Weird, I cant smoke cigarettes anymore.

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 21, 2008
lol, as the title says, i cannot smoke cigarettes anymore. So when my e-cig screws up, i'm screwed!

I've had my e-cig for about a month now, and i havent smoked a single cigarette since i got it (after about 10 years of cigs). Anyways, i didn't have anymore cartridges last week for the first time, so i was like alright i'll bum a cig from my brother. it was seriously DISGUSTING to me! i almost puked from 2 drags. i was shocked. couple days later i tried again, still gross! i dont think i'll ever be able to smoke another cigarette.

Anyone else get this? i have a feeling i'm alone here cause i know most of you still smoke cigs on the side


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
You're going to find you're far from alone on this. You regained a sense of taste and smell no longer numbed by tobacco smoke, and your lungs got rid of some accumulated tars. Until you do that, as you did a month ago, you have no idea what tobacco smoke really tastes and feels like when it hits your lungs. Now you know.

Not only is your experience common for some of those here, but it's very common for smokers who switch to snus. Cigarettes become repulsive in a very short period and they can't conceive of ever going back.

Welcome to the First Church of E-Smoking, brother. Life is enlightened here


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 21, 2008
Hey Scoop

You'll find out if cigarettes are really disgusting or not a day or so after the e-cig throws a seven...


come again? lol
you mean if it breaks?

i didnt have liquid for like 3-4 days and i actually chose to just NOT smoke anything for those days cause of how disgusting the tobacco cig was to me. i couldnt even smoke more than 2 pulls of it.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 21, 2008
You're going to find you're far from alone on this. You regained a sense of taste and smell no longer numbed by tobacco smoke, and your lungs got rid of some accumulated tars. Until you do that, as you did a month ago, you have no idea what tobacco smoke really tastes and feels like when it hits your lungs. Now you know.

Not only is your experience common for some of those here, but it's very common for smokers who switch to snus. Cigarettes become repulsive in a very short period and they can't conceive of ever going back.

Welcome to the First Church of E-Smoking, brother. Life is enlightened here

haha, ok :)
my brother seem to be liking his tobacco cigs still! but then again, he hasnt been smoking just this like me. he's been switching between both


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
Not everyone transitions easily. Nicotine is powerful stuff. And smoking a cigarette is almost like mainlining nicotine. The trip from mouth to lungs to bloodstream to brain takes only 7 to 10 seconds. Nothing else we substitute is as rapid.

Trying alternatives is for many an essential first step away from cigarettes. Maybe your brother will break on his own some day. At least you're setting a good example as a role model for him.


Ultra Member
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Verified Member
Jun 3, 2008
Anyone else get this? i have a feeling i'm alone here cause i know most of you still smoke cigs on the side
Many of us don't smoke cigs on the side :cool: and have written about this esmoking "side effect". I wrote about it in the Quitting section and others have mentioned the same in various topics scattered about the forum. You are indeed in a crowd - welcome. :)

It does feel a bit like being suspended between two worlds.


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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2011
Just joined the club myself. Bought my ecig about ten days ago, to be able to get some nicotine in places and times where I can't/shouldn't smoke. Had no intention of quitting at the moment. Figured I could use the ecig on smoke free campuses when work takes me to them, at home since I've stopped smoking in the house, and things like that.

First couple of days with the ecig, I didn't have an analog just cause I was having too much fun playing with my new toy.

Third day, after a long train journey, was a time I would ALWAYS have a cig. Walking out of the station, I lit one...two drags, threw it away in discuss, and started loading my eciggie up. :)

I was absolutely convinced, for 20 years, that NOTHING would ever make me not want to smoke. The longest I ever gave up before, one year, I wanted a cigarette, every day, many times, after every meal, with every cup of coffee, every time I got stressed, I felt BAD not to be able to have one. So of course I started again eventually.

Since I've been vaping, I don't want the cigs anymore. :) I don't like them.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 15, 2010
Seattle, WA
In the past, I had quit for long stretches before - but when I gave in and lit up, it always tasted GOOD. After I began vaping, I had an analog one night after a night of drinking, and my batteries were dead, it was awful. Just awful. Couldn't wait for my battery to be charged again. I think I managed about 1/4 of it before putting it out, then waited 2 hours til I got home and my batteries were charged.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 13, 2011
I've been off analogues a little over 6 weeks. I still have a pack in the kitchen draw. Two weeks ago I stepped out onto the deck with my wife who still smokes and grabbed one of my own analogues and sparked it up. Couldn't even get through the first puff. Words fail me to describe how nasty it was. If my pv fails I've got a small stash of nic gum that I'll lean on. I really have no desire to go back and the thought of doing so disgusts me.
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