what are your favourite flavours!!

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ECF Veteran
just got some new flavours and i thought it would be nice to let you all know how it went.
(all from janty)

First of all i tried the cigar and it was pretty damn nice, had a sweet kind of taste

Janty apple is really nice, i think its the best flavour for tasting what it is actually ment to taste like

Chocolate was also nice, i would say it tatses more like white chocolate, wasn;t to over powering.

My favourite has got to be the coffee. It is strong and has a dry taste, the most similar smoke to a normal Cig so far and leaves a tasty coffee after taste.

What about you guys. Any favourite flavours?


Moved On
Jun 26, 2008
My current favourite is Freesmoke coconut, yum. I could shift gallons of this stuff.

Janty have quite a few good flavours, coffee, vanilla and almond are nice. I'd like to try their green tea. I noticed today that Janty Europe have bottles of the new flavours ... loads of different ones to try.

My own diy juice is what I use most. Flavours vary but I haven't found one I don't like yet. Wicked 36mg juice is nice and strong, perfect for diluting in home brew.


Moved On
Jun 26, 2008
Thanks Kimmie, yes that makes sense. I think I'll get some of that soon

... and I'd like to try some Johnson Creek because I like the sound of smooth and tasty as it's been described. I don't like the harsh feeling of having my throat clobbered. That's one of the nice things about Freesmoke stuff, it's got feeling in your throat but it doesn't irritate.

smoking gnu

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 8, 2008
That’s the million dollar question for me at the moment. So far it’s the sedansa Turkish. Most of the flavours that I try I seem to go off after a short time. They all seem to have a sweetness that I really don’t like. RY4 is very sweet but the more I smoke the less I notice it. So this week I’m going to use RY4 and nothing else. I also like Marlboro, camel, and totally wicked Hilton. I think my problem is I try to many throughout the day . I should try a cigar flavour though. I don’t like all this trying all these new flavour, I’m looking for the one . That may sound strange to some, but I just want to stop messing around. And stop spending money LOL.:cry:I cant be doing with the fruit stuff YUCK!


Full Member
Sep 5, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
My favorite flavor by far is the 555 available at puresmoker (I've seen the same flavor elsewhere, I assume they are likely similar, if not the same). I have no idea what flavor it's supposed to replicate, but goodness is it delicious.

I've had quite a few of the available flavors at puresmoker (I've yet to have occasion to check things out elsewhere). My short reviews are: 555 is standout, Marlboro and RY4 are great, virginia is good, coffee and vanilla are okay but pretty subtle, cigar is wreched.

Hi, I'm new!


Full Member
Sep 5, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Thank you very much! I draw a bit. I have been toying with altering the image so that the flame is blue and the smoke is white, but I use the same image in all of my web-posting, so updating them all is quite a project that I haven't quite worked myself up for yet.

A bit more on flavors. Cigar actually DOES taste rather like cigar, but in all of the bad ways. I don't know what I expected, but it's like smoking a cigarette filled with dirt. I think the problem is that you inhale e-cigs and not cigars.

My girlfriend actually seems to prefer vanilla to the others she's tried, but I'm not big on it.

I've just ordered some apple. I intended to order Hilton as well, but I think I may have forgotten to actually add it to my cart. Well we'll see.

smoking gnu

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 8, 2008
Hi Kim. No I don’t have any fruit flavours perish the thought. The totally wicked Hilton to me tastes like a filter cigarette it’s a little nutty but I can live with that ,and its not to sweet, it is a bit like the 555 I’ve tried. 555 is a brand of cigarettes that I have never smoked but the juice I tried does taste cigarette like. Sort of.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 24, 2008
I think my problem is I try to many throughout the day .

this is true to really taste a new flavour you have to vape just that flavour for the day by the end of the day you will taste the true flavour..changing between flavours doesnt give you an acurate taste of each one, because the prevouis flavour is still lingering in the mouth..and therefore a flavour is miss judged.
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