What is NET, WTA, and what do they really mean?

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Could the process used for obtaining a "naturally extracted tobacco" flavor be used for obtaining a "naturally extracted spinach*" flavor?

*Insert your favorite botanic foodstuff here.

Actually yes. Check out this thread.

I have extracted tobacco, tea, fruits, and fresh ginger. They're terrific. And yes, I still buy commercial ejuice. Lots of it, in fact. :)

To answer the OP question, NET is a juice whose flavor is NOT derived from tobacco absolute, tobacco extract, or artificial tobacco flavoring. It is primarily flavored with actual whole tobacco.


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Tobacco absolute is a very concentrated resinous liquid originally developed as a fragrance ingredient. In small amounts it can give a greenish, ashy taste to tobacco liquids. In large amounts it tastes like you've swallowed a bag of sawdust.

Tobacco extract is similar but (I think) is water-based rather than resinous.

NET is macerated tobacco. It isn't as concentrated as TA or TE. It tends to taste more like fresh tobacco rather than burning cigarette or ash.


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Thank you!
Do you happen to know by what kinds of processes extracts and absolutes are obtained, and what would make them less (or more) natural than an NET flavor?
"Natural" is such a loaded word.;)
Only one company that I know of, Velvet Cloud Vapor, actually makes v their own tobacco absolute. Generally it is a concentrated consumer product available at most diy and fragrance supply shops. Anyone can buy a 5ml bottle which has the concentrated essence of a dozen tobacco pplants, and make "tobacco" juice.

NET on the other hand, is more of an artisan product because the tobacco is usually processed by the vendor themselves, with great care taken as to the flavors, varieties, and types used.


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Mar 11, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
Tobacco absolute is a very concentrated resinous liquid originally developed as a fragrance ingredient. In small amounts it can give a greenish, ashy taste to tobacco liquids. In large amounts it tastes like you've swallowed a bag of sawdust.

Tobacco extract is similar but (I think) is water-based rather than resinous.

NET is macerated tobacco. It isn't as concentrated as TA or TE. It tends to taste more like fresh tobacco rather than burning cigarette or ash.


Great to see you here filling us in.

So in laymen terms soaks with PG and VG are considered NET's in your book.

Does the tobacco being used for the soaks need to be untreated and organic to be classified as NET's as well.


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May 19, 2010
Detroit, Michigan, United States
What ever this is, if its tasty, this guy will show up at the lab:

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