What influenced your decision to stop smoking?

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Feb 20, 2011
On a rock floating through space
it was a couple things for me. being 20 years old and getting winded walking up a flight of stairs was not ok. Also, I was getting tired of constantly hearing how bad I smelled (if only I knew how right they were). And smoking was getting too expensive.

I always enjoyed smoking. But I enjoy vaping soooo much more than I ever did smoking.


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Dec 31, 2013
Mumbai, India
Health. Just want to be fit, from inside and outside.

I have been smoke free since the 1st of Jan this year and did smoke analogs for a couple of days recently. Felt like ....(heavy chest, feeling sluggish, not getting proper sleep), so am back to vaping :vapour:

I find it easier to be smoke free if I visit ECF daily.

Thankyou ECF and Everyone here, you keep me going...
My kids have been begging me to quit for a couple years. I tried gum, patches and cheap gas station brand ecigs which were all an epic fail! A few months ago I heard Marlboros were going up in price again after the first of the year, which would push the price of a pack to around $7 a day for me.... I live on a limited income and knew I had to find a way to quit soon. One day my brother in law called me and told me he had just started using ecigs, and that it used the ejuice instead of a cartridge and was 100 times better than the cheap gas station brands that we had both tried in the past. He urged me to try it cause he felt like I would like it. I decided to give it a try, got him to pick up an evod starter kit for me like the one he bought himself. After doing research I later found that the kit was a clone, but for $30 I got a charger, 2 evod tanks, and 2 knock off batteries not a bad deal, and it let me try it to see if it would work for me or not without breaking the bank! I loved it! I'm going on 7 weeks analog free tomorrow! It has made quitting so easy! I bought a MVP 2 & a protank 2 mini about a week later and I haven't looked back since!

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I stopped a little after my last deployment. I was over seas and smoked a pack to a pack and half a day sometimes more depending on what we were doing that day. I quit cause of the apparent health reasons. I only smoked of a little over 3 years and I started feeling like crap. I love vaping I can finally be healthier also I don't smell bad and there is only 4 chemicals in an ecig not 4000 or whatever that number is in a cigarette.


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Dec 2, 2013
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
The biggest influence was my heart attack on Sept. 13, 2013 - 12:10am. It was also the last time I had a cigarette.

The doctor advised me that if I don't quit smoking, it will inevitably lead to another heart attack ... one that I may not be lucky enough to survive. I quite cold turkey after that day. It's easy to quit smoking when you have to ... it's hard to quit when you want to.

A few weeks later, as I still had the cravings to smoke, I started researching e-cigs. I was fortunate to have friends that were already into vaping ... so I borrowed a starter kit from one of my buddies and never looked back.
I've been smoking for about 15 years or so. I have tried to quit a few times over the years but just never had the willpower. I finally made the decision that I want to live long enough to see my kids grow up, graduate, get married, etc. etc. I'm doing it for my health and the fact that I feel better when I don't smoke. But really, it is for them. I want to be able to spend as much time as possible with them.


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Apr 9, 2010
1. Employment. I'm going back to school for a health sciences career and I cannot continue to smoke if I want to be hired afterward.
2. I picked up smoking my first semester of college and never planned to keep smoking after college (talk about young and dumb). I'm several years after graduation now and it is time to crack down.
3. Children. I want to start a family in the next few years. I refuse to be a smoked-while-pregnant-because-I-couldn't-quit kind of addict.
4. Health. I am already overweight, and very conscious about "fat person diseases," all of which are higher risk with smoking (cardiovascular diseases and diabetes especially).
5. I hate being out of breath after climbing a flight of stairs :S. I want to be able to exercise without struggling to breathe.
6. Cost. Smoking is expensive. Vaping hasn't helped this area haha.
7. After three hours without a cigarette I was irritable and snappish. After five hours, I couldn't think straight. I hated that my ability to function depended on cigarettes.... especially when I was too busy to sneak off and have a smoke (which was relatively often actually).

Kim B.

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Sep 24, 2013
I had been thinking about quitting for a while, been smoking for 38 years and the health consequences were really starting to weigh upon my mind. When I found out that my health insurance costs were going to increase significantly starting in 2014 because I smoked was enough to convince me to quit. I was so worried that I wouldn't be able to quit cold turkey so I decided to try vaping. I couldn't believe how easy it was for me, after my first vape I haven't had a cig since, tomorrow will be my 5th month anniversary since I've last smoked. SO glad I decided to give vaping a try, just wish I would've tried it sooner.


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Nov 23, 2012
On the North Slope of Alaska we have to smoke either outside or in smoke shacks.

Outside can be minus 82 F on a winter's day, not an option.

Smoke shacks can be very crowded with 5 to 20 people all smoking. Imagine how you smell leaving there. Everything I owned smelled like an ashtray. When I fly I place my laptop bag in the overhead bin. 5 hours later I open the bin and the smell is terrible. That's when I first noticed how bad it smelled.
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