What's with the nonsmokers being so happy I quit smoking and then asking

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Spot on here ^^^ for many nicotine==smoking, and for the vast majority of users out there, this is the case. No other form of nicotine use mimics the "dirty way", which makes "our" chosen option different than nearly any others short of a NRT nic inhaler.

I think it would be more accurate to say that for most people nicotine==addiction and "sin" and anything else "bad" about tobacco. Kids start smoking because it's the rebellious thing to do and adults "denormalize" tobacco because they think if everyone believes tobacco is as horrible as they think it is, maybe they won't do it anymore.

Unfortunately, even though those beliefs are core to many people's beliefs--even at a spiritual level for some--it is simply not founded in the truth. Tobacco is just a plant that is frequently used for recreational or medicinal purposes, it is neither good nor evil. Nicotine is a potentially addictive psychostimulant that is generally considered to be the primary chemical sought by tobacco users in exactly the same way that caffeine is a potentially addictive psychostimulant that is generally considered to be the primary chemical sought by coffee users, it too is neither good nor evil. Where it becomes a health issue (and a spiritual issue for those who believe in maintaining their bodies as a "temple") is when the most popular way to use a product involves lighting it on fire and directly inhaling smoke 200+ times a day. Any possible physical or mental benefits from the recreation or chemicals is overshadowed by the inherent health risks of directly inhaling smoke 200+ times a day.

I believe it is possible for an educated and reasonable person to choose to take the "risks" of smoking anytime and anywhere it is not prohibited by public law or private policy, but the practice of chronic chain-smoking is clearly detrimental to health and smokers should be encouraged to switch to smoke-free alternatives.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jul 7, 2011
Parents did the same to me. But, the reality is, almost everyone on the forum does this to smokers. Posts all over about how healthy they feel now, the evil cig companies, the evil cigs, how could I smoke so long, don't want to go back, gotta get my friends to vape and convert people... I like vaping and don't want to quit either, but vapers seem to view smokers like non-smokers/non-vapers view vaping. We do the same thing.

It's all about choice!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 3, 2011
I do hate it when people see me vaping and assume I am doing it to "quit".

As I was reading this, A few suitable responses came to mind when people ask me when do I plan on stop/quit vaping:

Whenever you quit absurdity.

I already have it set on my calendar for as-soon-as-Hell-hits-32°F.

Would you rather I shove a lit cigar on your precious spawn's face? Because I was just now thinking I love the smell of bacon.

Did you hear that? That was the sound of one of my brain cells exploding. Stop killing my brain cells!

Have you accepted Xenu as your lord and savior?

Blank, silent stare for 5 mins, occasionally tilting head sideways.


Oh, I'm sorry. Me trying not to get cancer is bothering you? Because I can go buy a pack of combustible tobacco right now.

No hablo Inglés, señor/a.

You quit asking silly questions first and then we'll talk.

My mother taught me to never say never, so I would say at some undefined amount of time between my last breath and the onset of rigor mortis.

Awww, that's so adorable. S/he thinks I plan on quit vaping.

Can think of more... but you get the point.


Super Member
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Apr 24, 2010
Shenandoah Junction, WV
I would say that I will quit vaping when they quit poking their noses into something that does not concern them.

One of my dear friends, an ex-smoker, yet very supportive says that the general attitude among non-smokers is "If you have nothing good to say, say it to a smoker." As long as these folks see something resembling smoke coming from our lips, we are fair game.


Full Member
Oct 7, 2010
hartford, ct
Keep in mind that non-vapers are completely uneducated when it comes to the facts of smoking, addiction, nicotine and especially vaping. With the media hovering somewhere between skepticism and downright smear, this only exacerbates the problem.

Most people are in some form of moral relativism, which means that whatever they do is fine as long as someone else is doing something "worse" than they are. They're probably looking down on you so they don't look down on themselves. Just take a drag, smile, and consider that you are enlightened and they are ignorant.

I find the best bet is to tell them that without the tar, vaping is about as damaging to the body as drinking black coffee. It puts it into perspective that they can relate to.

I too never plan on quitting vaping (although lately the failure of equipment has been making me consider it). I LOVED smoking, and I LOVE vaping just as much, if not more. When people ask me, I just ask them when they're giving up coffee.

Congrats on the switch! I hope it's still going well for you. I hit a year today. :)


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Aug 19, 2011
Since the people who are rude enough to do this are never, EVER perfect (usually far from it), you can always turn it around on them. Say, oh I dunno, something like "well, when are you going to stop eating so much and lose a few?" or "when are you going to quit dying your hair cuz it's wrecking your locks, girlfriend!?" and "Wow, you're STILL driving that gas guzzler? What's up with THAT?!"

They get the idea fairly quickly. ;)


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Dec 28, 2011
Crestview, FL
I love the "non-smokers" that give advice, and mark themselves as "non smokers" on insurance forms to get the premium breaks, that smoke the occasional cigar when they golf, or cigarette when they are just "out at a bar"...

I basically tell people...vaping is not smoking. It is water vapor, flavoring, and nicotine (because I like the buzz)... and as one poster said, I will quit vaping when they stop drinking coffee. That shuts them up.


Full Member
Mar 18, 2012
I do not understand that either. I just don't like it when I pull out my VV device, and they look at me like I pulled out some Kryptonite or something. I get the "What's in that?" some and sometimes the "I don't know about that?". I reply with "I know you don't, and don't worry about it" unless they are genuinely interested in learning. I have come to the conclusion that all will not understand. It's like explaining why I smoked to a non-smoker, because I wanted to.


Ultra Member
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Apr 14, 2012
North of NorCal
My parents are pretty much split down the middle.

My Mom doesn't care that I'm vaping, vape in public or I'm likely to continue even though I'm way off tobacco. Sees it as better than smoking on all fronts and as long as I'm not puffing on cigs shes fine with it.

My Dad keeps saying I need to ween off of it, use it exclusively as a cessation device.

NOPE! Too fun.


Super Member
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Apr 17, 2011
We need to realize that these people know nothing about vaping and probably think it's a transition device, which is pretty normal when you think of it since vaping is the only true alternative. So it's usually just a matter of telling people we've switched to a healthy alternative without the smoke, it's the smoke with its hundreds of harmful chemicals that harms you, nicotine is similar to coffee etc. Personally I get a little amused by these questions not upset and the person at the very least comes away with a better understanding with a smirk or two thrown in. However it ends up there's no doubt that we at the very least are much less contemptible which is a little refreshing, not that I ever cared ;)


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Mar 25, 2012
I've had comments along the lines of, "well you're just cheating" cheating what.. cheating death!!!! and, "you're just kidding yourself". I may still be getting SOME nicotine (down to 12 mg on most my juices) but at least I'm not buying $6 a pack a day Camels and smelling up my clothes, body, truck, house with it and blowing it in peoples faces!!! I get the same crap all the time.. It's mostly from people who have never smoked. And that's great for them, but what works for me, works for me. They can just shove off.... I don't need to smoke non filters to know I'm a man! I do it to save money, live healthier, and live to see my grandkids!! VAPE ON !!!!!!
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