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Aug 17, 2013
Is any of this even remotely true, and if not, why would mainstream media report what seems to me to possibly be blatant lies (propaganda) and how can they legally get away with that (spreading slander)??

You're joking, right?? This happens ALL the time on this and many other topics. Real journalism is dead, has been for a very long time.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 22, 2012
well I don't drink alcohol no more, it kept landing me in jail, don't eat much red meant no more, but jonsing for a burger, lol, eat all my veggies that are on my pizza, does that count? You forgot coffee! Drink lots of coffee, so I'm sure that's bad for me too. lmao Glad the mods changed the title though.

Man I forgot about that dangnabit coffee!

I guess I need to stop ordering my favorite coffee now!

Kopi luwak is world's most expensive coffee and comes from paradoxorus poop


Resting in Peace
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2012
Treasure Coast, Florida
On this forum the only topic should be about vaping, nothing else. So I fail to see the relevancy of your argument about Dems being blamed for everything. When it comes to vaping, it is only Dems who want it banned or severely restricted. Why is that? I really would like to know the answer.

Actually, the Attorney Generals from 41 states and providences, BOTH sides of the isle, are calling for bans and heavy regulations. It is not just one party after us, it is all. Their money bags (cigarette taxes) are being threatened.

I'm a democrat that votes with common sense. I do not vote by Party, I vote by what I feel is sensible. Our choices are very limited these days. PARTY stances are stupid ideals. The main reason I'm NOT Republican is because of the PARTY stance on abortion and a few other issues. If a Repbulican came up through the ranks that actually was allowed to have his/her own opinion and have the chance for higher office, I would have no problem voting for him/her.

Politics should be left out of this debate over ecigs. Yes, the major players against vaping are Dem, but there are MANY on the other side jumping on the bandwagon. It's not just one party.

The Dingo

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Dec 15, 2011
North Carolina
On this forum the only topic should be about vaping, nothing else. So I fail to see the relevancy of your argument about Dems being blamed for everything. When it comes to vaping, it is only Dems who want it banned or severely restricted. Why is that? I really would like to know the answer.

I agree. If we were on a pro-choice forum or gay marriage forum the Conservatives might have some 'splaining to do. But we're not on one of those forums.

It's only an unfair generalization if it's not nearly 100% true.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
Actually, the Attorney Generals from 41 states and providences, BOTH sides of the isle, are calling for bans and heavy regulations. It is not just one party after us, it is all. Their money bags (cigarette taxes) are being threatened.

I'm a democrat that votes with common sense. I do not vote by Party, I vote by what I feel is sensible. Our choices are very limited these days. PARTY stances are stupid ideals. The main reason I'm NOT Republican is because of the PARTY stance on abortion and a few other issues. If a Repbulican came up through the ranks that actually was allowed to have his/her own opinion and have the chance for higher office, I would have no problem voting for him/her.

Politics should be left out of this debate over ecigs. Yes, the major players against vaping are Dem, but there are MANY on the other side jumping on the bandwagon. It's not just one party.

I agree with you about the AG's and I oppose their stance regardless of political affiliation. But the FDA is a Federal agency and on the Federal level where vaping can be harmed the most, it has only been one party calling for it to be banned or severely restricted. And I am not aware of any Independent (my affiliation) or Republican on the Federal level, stating that vaping needs to be severely restricted. As I stated in my original comment, "95%" of those against vaping are liberal. Why is that?

And unfortunately, politics cannot be left out of this argument since it is politicians who will ultimately decide how or if we can vape. And we vapers did not interject politicians into this issue, they interjected themselves. And since you brought it up, one of the reasons I am an Independent is because I don't believe unrestricted abortion is morally defensible as many liberals do. (but it is not a topic we should be discussing on a vaping forum)
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2013
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Politics should be left out of this debate over ecigs. Yes, the major players against vaping are Dem, but there are MANY on the other side jumping on the bandwagon. It's not just one party.

Yes, if it's not one group, it's another. Or soon will be another.

That's why our biggest problem is the social stigma that we've unfairly inherited from cigarettes. That social stigma facilitates and encourages unscrupulous behavior at our expense, on the part of anyone who imagines he might gain -- whether it's the pharmaceutical companies, or the tobacco companies, or politicians/bureaucrats who just think they can score rhetorical points by skewering the scare du jour. As long as the prevailing wisdom about e-cigarettes is negative or even ambivalent (but for the association with cigarettes), someone in a position of power will be tempted to use that widespread prejudice to his purpose, even if we can't imagine what that purpose might be at this moment.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
  • Aug 13, 2011
    Originally Posted by wv2win

    On this forum the only topic should be about vaping, nothing else. So I fail to see the relevancy of your argument about Dems being blamed for everything. When it comes to vaping, it is only Dems who want it banned or severely restricted. Why is that? I really would like to know the answer.

    A-er, I hate to disagree but .................
    Utah was the first state in the nation to include e-cigs in their "clean air act" eliminating the use of e-cigs in all public buildings.
    State senate ........ 24R, 5D
    State house ......... 61R, 14D

    BT & BP can buy a congressmen regardless of party affiliation

    We need to remember that a congressman's only job is getting elected. So look to see who is paying the bills.
    Last edited:


    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
    Feb 10, 2009
    GA by way of WV
    A-er, I hate to disagree but .................
    Utah was the first state in the nation to include e-cigs in their "clean air act" eliminating the use of e-cigs in all public buildings.
    State senate ........ 24R, 5D
    State house ......... 61R, 14D

    BT & BP can buy a congressmen regardless of party affiliation

    I agree with you at the "state & local" level. It's on the big stage, at the Federal level, where legislation can be far more damaging, that those aligned against vaping are all from one side of the political persuasion.

    There is an argument to be made at any level, that the reasoning, that an activity should not be legislated if it does not impinge on others rights, has more support from one side of the political spectrum .
    Last edited:


    Vaping Master
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    Sep 26, 2013
    Savoir-Faire is everywhere!
    Let's face it, folks....anti-tobacco (nicotine, drugs, etc.) is a popular political position these days. It really doesn't matter if the politician is "liberal" or "conservative" just so long as they believe it's going to make the masses think more positively of them enough to vote for them.

    The main reason these topics get so heated is the pasting on of terms such as "liberals" and "conservatives" when describing who is doing what. It tends to sound like a lumping of everyone and and an idea into one camp when the fact is, a blanket term like that really doesn't have much to do with the situation. They aren't doing it BECAUSE they're liberal and all liberals want a nanny state but rather because they are being lobbied to do so, and because the mainstream voting population sees it as a good thing because they are ignorant of the facts of vaping.

    I think if we tried to avoid the black and white "Z0MG LIBRUHLS! and "Z0MG CONSERVACONS!" (or whatever when describing such issues we'd be more likely to keep a discussion on topic.


    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
    Aug 16, 2009
    CASAA - Wisconsin
    Yes it is true. Two stories on this.

    It contains propylene glycol which is a NON-TOXIC antifreeze commonly used to de-ice planes before flight.

    Second is the early days of vaping in the US. The FDA randomly grabbed some cartridges (that is all that was available then) and tested them. I think it was 2 or 3 of the 14 had minute trace amounts of "the other" type of antifreeze but within tolerance for other products. That hasn't been found since.

    Actually, it was far from "random." The FDA specifically tested e-cigarette brands carried by the two companies that were involved in a lawsuit with the FDA at the time. I think anyone would be hard-pressed to believe the FDA was unbiased in its testing and wouldn't benefit from e-cigarettes being shown as a public danger.

    Only ONE cartridge (sold by one of the suing companies that is no longer in business) tested by the FDA was found to contain "about 1%" diethylene glycol, which is above the allowed 0.1% level for other consumable products. Diethylene glycol IS a potentially toxic chemical used in antifreeze, however, at "about 1%" of a cartridge holding maybe 2 ml of liquid, in order to actually BE toxic to a human, someone would have to DRINK the liquid out of several THOUSAND cartridges to reach a toxic level (for even a child.) Nevermind that, drinking that amount of liquid, you would have nicotine poisoning before reaching a toxic level of DEG! The FDA purposely misled the public into believing that it found a dangerous level of diethylene glycol by intentionally ignoring the rule that "the dose makes the poison."


    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
    Feb 10, 2009
    GA by way of WV
    Let's face it, folks....anti-tobacco (nicotine, drugs, etc.) is a popular political position these days. It really doesn't matter if the politician is "liberal" or "conservative" just so long as they believe it's going to make the masses think more positively of them enough to vote for them.

    The main reason these topics get so heated is the pasting on of terms such as "liberals" and "conservatives" when describing who is doing what. It tends to sound like a lumping of everyone and and an idea into one camp when the fact is, a blanket term like that really doesn't have much to do with the situation. They aren't doing it BECAUSE they're liberal and all liberals want a nanny state but rather because they are being lobbied to do so, and because the mainstream voting population sees it as a good thing because they are ignorant of the facts of vaping.

    I think if we tried to avoid the black and white "Z0MG LIBRUHLS! and "Z0MG CONSERVACONS!" (or whatever when describing such issues we'd be more likely to keep a discussion on topic.

    I understand your thinking about blanket statements. I also agree that money in politics has undue influence regardless of party. On the issue of vaping, unfortunately, those wanting it stopped as much as possible are mostly from one side of the aisle. And since Big Pharm contributes to both, it really makes one wonder why those aligned against vaping are predominately from the left. I would like someone to explain it.


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
    Sep 26, 2013
    Savoir-Faire is everywhere!
    I understand your thinking about blanket statements. I also agree that money in politics has undue influence regardless of party. On the issue of vaping, unfortunately, those wanting it stopped as much as possible are mostly from one side of the aisle. And since Big Pharm contributes to both, it really makes one wonder why those aligned against vaping are predominately from the left. I would like someone to explain it.

    Maybe the other side is too busy trying to fight the ACA and legislate (<--- seriously, just kidding)


    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
    Aug 19, 2013
    Indy, IN
    I seriously would like vendors to let us know what sweetener they use! I have weird reactions with sucralose and would really prefer not to vape it, eat it, drink it...Ive cut it out of my life, but i think its back in because of some of the juices i have.

    Also would prefer vendors not to use any food colorings but some do.


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
    Sep 26, 2013
    Savoir-Faire is everywhere!
    I seriously would like vendors to let us know what sweetener they use! I have weird reactions with sucralose and would really prefer not to vape it, eat it, drink it...Ive cut it out of my life, but i think its back in because of some of the juices i have.

    I use liquid stevia but then I'm not selling


    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Mar 23, 2013
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
    Because an ingredient is in multiple things does not make multiple things the same.

    Propylene glycol replaced a toxic ingredient in anti freeze. I remember when news reports came out about animals and kids getting sick from playing or drinking the puddles formed by leaking radiators. Propylene glycol was then used instead of the toxic stuff so if radiators leaked, there would be no danger.

    Notice there aren't anymore stories about kids and animals getting sick or dying because of radiator fluid poisoning? Did you think that all of a sudden cars stopped leaking radiator fluid? No, they didn't stop leaking. It just got safer.

    What she said. You would be amazed at what is "in" some of the things you consume.

    OP, the base facts are this. E-cigs are out of the bag now too far to be stopped (they failed at that in 2010) so instead they are using scare tactics to do everything they can to try and get these regulated to get the money flowing to the "right" people.

    Big Pharma, Big Tobacco and the Tax Man all are looking at taking a hit if e-cigs continue to be similar the industry they see today.

    Big Pharma wants you to buy their failed smoking "cures", so they are attacking e-cigs with half/ truths, cheery picked facts (like the anti-freeze thing) and outright lies.
    Big Tobacco wants you to only be able to buy their limited supply so they are attacking flavors and online sales.

    The Tax Man, just counts on the agencies of the government scaring people into hating e-cigs as much as regular cigs so they can tax the heck out of um.

    It's not about our health it's about keeping the money in the same circles.


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
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    Sep 1, 2013
    Mount Vernon, Wa
    Big Pharma, Big Tobacco and the Tax Man all are looking at taking a hit if e-cigs continue to be similar the industry they see today.

    Big Pharma wants you to buy their failed smoking "cures", so they are attacking e-cigs with half/ truths, cheery picked facts (like the anti-freeze thing) and outright lies.
    Big Tobacco wants you to only be able to buy their limited supply so they are attacking flavors and online sales.

    It's not about our health it's about keeping the money in the same circles.

    The Big Tobacco guys and tax man are already taking a hit in the form of $10-15 million annually per company. Least that's the figure that was quoted by a few wed sites when I first looked into Vape. Tobacco is running scared, loosing profits, scrambling to get a foot hold buying and starting cigalike companies. They have the most to lose, the most to spend , and why that I am highly confidant that they are the major lobbyist behind the mainstream manipulation. Trying to catch up and trying to regain their profits.

    I'm sure the marketing strategist approach to the CEO was something like:

    Jo, all we have to do is spread the word that vape is as dangerous as smoking, that will discourage dumb Billy J not to check it out. It will also inflame John Q Public to start rebelling against the Nasty Vape people who are threatening our health and rights with 2nd hand vape... Jo, you know as well as I that fact and science doesn't really matter, it's what John Q Public thinks and cries about that drives the lawmakers. Now while we put the brakes to the Vape industry and regain some our lost profits, we slip in and buy and develop our own scientifically proven, safe e-cigarette. well call it something like Blu or No Smoke, or Eco Smoke. then we back off and enjoy the new higher profit margins, and can play it against the tobacco farmers, bringing down out costs and further expanding our profits!! It's a win win for us Jo. .....

    Least that's what I would of done if in charge of market strategy. But hey I'm only a dumb craps dealer, that can tell you what a $12 horn with a $8 C & E, and keeping up your $20 hopping hard ways, with a $15 dollar 3 way would pay when 12 craps 12 is called. Fraking hate heavy prop action. lmao. but that's what I get paid to do.


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Jul 27, 2013
    Let's face it, folks....anti-tobacco (nicotine, drugs, etc.) is a popular political position these days. It really doesn't matter if the politician is "liberal" or "conservative" just so long as they believe it's going to make the masses think more positively of them enough to vote for them.

    The main reason these topics get so heated is the pasting on of terms such as "liberals" and "conservatives" when describing who is doing what. It tends to sound like a lumping of everyone and and an idea into one camp when the fact is, a blanket term like that really doesn't have much to do with the situation. They aren't doing it BECAUSE they're liberal and all liberals want a nanny state but rather because they are being lobbied to do so, and because the mainstream voting population sees it as a good thing because they are ignorant of the facts of vaping.

    I think if we tried to avoid the black and white "Z0MG LIBRUHLS! and "Z0MG CONSERVACONS!" (or whatever when describing such issues we'd be more likely to keep a discussion on topic.

    In picture form


    Not sure if he has seen my take on it... It's not the nicotine...
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