Weird, I cant smoke cigarettes anymore.

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Tracker II

Ultra Member
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Jan 13, 2011
Thanks for resurrecting this thread. After vaping for a couple of weeks at low nicotine levels, I lit up a Marlboro Light just out of curiosity. The first thing that surprised me was how little flavor it seemed to have compared to my ejuice. But the real surprise was after a couple more drags. I got so light headed and dizzy that I thought I was going to pass out. I put it out, went inside, and spent the next several minutes lying on the couch. That was the last analog I ever had or plan to have.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 28, 2011
Iowa, USA
You are not alone...I'm right there with you! I haven't had an analog since the day I started vaping. Tried one two days after I started and took one hit off it and put it out because it tasted awful!! I don't ever want another one.

I would suggest maybe saving up to buy a backup one so you don't find yourself in that same situation again. I started out with only one also, but after two weeks with just the one decided I better get another one so I'm not stuck if the one I had stopped working. Got my new Joye 510 today and feel much more


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ECF Veteran
Ha ha The story is in the title! :p I had similar experience after 2 weeks not smoking and went for a drink with friends unexpected after work one day. Unfortunately my battery went dead and I had to bum a smoke of a friend. after two drags I had to throw it away and couldn't believe I had be smoking that rubbish for 15 years!
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