3. What am I doing wrong?? Or whats in it to make it do that? It will always leak out the botton of the clearo to the battery connection. Please help. Any suggestions?


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Nov 2, 2013
Florida (east coast)
Sounds like you are cranking the tank down to tight on your battery imho. If you lock it down tight and the pin pushes the coil pin to much something has to give. Happens from time to time especially with mods where the pin sometimes backs out after a few battery or tank swaps. The only thing I ever had problems with was cheap clearos and the BCC Mega which mine (might have defective seals) does nothing BUT flood flood flood.

The Protank will flood if you get juice down the center hole (as will any other) no way around that. But I always blow out my tanks (over the sink is best) after filling to avoid this and it's no big deal. If I blow and juice keeps coming out then I know it's probably a bad seal or my coil is drowning (happens mostly with top coils) due to overfilling.

I also rebuild all my own coils after a batch of bad Kangers (rare but happens) made me see the light. So I would say it's not the juice but rather inexperience in dealing with tank flooding/leaking that is to blame. I would also not fill the tank fully until you have solved the issue or you might waste lots of juice. If you have a local vape shop near by maybe drop in and see if they can't help you out. Any store worth a salt should help potential customers even if you aren't using their gear.
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