Who or what convinced you to try ecigs ?

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ECF Veteran
Jun 7, 2009
jax fla usa
i quit watching tv 25 years ago but i remember seeing stuff about ecigs on the web a few years ago - at that time - i just thought it was a fad and it would not really be a serious way to curb or stop smoking analogs - so i kind of just laughed it off and forgot about it

then one day a few months ago i was listening to a radio talk show host talking about their sponsors and they happened to mention something about electronic cigarettes

i really didn't pay much attention to that either - it was a rather low key delivery and it was easy to ignore - even though it was the first time that i had heard of that ecig company or any ecig company as a sponsor for that show

but then came the kicker - it was later on in the show that the host mentioned that he did not understand how that ecig company was on his sponsor list because it was not one of his sponsors - it was a sponsor for a different show on that same network - then he mentioned that he would like to get that company as a sponsor because he thought that the ecigs were a good idea and they work .

well that was it - just because that host stated that they were worth checking out - i started checking them out - and the company that he mentioned was the $125 a kit type of company so i kept checking around and stumbled upon blu cigs and ordered them because they seemed like a good deal at first -

then i found this forum and got wise and cancelled the blu cig order and then ordered a 510 .

so now just because of an accident of a sponsor being mentioned that should not have even been on the list - i got interested in ecigs .

and if not for that - i would be over 1,500 unfiltered analogs more inhaled by now
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 15, 2009
I caught the tail-end of an ABC segment at about the same time the new Florida 1.00 a pack tax was being passed. I searched on the net because I wanted to find something local (I'm one of those people who when they make up their mind they want the item YESTERDAY.) I couldn't find any kiosks listed for the TampaBay malls (which was a blessing in disguise) but found the SmokeStik website. It listed a local distributor. Because her retail location is rather far from I live, she met me at a restuarant close to me and on her way to somewhere else.

I've always been drawn to new gadgets so it was a no-brainer for me.


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Jan 30, 2009
Des Moines, IA
Leaford convinced me!

Yup. Ditto that.

I was searching the web for smokeless ashtrays, trying to find something that worked well and wasn't as loud as the Holmes ones I had been using. Somehow, e-cigs came up on my search, and I was intrigued enough to stray from my intended path to check them out.

But what sold me was watching Leaford's videos on his favorite e-cig models. I simply could not believe that he was actually exhaling SMOKE! (Well, of course, we know it's not smoke, but it sure looked that way to me, and I was impressed.) This was back when there weren't hundreds of videos on YouTube about e-cigs . . . just a handful, and Leaford's were certainly the most prominent. :)

Got a Janty Dura as my first model and was tobacco-free within days. Haven't looked back since.

God bless Leaford. :wub:


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Jul 6, 2009
Tyler, Texas
I found e-cigs on the web about 5 years ago....in my umpteenth attempt to find a miracle to help me quit smoking. However, at the time they were only available in other countries and I gave up and forgot about it.

This time, I was led by an article that all of the teenaged cast of "Twilight" smoked, and some were trying to quit by using SmokeStix. That led to SmokeStix investigation, then I saw reviews by RatInDaHat. And now here I am vaping!


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Apr 8, 2009
Before I even start I already know this is probably gonna be a novel so I apologize in advance. Also I'm not gonna talk about "signs from God" or anything like that in this post. You draw your own conclusions...lol ;)

I remember the day, March 14 2009. Before that date I was always lucky to get the BOGO deal for either Camels, Salems or Marlboros for YEARS. But leading up to that date it was getting harder to find the BOGO's, so after driving to 5 different gas stations I walked into the local Rite Aid to buy the "$2.50 off 2 pack deal" for Camels. Right after I got my analogs and receipt, it just didn't really feel right anymore so I asked the cashier to exchange it with a box of nicorette gum.

The next day, Sunday, after church my mother mentioned that the church ladies had an "mall excursion" the day before and that the pastor talked about the e-cig he saw at a kiosk and that it costs $100. I thought that was a little odd (coincidental) because I just quit the day before, so I told the "lady" who used to really punish me as a teen for analogs. I even joked that maybe she should give me the $100 because that was the "christian thing to do":D. (would've been nice if it worked).

I guessed that I might be able to find a better deal online so I started my research. I watched Leaford and Chris and Sean on youtube and my mind was made. The only supplier I really knew about that time was Puresmoker(Chris' recommendation, he also gave me the link to ECF) so I had to wait for March 20(Black Saturday for Puresmoker for those who remember). Got my 801 a few days later and never looked back(I still have the same 5 pieces of nico gum left). So no analogs, no nico gum no nothing else since I got my PV, which I'm using right now as I type :).

My 801 is still my pal even though I also own a 510 now. Turns out March 14 was a good quit date because I was able to reach a few milestones on my birthday.

I think I've typed enough. Thanks for reading. I wish everyone luck and vape happiness, and am crossing my fingers that this "crackdown" that's happening now comes to a grinding halt.

Have a great day!:thumbs:


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Jul 13, 2009
La Mesa, California, United States
For me, what finally got me to do it was a lucky search on Amazon. I had a gift certificate there and was going to use it for yet another attempt at quitting, via lozenges, when some results came up for e-cigs. I had tried the Nicotrol inhaler in the past, which I didn't like but thought was a pretty good idea, so I figured I'd give this a shot. Best decision I've made in a long time, I haven't had an analog since.


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Jul 3, 2009
It was a combination of things. The constant cough...night and day...that never went away. The rise in taxes on analogs....just about choked for good on that one! Heard about e cigs on tv and decided to google! I found the red dragon first and it wasn't bad, then found this forum and figured out I was missing something...a 901, a 401, a janty stick, passthrus, eliquid....lots and lots of eliquid in any flavor imaginable!! I have a new love affair...my pv!!


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Jul 3, 2009
I went looking online to find cheaper cigarettes. On one of the cheap cig sites I saw a B** add. I thought to myself" Hey, thats like that thing I had dreams about." I promptly clicked the link, read their site and ordered 2 starter kits. I waited a week and just couldn't handle the thought of smoking another analog, so I went down to the local cig shop and bought one of his SA look alikes for $90(I know I am an idiot for not doing my homework) got home and handed my pack of cigs to my wife, haven't had an analog since. In that case $90 was worth killing my pack a day habit. Another week and a half went by and canceled my B** order and ordered 2 510 kits. Thanks to B** I had time to do some homework and stumbled across this forum. Thats my story, now after my investment I am saving $300 a month and the wife and I feel great.:D


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 19, 2009
Silicon Valley USA

The wife and I were in a mall and stopped by a SmokingEverywhere kiosk. The guy was a bit pushy and would not negotiate his price so I decided to do some research. I found the forums.

I ordered a 510 but due to loooong shipping times I did get a PureSmoke starter for $40 and some carts for $20. This held me over (had pneumonia) until the 510 arrived.

These here forums have been an outstanding resource for all of my questions. I am so glad that you guys are here. I avoided a huge mistake. Bought a 510 with a great discount coupon. Decided which juice I would try and I have not been disappointed yet.

Keep posting because I might need more info I'll learn more and contribute as much as possible.

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