Wants thread to be closed soon

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May 18, 2009
South Jersey USA
A PS to the above post

It is considered rude by most to ask for more in a PM when you are providing an address to obtain something offered on the board. It is like after you are given a birthday present and turning to the giver and saying thanks for the scarf, do you have matching gloves to go with it?

JMHO....manners matter most



PV Master
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Mar 23, 2010
Homeish now
Bonnie, and everyone really.

We NEED you to let us know when people are abusing the system...we cant know when member A was given a 100ml's though PM's and was seen doing ect the next day in the forum.
Understand why many of you choose to PIF in private, but the problem with it is us mod then have absolutely no way to See whats going on. This is hard enough when it is posted, and we still miss stuff then.

We Are trying to limit the abuse of this system, but we cant do that if we dont know about the abuse.
Even if it's a little abuse...we need a PM, a heads up to know. Lot of little abuses will add up quickly.
We cant possibly take any action to prevent such from happening if we are left unaware.

and hugs girl..I'm sorry... (and if thats a real example I want a pm)


ECF Guru
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Aug 10, 2009
Key West,Fl.
Bonnie I agree,send Rose a PM and tell her what happened and why you are upset.Nobody should ever take advantage of your kindness here.Its unacceptable.You share and you care about our members and you have a right to expect the same treatment in return.We all do.We cant help if we dont know whats happening.

This goes for everyone!Let us know.


Ultra Member
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May 18, 2009
South Jersey USA
Thanks for reading my wall of text.
Yes it is a true scenario....one of many abuses.
I have learned and hope others will follow suite.....never PM privately to a want.
Most of us are uncomfortable with atta girls and way to gos....but that only makes the matter worse. If I ever give anonymously to anyone not well known on this board, I will PM a mod and let them know. This way there are transparencies to the users and abusers.
Unfortunately for me...and lucky for noob A...I have deleted the messages.....but fear not, the word is passed and noob A has shown his/her own poor colors.

I learned in College that everyone learns differently. A list of rules may not "teach" a kinesthetic learner. They must be shown as they are clearly not verbal/audio learners. Our shenanigans may have appeared rude and on some levels it was, as there was collateral damage, but when people are pushed to the extreme they push back.

I wish to move on. I love everyone here at PIF. The caring and tender hearts are amazing. I am pleased to be considered one of you. Lox does not have total blame....I equally share it. He was protecting me because he knew I was hurt. Lox Rocks and we all know that. He is first to give and last to take. I have seen members give their last backup battery leaving themselves stranded when a charger failed. This is NOT OK!!!

I wish to take this time to thank the mod team for the opportunity to be heard and the kind way in which this was handled.
A job well done our good and faithful mod team!


Trippy Tip Hoarder
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Nov 11, 2009
*The Swamp*
I have been there and done that. I know exactly what you feel.
I tend to follow someone I pif'ed just to see if my heart lead me into the right direction. I am trying to learn to read the typed word as I would read a person standing in front of me, needless to say, I have alot to learn. I won't stop, because it is part of who I am, it makes me...ME.
For those who laugh, what goes around comes around. Being snide doesn't give you an advantage, it leads your life. I wake each morning knowing I did what I could and I defended what I could.
Keep your loving heart in tact and don't let those who slip through deter you. My significant other always tells me I need to pull back, and I do from time to time.
If I ever seem to come off too strong it is because I think we should stop and think-what if that was me in that position? Is there something that I can say that would make a difference? The best one of all (and I should abide by this one more) don't say anything. Sometimes that last one is the best one.
Be you Bonnie, just be you with you in mind.
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Assclown Exterminator
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Mar 28, 2009
I do want to clarify that we ar enot closing the Wants thread immediately. However, it is something that is under discussion, primarily because of the concerns already raised.

Now before everyone panics, I would say that the way to avoid this is for everyone to follow the advice laid out in this thread. If something becomes too much of a hassle and is one problem after another, it is right that it be closed out. By demonstrating that it can exist without problem after problem would go a long way to ensuring the the thread can continue.


Vaping Master
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Sep 30, 2010
For what it's worth to you veteran's here is a noobies first take on PIF, "WOW, look at all the free stuff I can get to try out for free !!! " It's fortunate that PIF is somewhat buried so many don't even realize that it exist or you'd have a much larger problem than you have IMHO.

I'm of the nature that I read everything there is to read and after I've read I tend to lurk for a while so I fully understand before I jump in to participate. Have to say its been an interesting read for the past couple of weeks :) the core of this group is an group of great people !

I actually did write down a possible PIF forward last week in case I saw one I that I was interesting in taking. Yesterday afternoon I did my first PIF Forward. It won't be my last.

I don't even know how it would be possible but I do think one should have to have participated in a certain number of Pass it Forwards or Swaps (5 or more?) demonstrating that one is not just here to take without some degree of sharing before they are illegible to particpate in taking from the Treasure Chest or making a request in the WANTS Thread. It's often been my experience in other things that making something just a bit more difficult has a way of greatly discouraging those that would otherwise take advantage. Even in my short time I thought that the change to the "Emergency Thread" was a good one as much of what I was reading in the NEEDS thread seemed much more like a want to me than a need. I've found it intersting that few of those "needs" have shown up as "wants" since the change to the threads. I think all request and fullfillments of the wants thread should have to be posted for all to see. pm's for address and thanks only. I tend to be a private person BUT transparency does cut down on those attempting to abuse a system. I'm not sure that full transparency in the Treasure Chest thread is as needed but still not be a bad idea to keep a handle on whom is getting the freebees.

There are obviously some absolutely wonderful people here on PIF. Your generousity simply amazes me and each of you desrves a lot of praise and thanks for giving so freely !!!!!! I think the mods do a great job. I'd hate to see any PIF threads disappear as used properly they serve a great purpose IMHO and are a piece of what makes ECF a special place.

Thanks for listening to a noobie's point of view.


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May 14, 2010
Queens, NY
I'm thinking there might not be a need for a want list. It seems to me for anyone new, unless they are asking for a sample of juice or a carto, they are out of line. I have posted in the wants thread a few times and seem to get ignored. yet i have fulfilled others wants.

There are many reasons I don't really play much in the PIF areas.

But from now on i will do everything out in the open. I'm guilty of doing everything through pm. So most people think I'm just on the take.


Super Member
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Aug 18, 2010
I just now saw this thread.
I need to make an apology. I started the shenanigans the other night with my wise-... PIF add. My add was intended to be a bit of an ironic sort of joke - which was not in the true spirit of the pif thread. I shouldn't have done it and I'm sorry. I take full responsibility for the ensuing chaos as others were just responding to my not so nice prank. I'm sorry for the ensuing free for all and give you my word I will not do anything like that ever again. If you want to ban me from the PIF I understand and probably even deserve it.
Blame me though not anyone else - I started it and the others were just responding in kind.

For what it's worth, I did get a nice laugh out of it, at first.


Ultra Member
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May 18, 2009
South Jersey USA
Unfortunately while some found a good bit of humor in it, many of the veteran piffers felt that the necessity to post such sarcasm was a reason to cry. Just goes to show how different the situation was viewed.
As for myself, I found no humor in the reason it was done but fully supported that it was as I previously posted.
I am sorry that those that were new to pif may have gotten gun shy about asking for things that would have helped them and piffers glad to share and that is a shame, but for the abusers....business as usual.
That is NOT funny IMHO.


Super Member
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Aug 18, 2010
Unfortunately while some found a good bit of humor in it, many of the veteran piffers felt that the necessity to post such sarcasm was a reason to cry. Just goes to show how different the situation was viewed.
As for myself, I found no humor in the reason it was done but fully supported that it was as I previously posted.
I am sorry that those that were new to pif may have gotten gun shy about asking for things that would have helped them and piffers glad to share and that is a shame, but for the abusers....business as usual.
That is NOT funny IMHO.

For what it's worth, I did get a nice laugh out of it, at first.

What makes anyone think I wasn't offended by such a thing? I just kept it to myself. I also kept it to myself that I have been openly attacked based on wild assumptions.

That's ok though, as long as the gossip is in PIF then everything is fine.
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