What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas

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Full Member
Jan 11, 2013
Las Vegas
Hello from Las Vegas! I joined this forum about a month back and been pretty much lurking the entire time, reading a whole lot of threads and trying to find the answers to the so many questions that I have as a new vaper. There are just so many products out there in terms of hardware, cartos, attys, tanks and juices that I was so overwhelmed (and still am!) and I just want to give a great big thanks to those here who have posted a ton of useful information on this forum.

Anyway, I thought I'd introduce myself and tell a little bit of my story. I'm from New York originally but I've been living in Las Vegas for almost 15 years now. I've been smoking since I was 13 with a short six month break during my junior year of college when I dated a girl who wouldn't go out with me unless I quit! I didn't really find it that hard to quit then but when we broke up I went straight back to the cigs, not because I was craving the nicotine, but because I really just enjoyed smoking. Fast forward a bunch of years and again I'm quitting smoking because of a woman...

I'm older now and my wonderful wife and I have been together for 8 years. All of the sudden, out of nowhere she started to have some medical issues and her doctors made it extremely clear that it was life or death that she quit smoking right away. I knew right then and there she was going to need my help and we were going to have to quit together. At that time, all we knew of e-cigs was the one from the kiosk in the mall. Luckily we didn't fall for that ruse!

We spoke to a couple of people at our places of employment who we had seen using e-cigs and asked for their help. We got some good pointers and were referred to a B&M here in town, Pink Spot. The next day we drove across town and were given extremely great customer service although it was still all so confusing. We were able to sample a bunch of their flavors but at that time the only one we were confident we liked was called Subzero which we felt was the most similar in flavor to our brand of cigarette.

As for the hardware, we started with the E-cab and for a while it was great. But then we needed more. More battery life, more than 1ml of juice, more power, more vapor. And that's when we found ECF (and pbusardo on youtube!). We read a bunch of threads and watched a ton of videos and now we're both almost to the point of obsession! Along came and went the E-go and finally......

The Provari! In my limited experience I can't say enough good things about it, but it was hard at first. I can see why so many people try vaping and then quickly go back to the analogs. First comes issues with cartos and how to fill them right or how to punch them to use them in tanks. Then comes vapor tongue when the juice you thought you loved so much all of the sudden doesn't taste right anymore. Then comes steeping. How long in advance do I have to order my juice? OMG I just got it in the mail I want to try it right away!

Well now I think I've got it perfect. My wife not so much yet, heh. Provari, vivi nova 2.5 and some great juices from Heathers Heavenly vapes, mostly thanks to you guys here at ECF. Thanks so much, and sorry for rambling. Anyway... happy vaping!
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