Why can't I taste the flavors?

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Jan 24, 2010
Ohio, USA
I'm frustrated because I love butterscotch candy but am unable to taste anything in the butterscotch juice I have. All I taste is fog machine like taste.

Am I doing something wrong? I filled the blank cart with it, dripped a few on the atty bridge. And am topping it off when it needs it. But no flavor comes through. I smelled the bottle of juice and it smells great, just like butterscotch. What gives?

Is it possible for an atty to be bad but still work but give no flavor? I'm so frustrated by not being able to taste it.

I can however taste marlboro juice. Which I'm not fond of. But I used that on a different atty.:-x

EDIT: I just used a new atty with a blank cart, filled it up with butterscotch and dripped on the atty. Same lack of taste. :(
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 5, 2009
I always find that these juices smell stronger than they taste (especially the sweet/fruit flavours).

If you are using a seperate atty for seperate flavours, there isn't an awful lot you can do, bar getting some of the "flavourart" concentrated flavourings and adding a drop or two to your bottles (don't over do it, they are supposed to be VERY strong...and you can always add more if you want at a later stage).

Edit: How long have you been vaping and how long is it since you had a real smoke? Tastebuds can take a while to recover.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 20, 2010
ya I've an RN4081 which I absolutely love but I too can't taste flavored juices, I can smell them but don't seem to have the same tastes as others, I've read that higher voltage ecigs produce better flavor than the 3.7 volt models, but maybe it's just my tastebuds I only quit analogs a week ago so maybe it takes time for them to come back.


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Jan 24, 2010
Ohio, USA
I always find that these juices smell stronger than they taste (especially the sweet/fruit flavours).

If you are using a seperate atty for seperate flavours, there isn't an awful lot you can do, bar getting some of the "flavourart" concentrated flavourings and adding a drop or two to your bottles (don't over do it, they are supposed to be VERY strong...and you can always add more if you want at a later stage).

Edit: How long have you been vaping and how long is it since you had a real smoke? Tastebuds can take a while to recover.


I'm still smoking about a half pack a day. I have been vaping for 5 days now. I hope it's truly a tastebud problem in relation to smoking with tar and gunk on my tastebuds. That's the only thing I can think of that might hinder flavor other than a mechanical malfunction.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Nov 16, 2009
it probably is that you are still smoking.. If you are getting a good vapor but no flavor..

this will fix the problem go look in your local baking stores.. or hobby stores for lorann's flavorings you can also buy them online but that is a common flavor so would be cheaper if you found it in a store..

if it is a small 6ml bottle put in 5-10 drops of the flavoring start out low and put in a few drops until you get the taste you like.. it will lower the nic concentration but if it is enough difference just get some unflavored juice and add it in

another thing is check out the hv juices. if you do not want to mess with that.. i found that when i first started and could not taste much. the flavors that i did taste where the high voltage flavors from nhaler
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 7, 2009
Its probably a combination of things, your taste buds probably arent recovered yet and i think this can take several weeks. Could also be the juice you are using as 100% vg has less taste. I found that I can taste tastyvapors juices (not sure what he does different but it works for me). Last it could be your 510. I have heard that with 510's you trade taste for vapor. I think thats why the mods are so popular with the 510 as they help with flavor.


Full Member
Feb 3, 2010
Hello, I am experiencing the same problem with taste, it seems that it is mainly the sweet stuff, which is my favorite, that I can't taste, I can smell them great, just not much taste, when I started tasting the sweet ones they were awesome, but a few days later, no taste. maybe I overdid it. I have been off the analogs for 2 weeks now, I have tasted a puff or 2 though and they taste horrible, Currently I'm just using plain coffee or Marlb. flavor and every now and then check a sweet one out, to no avail, still not any sweeetness. I'm sincerely hoping the buds will come out of it, I read somewhere that taste buds shed every 10 days to 2 weeks, so.... I'm just gonna hang in there, and hope it's just taste bud overload.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Nov 20, 2009
Western Canada
try exhaling through your nose. Taste buds generally only commit a physical sensation of a taste. Like if you eat something sweet, the sweetness is felt by the tongue, but what most people associate "taste" or "flavor" with being is actually sensed by the nostrils and is technically a fragrance rather than a true taste. This is why if you hold your nose plugged, you cant "taste" anything at all except for the physical sensation feel of it on the various quadrants of your tongue (sweet areas, salty areas, sour areas, which are more like a physical sensation).

Exhaling through your nose gives you the same "flavor" that you get when you smell the e-juice in its bottle.


Senior Member
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Dec 22, 2009
Redwood City, CA
I had a small bottle of butterscotch from V4L, and a 510. I did get a definite strong butterscotch taste on the first drag, but the flavor dropped off sharply with each successive drag from the cart. And I decided I wasn't that fond of butterscotch flavor after all.

I know it took me a while to get the hang of my 510, and I still have bad days (six or seven weeks into it) when just nothing works. But there is definitely technique involved. Be patient. keep it level. Long, slooooow drags. I found when I got frustrated with my 510, I sucked too hard and fast, which produced little vapor, got my atty too hot and ran my batteries down even faster. Then there's flooding.

And if the 510 doesn't work for you, remember you're not married to it. There are other options. My wife wanted to try vaping, but didn't like the fussiness of my 510, so we got her a Vapor King (kr808d-1). Of course, I've tried it out a few times, and I like it very much. I'm not quite ready to give up my 510 (I like the geeky hobby aspect) but I did get myself an adapter so I can run cartomizers on my box mod and 510 batts. Her shorty pcc starter kit from V4L cost less than a carton of Camels...


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 18, 2010
I had a cigarette yesterday. First one in over a month. The first drag brought me back to my teen years with that sickly "tobacco ashtray" flavor. Then the flavor got milder until it all just tasted like smoke. I think without all the starches and fats associated with normal flavors I can only expect a hint of the intended flavor to be percieved by my tongue. Some flavors are strong no doubt anyone will experience cinnamon when vaping atomic fireball. But it will never taste like a piece of candy because there is no sugar. I am satisfied as long as it tastes better than an ashtray. Yes I have tried TV eliquids and they are a little watery and all have a similar flavor, probably the maltol, he uses to increase sweetness to the flavors.
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