VV Army Tank Bottomfeeder by Jmarkus

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Dec 29, 2010
Guthrie, OK
Wanted to throw out a review of my VV Army tank Bottomfeeder made by Jmarkus here at ECF. Been about 2 weeks, and just finished a 3 day vacation to colorado with the wifey to stress test the unit. Performed flawlessly!http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/fo...vv-army-tank-variable-volt-bottom-feeder.html is the thread.


3-7.4 Volts Variable Voltage. Adjustable with wheel that works fine with the fingers, no screwdriver needed. No current limiting function built in !!!!! This means I can fire my 1.5 ohm dual coils at 6 volts !!! (It won't go loaded voltage all the way to 7.4, but hey, its better then the other the other VV units out there that cut a 1.5 ohm DC off at 4.5 volts max). Finnaly a TRUE variable voltage mod that will run everything out there, this was a BIG selling point for me as my Provari and Darwin got benched because they won't crank up my DCs as high as I like.


Loaded Voltage with madvapes passthrough meter.

510 Native connection with Drip well. Its a bottomfeeder with 3ml capacity, and we all know how important a drip well is to catch that extra juice! It uses a tube in the bottle to transfer juice, no need to "Tilt and Shoot", and no needles to make changing juice annoying or get clogged or restrict juice flow. Its basicly the same design feed system as the Reo.

Shown here with Cisco spec 306 and cannon drip tip.

Size: Uber small.

Little shorter then my reo mini, about 2x as wide. Shown in the lineup are the Reo mini and grand, Provari (no extender cap), Boge Rev2FailPOS, and Lil Sis. I can wrap my hand around the entire mod quite easily, and it is super light. Weighs less then my reo mini.

Batteries: 2x14500s. I've been using AW IMRs and Trustfire Flamejackets. I'm getting about 3ml juice use @4.2 volts out of a set of batteries. The shorter High Drain AWs fit perfect, but their capacity is lower. Its a super super tight fight for the flamejackets and the regular IMRs, and they smash the springs flat and bend the plate a little. Probably should use the shorter Red AW IMRs but I like the greater capacity of the protected cells. About the time that the juice bottle is empty, is about the same time I am swapping batts.

The master on/off switch is inside the battery compartment

Construction: Its a plastic box mod. Its actually 2 boxes glued together. He added a lanyard mount in the top for me, and thats how I use the mod: swinging from the lanyard around my neck. The front box houses the bottle and VV circuitry, the back box houses the batteries and on/off switch. The doors are held on with magnets (same ones as the Reo), but since the doors are plastic, they do not fall off like my reos or rattle. He added a Red LED to mine that lights up the bottle when the button is pressed. LED is nice for trying to figure out if the bats are dead or if the atty died. There is no gobs of Epoxy anywhere inside the unit, and the wires are a much larger gauge then I've seen in other mods. I'm not sure what gauge wire should be used when pulling 3 amps on a 1.5 ohm dual coil, but these will handle it fine.

*Super small and light. Light enough to hang from a Lanyard, smaller then all the other VV bottomfeeders out there. I hate big huge honkin PVs, I don't care if the bats last 3 days, I won't be caught dead in public with some of the huge box mods on the market today.

*NO CURRENT LIMITER!! This means you get a VV unit that will actually power EVERYTHING on the market. This means Low and High resistance attys and cartos, also the amazing dual coils out there. We want VV so we can not only enjoy regulated voltage vaping, but also adjustment. I like VV for the freedom to use whatever ohm atty or carto out there and not be limited. It saddens me that I have 3 mods that cost me 2x as much as this one, that fell behind in tech, or to see the new Eclipse with only 4-6v adjustment and the same fail circuit protection. The only time it gets hot is with Dual coils cranked to the moon, or using 1.5 ohm attys on fresh batteries. When using the 2.0 ohm 306s I notice no heat at all coming from the regulator.

*Bottomfeeder with tube feed. Its great to have bats that last all day, but there has always been issues with having a juice resevoir big enough to last just as long. Bottomfeeders fix that issue, and you don't have to use failomizers moded to a tank, or pay $400+ for a UFS and GGTS. Since it uses the tube feed method, you don't have to "tilt and shoot" , just squeeze the bottle till you see a bit of juice in the drip well and vape.

*Case design. Instead of making the mod wide, he made it thicker. Since one half of it is smaller then the other, you can wrap your hand around it easily. I'm sure my hands are a bit large, but I can completely hide the entire unit in my fist. Stealth vaping ftw. I'm a ASE master mechanic by trade, and the amount of grime and oil on my hands on a daily basis will destroy a wood mods finish. I just wipe the oil right off this one.

*Customer service: A+++ from jmarkus. He answered tons of emails daily, and made sure I got exactly what I wanted. I felt like I was doing business with a custom craftsman, not a businessman. I got my mod in 4 days after I placed my order, and he custom made it exactly how I wanted with lanyard mount and Red led. I payed extra for fast shipping, but was happy enough to not have to wait a month or more to get it at my front door. Always nice to get exited about a mod and get to skip the whole month long wait, or hit Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh hoping I get my order in. You pay jmarkus money, and he makes you a mod and ships it too you. I wish every mod vendor out there would do this, but maybe they like you spamming refresh on their website or refreshing thier thread on ECF hoping you get lucky. Buying mods sometimes feels like playing the lottery, such is not the case with this mod. I was so happy with doing business with jmarkus that I paid extra as a tip. You ever tip a merchant before a mod has ever shipped? I did because he is that great to buy from.

*Price. Its $85 for the complete mod. I am not aware of any VV bottomfeeder at this time with this price point. I have thousands of dollars in mods, and I've sold at least half of them. This one will never be sold.

* Its plastic, and will not take a 6ft drop to concrete without doors popping off. I've dropped it twice now, and that is all that has happened is the doors falling off. I'm hard on mods. I've broken the darwin so many times, I can fix it now with my eyes closed. I've broken the plastic mouthpiece on the UFS so many times I had to pay $30 for a steel one.

* Drip Well is a tad small. Its easy to overflow the well and get some juice on the unit. Its the same size well that is on the Boge Rev2Fail.

* Protected 14500s are a super tight fit. I love the AW IMR high drains on fixed volt mods, but when you have a regulator, its nice to have the extra battery life from regular protected cells. Although I can cram protected cells in, it will probably hurt the unit in the long run.

Conclusion: Its a great mod in a super small package. Its a bottomfeeder and its VV, not much more I could ask for in a truelly functional PV. It was easy to buy, and I don't feel raped after it arrives like I have with so many other mods that I got sucked into the hype over. This is a fantastic device that most will never hear about, but I'm happy I got lucky and got one. I just drop 1000 miles and vacationed all over colorado with no problems once so ever. I stealth vaped in the middle of super crowded places, and no one even bothered me. I got to enjoy my vaping habit, enjoy my vacation, and even stand in line for hours without having nic fits. I also got to support a great custom modder here at ECF, and look forward to his continuted developments.

Thanks jmarkus !!

Custom LS1 6 speed WS6 Ram Air PCC was a great accessory for this trip. It kept 6 batteries fully charged, had room for over 100ml of DIY juice, and the radar detector allowed me to average close to 90mph through 3 states. Room for a trophy wife and souveniers for the kiddos as well ! Albeit a bit expensive, I think the convenience and 30mpg more then made up for the added cost and definately recomend one for any serious vacationing vaporer that wants a great PCC for his VV Army Tank by Jmarkus.

PCC (Personal Carrying Case) in Rocky Mountain National Park
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Timothy Cullen

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 29, 2010
Hanson, Kentucky, United States
Great review stowns. I got a video review I'm gonna put up this week for the Sgt vv. It's an awesome mod and an awesome modder. Jmarcus was super helpful the whole time n I can't wait for the metal version to come out as this is the smallest juice feed vv mod on the market n a metal body would fix the only issue I have with it

Sent from my droid/apple hybrid


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2009
Outside of the Philadelphia Burbs, NJ & Fla
Only thing I would like to see in this is a bigger juice bottle, 6ml min, I would go through the 3ml way to fast the way I vape with this Mod. Other than that it looks cool, waiting on the metal one myself, if it turns out the way I think it will this should be a really nice set up, last thing I would like to see is it made with 2 x 26500 Batts or 2 x 18650 minimum, that would be killer ! even a pair of 18490's would be better, I just cant stand the 14500 Batts they have no longevity !
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 22, 2009
Thanks J, Got my mod today.
Just breaking it in.
Much smaller than I expected.
Very nice work in small places. lol
Works great and Hits like a locomotive.
Super small for what it is.
I know you will get plenty of orders.
If you are looking for a good BF,VV, lightweight mod, give this one a shot for sure!

Will edit as I use this over the next week!
Thanks again!
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 29, 2010
Guthrie, OK
Hey sorry to bother you but I'm thinking about picking one up but what atties do you recommend and supplier?

Just came back from a 6 month hiatus and totally lost.

Seeing as how I can't seem to get decent life out of a lot of the more expensive attys, I just go with standard resistance joye 510s and 306s from vaporkings. They are cheap, perform well enough, and last just as long if not longer then the more expensive counter- parts. Here recently I have fallen in love with the rebuildable attys like the iatty and bulli a2. Run dual coils on the bulli and single on the iatty.
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