Who's idea was it to add a cannabis vaping section?

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Vaping Master
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Nov 30, 2009
Richmond, Va...Right in Altria's back yard.
Been gone a long time and I'm very surprised, shocked and saddened to see this addition to the forums.

We as vapers gain absolutely NOTHING by being associated with illicit drug users....no matter how benign some may see it.

I thought that would be pretty clear to everyone after the CDC and the media tried to blame deaths and illnesses on vaping....instead of on the actions of people using black market THC cartridges.

The actions of a couple of dozen, drug addled idiots have closed stores, caused flavor bans and have put the entire vaping community in danger. So why are we now associating with them?

What was the rationale, if any, behind this decision and the reversal of a decade long policy?
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Ultra Member
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  • Feb 13, 2013
    Denver, CO
    Not illicit where I live and doesn't count as "drugs" in my mind. I don't consider drinkers drug users but technically they are.

    Highly doubt there will be any negative consequences to adding it, it's not like we're gonna be on the news now or something. And IMO they had to allow use of that language if we were going to be able to talk about what the actual problem is that's causing the lung illnesses.


    Vaping Master
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    Nov 30, 2009
    Richmond, Va...Right in Altria's back yard.
    STILL illicit where you live if you live in the United States.

    It's against federal law.

    You say that you don't view it as a drug in your mind. But that doesn't change the fact that it is.

    There is no such thing as your truth. Only THE truth.

    And it is still considered a drug by scientists, doctors, psychologists and other medical professionals.

    I understand that the restriction had to be lifted in order for people to talk about this, but their is one hell of a leap from simply doing that to hopping into bed with someone who's already blacked both of your eyes and stolen your wallet.
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    Ultra Member
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    Jan 25, 2018
    I don't think it's as big of a deal as you're portraying it. It's not my place to judge anyone, and I believe nobody else should either. But I can say that it's not like the THC users were all like "Let's all get together, spike our supply of THC vape juices with deadly chemicals and vape on it until we get sick or die, and blame it all on the vape industry." They had it happen to them without their consent.

    Also, I would like to add that I would MUCH rather see someone use THC to treat some ailment they may have rather than get pumped full of pills. My wife works at a very busy pharmacy, and some of the stories she can tell would make you sick.


    Senior Member
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    Oct 29, 2018
    Yes, weed is a drug. Getting it out of the shadows is a good thing. I fear that also means pushing it into grabby pharmafingers. Education and legalisation should go hand in hand.

    ECF was and is a large part of the education of many vapers. Reading attentively here minimises the risk of - for example - inhaling risky juices or having batteries explode on you.

    I imagine a lot of people that are worried about consuming weed in a vape got very scared and are looking for information too. Maybe ECF is looking to help those people and to gain additional relevance in doing so. Something that became very clear after opening the subforum is that many existing members might also be served by that information.


    Vaping Master
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    Nov 30, 2009
    Richmond, Va...Right in Altria's back yard.
    Yes, weed is a drug. Getting it out of the shadows is a good thing. I fear that also means pushing it into grabby pharmafingers. Education and legalisation should go hand in hand.

    ECF was and is a large part of the education of many vapers. Reading attentively here minimises the risk of - for example - inhaling risky juices or having batteries explode on you.

    I imagine a lot of people that are worried about consuming weed in a vape got very scared and are looking for information too. Maybe ECF is looking to help those people and to gain additional relevance in doing so. Something that became very clear after opening the subforum is that many existing members might also be served by that information.

    It isn't our responsibility to teach them the safe usage of these devices, nor is it incumbent on us to educate them about the dangers of vaping oils.

    They brought this upon themselves by using these devices outside of their intended purposes and not taking the time to educate themselves properly.

    Do you really think they're going to bother reading up on it here? If that were the case, they could have read about the dangers of vaping oils years ago.

    We need to distance ourselves as far away from these idiots as possible.

    Because if we don't, the next time one of these wastetoids screws up, and its only a matter of time, vapers and potheads will be so inextricably intertwined that we won't have the defense of disassociation. Birds of a feather flock together.

    I vape because I don't want to die a slow, painful, horrific death from lung cancer. I'm pretty sure that trump's someone's "need" to get high.

    Pot smokers have safer alternatives to vaping oil based cartridges at their disposal. Smoking a joint, a bowl or a hookah, just to name a few.

    They prefer our devices because they're more portable and vaping THC makes it easier to hide both the act of getting high and the smell, from other people and authorities.

    If they get vaping taken away from us, for their own selfish wants, what alternatives do we have?
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    Vaping Master
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    Nov 30, 2009
    Richmond, Va...Right in Altria's back yard.
    *Goes back to vaping his nicotine drug*

    And then there's this. By catering to these types of members the objectivity, the sane, rational, SOBER discussion, even the collective I.Q level of the entire forum drops considerably.

    Nicotine and THC aren't anywhere near the same ballpark in terms of effects on the body, good or bad.

    You might have an argument if we were discussing the merits of nicotine versus caffeine but we're not.

    I'd say why don't you go start your own forum for weed users somewhere else but y'all have already tried that and it ended up getting people killed.

    What could possibly go wrong by allowing you to come here?
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    Vaping Master
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    Apr 9, 2013
    Houston, TX
    We as vapers gain absolutely NOTHING by being associated with illicit drug users....no matter how benign some may see it.

    What was the rationale, if any, behind this decision and the reversal of a decade long policy?

    As you point out we already were being associated with THC vape products despite all of our protests. It became impossible to even speak to try and disassociate ourselves on these forums due to the ban of using the words required to do so. That combined with the fact that CBD is now 100% legal in the US they decided to open a forum to allow this talk.


    Vaping Master
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    Apr 25, 2014
    toledo ohio
    As you point out we already were being associated with THC vape products despite all of our protests. It became impossible to even speak to try and disassociate ourselves on these forums due to the ban of using the words required to do so. That combined with the fact that CBD is now 100% legal in the US they decided to open a forum to allow this talk.

    Cod is legal under certain circumstances, not 100% across the board in every state. Cannabis is not legal federally, and it is not legal in my state.

    That was always the reason given before for the topic being banned.

    So either that reason was BS back then, or it’s been rolled back because the powers that be want a larger forum population, maybe with the idea that the THC crowd will have our backs as the crap hits the fan. That is not going to happen, except for the small cross over population. THCers don’t give two farts and a whistle if vaping for nic is banned, as long as they get theirs.

    And - because this happens every time and I’m going to head it off right here and now - don’t come at me like I’m being judgmental. I don’t care if people use. I don’t care if it’s medical(although I do roll my eyes about how many 20 somethings suddenly developed glaucoma to justify using). I don’t care. You do you. But I don’t want to be in that company.

    To discuss how it affects our vaping future is one thing. But all discussions about actually using it, I want no part of. It doesn’t belong in our conversations about gear or juice or sales. It’s illegal, like stealing cars, robbing banks, and stalking. And I’m not interested in conversations about those crimes either.


    Vaping Master
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    Nov 30, 2009
    Richmond, Va...Right in Altria's back yard.
    Cod is legal under certain circumstances, not 100% across the board in every state. Cannabis is not legal federally, and it is not legal in my state.

    That was always the reason given before for the topic being banned.

    So either that reason was BS back then, or it’s been rolled back because the powers that be want a larger forum population, maybe with the idea that the THC crowd will have our backs as the crap hits the fan. That is not going to happen, except for the small cross over population. THCers don’t give two farts and a whistle if vaping for nic is banned, as long as they get theirs.

    And - because this happens every time and I’m going to head it off right here and now - don’t come at me like I’m being judgmental. I don’t care if people use. I don’t care if it’s medical(although I do roll my eyes about how many 20 somethings suddenly developed glaucoma to justify using). I don’t care. You do you. But I don’t want to be in that company.

    To discuss how it affects our vaping future is one thing. But all discussions about actually using it, I want no part of. It doesn’t belong in our conversations about gear or juice or sales. It’s illegal, like stealing cars, robbing banks, and stalking. And I’m not interested in conversations about those crimes either.

    Well said!

    If we all woke up tomorrow and all vaping devices, eliquids, nicotine and other ingredients were banned........marijuana users would just go back to getting high the old fashioned way.

    That's not an option for ex smokers. Not if we don't want lung cancer or COPD. And many of us have tried other alternatives like Chantix, Wellbutrin, the patch, lozenges, gum and dip or pouches to no avail.

    THC users literally don't have a damned thing to lose while we could end up losing everything we've worked so hard to attain!

    Everthing that we've accomplished on this forum and this industry in the last ten years, has been been without their help. So why should they now, suddenly get to reap the benefits?

    I don't understand why this couldn't have been opened up for discussion without the addition of a subforum or repealing a policy that has served us well for over a decade.

    Not all change is progress.

    And you're not the only one wondering what the hidden agenda was behind this move
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    Vaping Master
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    Nov 30, 2009
    Richmond, Va...Right in Altria's back yard.
    I should also add that I don't care how many potheads disagree with my post. Your opinion means absolutely nothing to me on this or any other subject.

    It's nothing personal

    I don't ask crackheads, intravenous drug users, car thieves, prostitutes, murderers or drunks for their advice and opinion on anything either.


    Vaping Master
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    Apr 9, 2013
    Houston, TX
    Cod is legal under certain circumstances, not 100% across the board in every state.

    If an individual state made it illegal, then I don't know about it, but as of the Dec 2018 Farm Bill, Hemp and all Hemp based products are 100% legal at the Federal level in the US.


    Vaping Master
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    Nov 30, 2009
    Richmond, Va...Right in Altria's back yard.
    I don't think it's as big of a deal as you're portraying it. It's not my place to judge anyone, and I believe nobody else should either. But I can say that it's not like the THC users were all like "Let's all get together, spike our supply of THC vape juices with deadly chemicals and vape on it until we get sick or die, and blame it all on the vape industry." They had it happen to them without their consent.

    Also, I would like to add that I would MUCH rather see someone use THC to treat some ailment they may have rather than get pumped full of pills. My wife works at a very busy pharmacy, and some of the stories she can tell would make you sick.

    That's where you and I disagree.

    Not judging someone isn't a moral imperative.

    In fact, all it does is make people artificially stupid...and of their own volition at that.


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Jul 1, 2012
    Mallorca, Spain
    I should also add that I don't care how many potheads disagree with my post. Your opinion means absolutely nothing to me on this or any other subject.

    It's nothing personal

    I don't ask crackheads, intravenous drug users, car thieves, prostitutes, murderers or drunks for their advice and opinion on anything either.
    Must be hard to find someone to vote for, huh?

    It's not that I disagree with you, but it's not "our" forum, it's @Oliver 's.

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    Vaping Master
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    Nov 30, 2009
    Richmond, Va...Right in Altria's back yard.
    Must be hard to find someone to vote for, huh?
    It's not that I disagree with you, but it's not "our" forum, it's @Oliver 's.


    I've been a member here since 2009. Oliver may own the website and the coding behind it but the contributions of members here, both to this forum and the vaping industry are numerous and of inestimable value.

    I've seen many innovations and inventions created right here. I've even been a part of some.

    This forum is more than just one person and if you were to ask Oliver, I'm certain he would say he feels an obligation and responsibility to its members.

    And while he's free to make any decisions he sees fit, that doesn't mean that we have to be happy, or even silent about it.

    As I said earlier, if this change is permanent then I will no longer be a member here and I'm sure others that feel the same way will end up making that decision for themselves as well. If they haven't already.

    I doubt many of the new members attracted by this change could even begin to fill our shoes.

    Many of us old timers have forgotten more about vaping than they will ever know.
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