why can’t a non-smoker vape?

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Vaping Master
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Dec 9, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario -CANADA-
I was breathing air before i drank mountain dew or smoked or drank alcohol...I think the real gateway drug is curiosity. ;)

Thanks for that chuckle in the quoted post.. Its all I felt was worthy of reading in this whole waste of a thread created only for "reaction"...



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 5, 2010
the deep south
Ok, perhaps I should explain myself better.I don't hate all people who smoke. Just the selfish ones.
<snip for space> These smokers are horrible people, and I hope they all get lung cancer and die painful deaths.

P.S. Its but who you are now that matters.

I think you need to take a look at yourself first. I've never seen more vile and ugly words spoken.

Do you realize that 99.99% of us were smokers not too long ago, and some still do smoke on occasion? And I'll venture to say that all of us hate people who hate smokers. Hating *smoking* is one thing, but hating people who smoke?

Hating others only negates your own opinions and statements. You come into a room of smokers and past smokers and call us names, then expect us NOT to react?

How would you feel if I said that all people with brain damage are stupid?

And soon after that the only place people will be allowed to smoke is in their house or car.

ah, but word is, they are trying to ban smoking in cars too.

I don't get it. What's wrong with having a non-smoking section outside as well as a smoking one? I'm not suggesting that they remove the outdoor smoking section entirely...

Are you going to give up part of the inside for smokers, in return? If you take away half the outside (and as many pointed out, the freezing, bad weather, all incliments that go with it, that smokers must deal with..what do you offer in exchange?

Here in Florida it's the exact opposite. Every bar I've ever seen here is so full of smoke that you can barely see through the air.

This is not true. Smoking is not allowed indoors in Florida. At least not the Florida I live in.

I think it's you that missed the point. The point is there are new smokers lighting up for the first time everyday. If they have made up their minds to pick up the habit, why not pick up the one that's not gonna kill you. <snipped for space> E cigarettes are not just for people that want to get off analogs, they're the modern alternative to tobacco.

The problem is we don't know for sure what the dangers may or may not be. Until that is known for sure, how can we support starting any new habit that may not be healthy for any individual?

As for a non smoking vaping ... that's easy too, just vape 0 nic juice for whatever reason you want to. They could be a social vaper. :D

As for the person that said it would lead them to tring juice with Nicotine. LMAO, Im sure very one would just migrate right to nicotine. What makes you think a Non smoker would want throat hit. The only reason smokers want it is because it better simulates smoking for them. I would imagine a Non-smoker vaping would be mostly concerned with good flavor. Sorta doubt there gonna jump on the tobacco flavors either.

Funny, I spoke to a non-smoking vaper the other day that is migrating towards the nic juices (because he wants to try "such and such" a juice, and will take whatever kind is offered) NOW.. not so crazy any more is it?

With that said.. e-cig may be safer than smoking, but even vaping too much 0 nic PG juice could cause respiratory problems and 0 Nic VG could damage the liver according to reports I have read.

EXACTLY. Underwater Goddess.... therein lies the answer to your question.

Now, I ask YOU this: You would suggest someone start a habit that might damage their liver or cause respiratory problems just because vaping appeals to you more? Does that not make you the same as the "horrible smokers" you despise that are inflicting their vile evil habit on the innocent?
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 7, 2009
NW Ohio
Others are .......s who don't give a damn about others. These people smoke near their kids, around their non-smoking spouses and their pets. They smoke in public places where lots of non-smokers have to put up with their second-hand smoke. They poison the air of nightclubs and bars, leaving the people who frequent those places with compromised lungs and shortened lifespans. These smokers are horrible people, and I hope they all get lung cancer and die painful deaths.

Man I was totally on your side up to this statement... This just comes across as ignorant...there's no definative proof that there is any danger to second hand smoke...any study or report if you look is somehow connected to or paid for by one of those anti smoking groups that are now trying to ban e-cigs as well... look at when ASH tried to get OSHA to back up their movement for smoking bans and when OSHA came back with their results ASH dropped it..but you asked for sources so here:
The Case Against Smoking Bans - OSHA
The Case Against Smoking Bans - Restaurant Air
The Case Against Smoking Bans - Ventilation

So if all of a sudden you say non-smokers want a non smoking section of a patio? it's freaking outside not an enclosed space, sit out there anyway

SO...lets just drop that angle right now...I could have come back with something along the lines of anyone who tries to kill themselves is a selfish ...... too...and worse to fail at it...they shouldn't be allowed to continue to live because they obviously need to be removed from the shallow end of the gene pool....

Now that that bit is over...
someone said that all smokers had to be forced to smoke...really?
I didn't I chose to smoke...I loved it...pipes, cigars, cloves, hookah, cigs...
loved the whole culture and social aspect of it..
I also understand that some people have a fetish for smoking...some might disagree with it and one already said there is no sex appeal of it....I beg to differ...go ahead and google smoking fetish and see just how many sites come up and how many people disagree with you..
look at the entertainment industry too...how many movie characters are smokers....so we should give them combustable cigs instead of a PV with 0 nic juice?

I agree that a person who's going to pick up the habit should have the choice and that vaping is a safer choice..

as for the nicotine is an addiction crap...well it's also being studied and used in all sorts of diseases and disorders...so to that I say, oh no I might become addicted to something that is being used to stave off parkinsons, alzheimers, crohns, ulcerative colitis, ADD and ADHD, and any # of mental disorders...but it might raise my blood pressure...I think that's a pretty fair trade off

EDIT: I see more of an issue in that a bunch of vapers are the self loathing type of ex-smoker the type that believes that theres something dirty and to be hidden about vaping and that it is somehow taboo as well...
I love the "theres not enough research" argument because there's tons of research that suggests 0 risk as far as PG goes for some reason they're still of the mindset that because no real side effects have been found that there just hasn't been enough research... these are the same type of people that would go on and argue the evils of Dihydrogen Monoxide..
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 2, 2009
Las Vegas, NV (in a small cloud)
As a person with family both smokers and medical professionals in cancer treatment, I can honestly say I believe that second hand smoke can cause lung cancer (as well as emphysema and forms of bronchitis). I have seen these effects in my mother's patients, as well as in family. I have also witnessed allergic reactions to smoke by a friend of mine who I intentionally would not smoke within about 5 feet of just so she would be able to breathe. (her lungs close up if she gets too close to cigarettes and she hits an inhaler, but vapor doesn't really have any noticeable effect)

I honestly do not believe she meant to get attention by her post, It seemed to be an honest question from a newcomer. Lets try not to get out the pitchforks because of a mistake in wording. I doubt she really means that she hates smokers, from her posts it seems she hates people who are absolutely and intentionally discourteous. I can't blame her for this, as I hate dickheads too! (.......s can be funny, dicks are just mean)

While I no longer smoke, when I did I made sure not to hurt others with my habit. I think that is what she was trying to get at. Do no harm and the world is a better place for it.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2010
Birmingham, AL
My thoughts:

1. There is something rather disingenuous about the original post.

2. Obviously, an adult should be able to make their own decisions about
whether to smoke or not, vape or not. However.........

3. How many of us former smokers put this much thought into our first
cigarette ? Not many, would be my guess. It was more than likely a
thing done on impulse, and one we wish we could un-do. So why
would a reasonably intelligent, non-smoking adult put this much effort
into arguing about why it should be okay to vape ? There's a lot more
reasons not to do it, than there is to do it.

4. Karma's gonna get you if you keep wishing death on other people.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 26, 2010
Colorado Springs, CO
Iisn't it what you did when you started smoking analogs?

Actually, when I started smoking, I was 12. Hardly with the critical thinking skills most adults have.

If an adult who is a non-smoker, and hasn't BEEN a smoker wants to start a habit such as vaping, so be it. Don't look to people who have struggled with the addiction of smoking for advice, or blessing, per-se. As I said before, I would advise against it, but adults are mostly able to make adult decisions, right?

I believe this entire thread was someone's way of attracting attention, and she surely did that. I would have left it completely without attention until I saw her say she wished ....... smokers would die of lung cancer.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 2, 2009
Las Vegas, NV (in a small cloud)
My thoughts:
Not many, would be my guess. It was more than likely a
thing done on impulse, and one we wish we could un-do.
Heh bestthing, never thought i'd disagree with you on anything... I have never, and will never regret smoking. I'd probably never have graduated college without nicotine...Too scatterbrained without it.

Granted...if I hadn't gone to college I'd likely rule the known world by now...my mech army would be complete.


Senior Member
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Dec 29, 2009
Mountain View, CA
Heh bestthing, never thought i'd disagree with you on anything... I have never, and will never regret smoking. I'd probably never have graduated college without nicotine...Too scatterbrained without it.

Granted...if I hadn't gone to college I'd likely rule the known world by now...my mech army would be complete.

Exactly, same here...except I would have taken over the world with an army of nano-bots. :evil:


Full Member
Apr 28, 2010
Washington State
Trust me you're preaching to the choir. As I already stated, I have a huge analog phobia, and hate people who smoke.

I guess what I was trying to say is, some people find the act of smoking to be appealing. Vaping has that same appeal, but without the disgusting and deadly side-effects. (I personally find smoking to be akin to eating poop, and vaping to be hot, but each to their own)

I'm just gonna say this....reading that you hate people who smoke makes me feel angry. I understand that you are being honest to who you are, but as an ex-analog smoker (an addict) it brings up memories of encountering militant non-smokers who were, at best, mean and judgemental. I'm not saying that you are, and the fact that you are on this forum is very interesting. I'm glad that you support vaping.

I never found smoking to be appealing, sexy, or whatever. Not even as a teenager when I first started. In fact, I hid my nasty habit from a lot of folks (family, co-workers, bosses, clients) because I knew how I would be judged. On the same token, I lit up like a firecracker when I was out with fellow smokers. I also never likened it to "eating poop", which is demeaning. I enjoyed smoking most of the time. I never smoked in my car, because I toted around bosses, kids, parents, etc., and chose not to inflict my habit on them. I never smoked in my home, for the same reason and for the fact that I enjoyed smoking outside, and having a fresh environment inside. I was always, always cognizant of my surroundings and the people around me. To be thought of as "hated" for my choices? Disrespct me, disrespect my choices, but hate?

I am grateful for vaping, as it has allowed me to stop smoking analogs without the horrible withdrawal symptoms. I also don't think of vaping as "hot", personally, because for me, it is still a nicotine delivery system, and it is still an addiction for me. I don't find addiction to be hot. Someday I would like to be completely free of this dependency, and this is my first step.



Full Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 9, 2009
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
I find the very idea that one "should not" vape unless they are doing it as an alternative to smoking very silly. I smoked for a couple of years... Then right around when i became obviously dependent on it, i quit. A couple years after that i discovered ecigs. i started using them not to "help me quit smoking" but because i like them. all my friends who vape were never smokers at all. My smoker friends don't like vaping "it's just not the same" they say. However non of us seem addicted to the nic. from the vaping. personally, i never get cravings. and there are days that i forget, due to whatever reason, and go without. (and i have been vaping for about 2 years now). Frankly, i wish there were other drugs (like caffeine) which i could vape with my ecigs! any ideas?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 28, 2010
New York
for anyone vaping 0 nic juice how could 0 nic jucie be harmfull in anyway we eat glycerin and flavorings everyday most of the flavorings are allready in a glycerin solution your just watering it down. on the lable of all lorann oils it says natural and artificial flavorings , propylene glycol and guess what else it says get ready it says "all flavor ingredients approved for use by the FDA" lmao so the only part of e-liquid that could be in question is the nicotine. the FDA allready says its safe lol.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 28, 2010
New York
I find the very idea that one "should not" vape unless they are doing it as an alternative to smoking very silly. I smoked for a couple of years... Then right around when i became obviously dependent on it, i quit. A couple years after that i discovered ecigs. i started using them not to "help me quit smoking" but because i like them. all my friends who vape were never smokers at all. My smoker friends don't like vaping "it's just not the same" they say. However non of us seem addicted to the nic. from the vaping. personally, i never get cravings. and there are days that i forget, due to whatever reason, and go without. (and i have been vaping for about 2 years now). Frankly, i wish there were other drugs (like caffeine) which i could vape with my ecigs! any ideas?
you can get caffeine liquid from www.purecaf.com mix that in with a little vg and flavor and u got it or maybe even powered kind http://purebulk.com/caffeine-powder-extract.
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