Burnt taste?

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Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
The atty2: Some of them need blowing out a lot. I have an issue (caused by me overfilling I think) of getting juice down inside it so I have to blow it out more than normal (lol) It's not enough to flood it but there always something in there to be blown out.
See my post above your post.
There should ALWAYS be something available to blow out.

I am starting to think that leaving juice in the atomizer overnight might sometimes cause issues.

I wonder how long it takes juice to dry up a bit in the atomizer mesh when sitting unattended, and therefore start to clog the atomizer mesh, and therefore start to piss off the Gods of Vapor.


Ultra Member
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Jan 15, 2010
New York (no, not the city)
Funny, just today my 510 was tasting like burning notebook paper. It might have been my fault (I was playing with cart filler) and likely just a loose filament or two of poly filler. But it took several blow-outs (and a few floodings) as well as a rinse and wipe-out of the atty to finally get rid of the taste.


Quantum Vapyre
ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2009
sometimes the cart fiber breaks off onto the atomizer and burns...get it out with a tweezer!

But don't pull out the white threads that are coming out from under the bridge. That is the atty wick, and the atty needs them to get juice from the cart to the coil.

Also, make sure the cart filler is wet and cradling the bridge well. Burnt taste can be from a juice-starved atty, which often means the cart isn't wicking properly. Or you just need to add juice.


Full Member
Jan 29, 2010
Hey Dunlap,

Have you checked to see if the bottom of your carts are melted ?

I just discovered that mine look like they have small bites in them, if that makes any sense. I have trimmed my carts a bit and looks like that has stopped the melting..

That could also be from the carts not being aligned too well with the atty though. I always align the cart opening with the atty length wise so it doesn't go over the plastic and eventually threaten to melt it


Senior Member
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Aug 30, 2009
Houston, Tx.
I had this problem with 801 atomizers when I first started. The only solution I have found is to keep the atomizer and cartridge saturated. It's annoying and slightly messy, but I constantly top off with a small injector needle. It took three months to learn how much juice is needed.

I'm still using bestecig 801 attys and carts. I use their juice as well. (no affiliation with bestecig). I just found it easy to order in bulk from one place.

I may go through one atomizer per month. I have had 2-3 that were doa or low vapor producers.

Good luck and stick with it!


Senior Member
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Aug 30, 2009
Houston, Tx.
Also wanted to add that I tossed all of the burnt ones after trying several methods to clean them. It just didn't work form me. Your mileage may vary. I bit the bullet and invested in a bulk order of attys.

I start with a fresh cart. and saturate, saturate, saturate until it is well broken in. I have also found that the atty takes more "dry abuse" now if I forget to top off sometimes.


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 10, 2009
Sometimes, when my atomizer tastes burned, a few moments later it just stops vaping..........I've tried to blow it out, to clean it and let it dry overnight, but nothing seems to help.......so what I do then, is put a little piece of kitchen paper into the atomizer ( roll it, put it inside, and DO NOT TURN IT AROUND!!!) I let it stay overnight, the next morning the paper is all wet, all the liquid has been sucked into the paper........
THen, I throw away the paper, put a few drops of liquid on the atomizer, let it rest for a while, and then I start vaping again....most of the times my ato looks like new!........and sometimes it doesn't work anymore......then I have to use a brand new one.........:)
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