why cant i get this right? dry hit depression

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Full Member
May 26, 2011
Thanks guys.

Really helpfull, ive taken on board everyones suggestions, im not going to give up thats for sure. I looove vaping and it will get me off the ciggys, i guess its just working out what works for me. Im going to try some cheap boge carto's, a few of you have mentioned carto tanks, im guessing thats a tank that the carto fits into??? Im going to look into that.

When i get my student money in january im going to buy loads of gear and sus out what i like, cant wait.
Does anyone know where i can get samples of juice?

Best wishes to you all, what a friendly helpfull community you all are


Full Member
Verified Member
Oct 6, 2012
norwich, uk
i struggled for ages with cartos and tanks, great when you get a good carto but some just last a few puffs then the dreaded burnt taste kicks in.
i went to a cheap genesis setup but hated messing about with the coils and the mesh.
just recently got a ud igo-w, wrapped some micro coils, twisted some cotton wool through and wow! so easy to setup, super cheap, great flavour, so happy now!
i find using a crown or kick helps loads, means you dont have to worry too much about the number of coils.
hope this helps...

Thanks guys.

Really helpfull, ive taken on board everyones suggestions, im not going to give up thats for sure. I looove vaping and it will get me off the ciggys, i guess its just working out what works for me. Im going to try some cheap boge carto's, a few of you have mentioned carto tanks, im guessing thats a tank that the carto fits into??? Im going to look into that.

When i get my student money in january im going to buy loads of gear and sus out what i like, cant wait.
Does anyone know where i can get samples of juice?

Best wishes to you all, what a friendly helpfull community you all are
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