Well it had to happen eventually.

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Full Member
Aug 10, 2014
Hello E-cigarette forum. Long time lurker, in fact professional lurker. I lurk websites like nobody's business and have been since I first got on the internet.

However here I am now, I registered. Hope you're happy :v . You've managed to rope me in.

I've been vaping for about a year now, loving it for the most part. Make my own juice/build my own coils. However I finally had an issue I couldn't resolve with mere lurking, and decided to sign up. Hopefully I'll learn things while I'm here, and hopefully contribute back as well.

Anyways that's the introduction post. Figured I'd get it out of the way.


Full Member
Aug 10, 2014
Welcome! People are very helpful around here for the most part, as I suppose you know from lurking. And I"m with you brother; I lurk like nobody's business!

Honestly I started to feel bad, like you're looking over someone's shoulder during a test.

That said picking an avatar was a little difficult. Size requirements aren't an issue, but getting something at those sizes also at 5kb isn't as easy as I thought.

Welcome to ECF! :)

Thank you. You've now made me aware that typing ECF will auto link you to this site, which is kind of weird, considering anyone reading it is already aware of the site...

Hello and welcome to the forum. Glad to have you here!:)

You have a question -- ask away. Most likely we will have an answer for you.

~ ♥ Thanks for having me. ♥ ~

My question is one that has probably been asked a million times. In fact I know it has, based on reading some of the other subforums. Basically I'm looking into buying a mod of some sort. I've been using ego batteries for a while now, even have one with VV/VW settings, love it.

However I want something a bit, heavier. Something better built, should last a long, long time, and so on. Don't need bells and whistles, just something well built, changeable batteries and preferably with VV/VW ability. Doesn't need LED interface, or ohm readers on it, ect. I'm also fairly low income. Some months I have no disposable income whatsoever. So whatever I get, including batteries, has to fall in the 50-70$ range max.

My issue? I have no way to categorize or sort through all the mods that exist. There are too many, not including clones, clones of clones, and so on. Most sites sell one or two brands loyally, meaning comparing/contrasting is hard. There are thousands of review videos. Top it off with new stuff coming out all the time, and I don't know how to even go about sorting through all of it, let alone making a choice. To compound the problem, because of my income limitations, I cannot afford to simply buy and try them out until I find the one I like.

This has left me kind of exhausted, and finally drove me to register so I can actually talk to someone instead of parsing through thousands and thousands of posts.


Full Member
Aug 10, 2014
Welcome, Lanore! :) Figure lurking is like tipping you toe into the ol' swimming hole to test the waters, rather than doing a cannonball off the banks of Niagra Falls. :laugh:

Welcome! I too am a recently reformed lurker, cheers!!

Guess I'm not as weird as I thought.

Hi, welcome. What is your question? Maybe we can help. Not only new members visit this forum and perhaps one of us can help you. So ask away :)

I was originally going to wait and ask my questions in the relevant forum, but since y'all are so willing to be abused I've posted my predicament above.


Vaping Mistress
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 9, 2014
Corn 'n' Cows
Welcome to all you former lurkers :)

Lanore, I'm probably not going to be much help, but I'll throw a couple of pennies your way :2c: Big question is do you have specifics on your end goal - are you a cloud chaser, or do you just want a good solid vape? I know you mentioned that you're looking for replaceable batteries, but have you thought about the MVP2? It's a box mod (slightly smaller than a pack of cigarettes) with a built-in 2600 maH battery. USB charging port (and the ability to output to charge other things like a phone.) If you're not interested in cloud-chasing (i.e. sub-ohmming), I think it's a pretty solid device. It is VV/VW (but it does have an ohm reader). However, it's about $40 (101vape.com or strictlyecig.com) I have two that I use as my primary devices. I build kayfun (clones) around 1.7-1.9 ohms and use a bunch of EVOD tanks on them.

The VV3 is the MVP's smaller cousin - same volts (3.3-5.0)/watts (6.0-11.0), but no output capabilities and only an 800 maH battery. However, those can be had for about $26 each (at 101vape.com) Each can be used as a pass-through, which I sometimes have to do when I'm at the computer, and not close enough to a wall outlet.

Hopefully some smarter people will chime in for ya.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 13, 2014
Central Florida
First, welcome and glad you came out of stealth mode and joined the circus!!

DingerCPA asked some really relevant questions that would help in giving you some direction. The information you provided already does fit a lot of options available. That being said, I would encourage you to really check out the products before jumping in. I did the same thing I know a lot of folks here did and bought a couple of mods that did what I wanted when they worked but didn't last long. The frustrating thing when they go out is there really, with a few exceptions, no where to sent them for repair. You basically replace them.

Within your reported price frame are a number of units, i.e. Vamo, Tesla, MVP, just to name a few. However, most of these have more features then you are looking for.

I hope that you find what works well for you.


Full Member
Aug 10, 2014
Welcome to all you former lurkers :)

Lanore, I'm probably not going to be much help, but I'll throw a couple of pennies your way :2c: Big question is do you have specifics on your end goal - are you a cloud chaser, or do you just want a good solid vape? I know you mentioned that you're looking for replaceable batteries, but have you thought about the MVP2? It's a box mod (slightly smaller than a pack of cigarettes) with a built-in 2600 maH battery. USB charging port (and the ability to output to charge other things like a phone.) If you're not interested in cloud-chasing (i.e. sub-ohmming), I think it's a pretty solid device. It is VV/VW (but it does have an ohm reader). However, it's about $40 (101vape.com or strictlyecig.com) I have two that I use as my primary devices. I build kayfun (clones) around 1.7-1.9 ohms and use a bunch of EVOD tanks on them.

The VV3 is the MVP's smaller cousin - same volts (3.3-5.0)/watts (6.0-11.0), but no output capabilities and only an 800 maH battery. However, those can be had for about $26 each (at 101vape.com) Each can be used as a pass-through, which I sometimes have to do when I'm at the computer, and not close enough to a wall outlet.

Hopefully some smarter people will chime in for ya.

I'm not a cloud chaser by any means. I mean, I like nice clouds, but it isn't a sport for me. This is likely compounded by the fact that I'm probably not interested in an RDA. The entire dripping aspect seems inconvenient and possibly messy for me, especially since I vape on the go a lot. I currently use a tank that is likely a kanger clone.

So while yes, while I like clouds, I'm really just looking for a reliable vape that will be here for me maybe even five years down the road. Something that is dependable.

As for the bit about changeable batteries, one of my main reasons for wanting to switch to a mod is for that purpose. Eventually the battery in something with a fixed battery like an Ego (or the mod you mentioned) will die, and then the mod is dead. Longevity is the primary goal, followed by functionality and features.

First, welcome and glad you came out of stealth mode and joined the circus!!

DingerCPA asked some really relevant questions that would help in giving you some direction. The information you provided already does fit a lot of options available. That being said, I would encourage you to really check out the products before jumping in. I did the same thing I know a lot of folks here did and bought a couple of mods that did what I wanted when they worked but didn't last long. The frustrating thing when they go out is there really, with a few exceptions, no where to sent them for repair. You basically replace them.

Within your reported price frame are a number of units, i.e. Vamo, Tesla, MVP, just to name a few. However, most of these have more features then you are looking for.

I hope that you find what works well for you.

To address something both of you mentioned, I'm not against additional features per say. My main concern with them is that mods with additional electronic components ( ohm readers, LED displays, and so on) will have a higher risk of eventual failure or will be more easily damaged. If a mod in my pricerange works well, has the basic things I want, and then have those things additionally, I wouldn't object whatsoever. They are simply things I'm not going out of my way to look for.


Vaping Mistress
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 9, 2014
Corn 'n' Cows
Fair points! I've been eyeing the vamo v5 as an inexpensive tube mod, just to see what one would be like. I've seen decent comments on them. I hit a milestone birthday in a couple months. Maybe happy birthday to me :D

Hopefully you can find what works for *you* because that's the correct answer

Sent from.... ooh look! Something shiny!!!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 2, 2014
Kentucky, USA
There are some SmokTech SIDs around for pretty cheap, that's a fairly easy-to-use 18650 tube mod that should last you awhile. But then you need at least (imho) 2 batteries plus a charger.

I think, for your money, the MVP2 is such a solid device. Yes, it will eventually become a doorstop, but that's probably a year or 2 away. My two devices I use are my MVP2 and a EHPro Valkyrie clone, and i love them both. And if you DO decide to get into dripping, my MVP2 will fire down to a 0.8ohm coil so that's not too shabby either.


Senior Member
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Mar 5, 2014
NW Ohio
I have a Vamo 5. It's just ok. The battery doesn't last as long as you might expect, I'm disappointed in battery life. It's gigantic.

I also have an MVP2, with killer battery life, but it's a bit heavy for me. The MVP2 is junk when the battery dies.

My favorite is the new Vision Spinner II. 1650 mah battery that lasts a long, long time. I like it as well as the MVP2. But again, when the battery is dead, it's off to the trash. Wish I could be of more help.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 11, 2014
The problem with regulated mods i.e. vv/vw is the electronics. Anything with electronic components has the potential to fail at any time. I love my MVP but some people have had problems with them and many times it's the electronics that fail. Same with the Vamos.

The most reliable would be mechanical (unregulated) mods. Basically a tube that holds a battery, a switch and a connector. Even these can develop problems after awhile. Switches can malfunction. Shorts can occur. Batteries can vent and leak.

5 years is a long time.

That being said, buy an MVP 2 use it til it dies (or til you have more money) then buy something shiny. My :2c:


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 24, 2014
Hello E-cigarette forum. Long time lurker, in fact professional lurker. I lurk websites like nobody's business and have been since I first got on the internet.

However here I am now, I registered. Hope you're happy :v . You've managed to rope me in.

I've been vaping for about a year now, loving it for the most part. Make my own juice/build my own coils. However I finally had an issue I couldn't resolve with mere lurking, and decided to sign up. Hopefully I'll learn things while I'm here, and hopefully contribute back as well.

Anyways that's the introduction post. Figured I'd get it out of the way.

Hey Lanore. I think I already replied to an excellent post of yours in the "FDA bans" thread, but welcome anyhow. :D Nice to meetcha.:thumb:

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