Vaping Preference Poll - Please Vote!

What is your favorite method of vaping?

  • Dripping

  • Cartridges/Atomizer

  • Cartomizer

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Sep 29, 2010
North Carolina

I was just thinking today it would be nice to see what everyone's preference is as to your favorite delivery of vapor.

I apologize if this has been done previously.

Please choose only ONE - your FAVORITE method of vaping, as I know most do a little of all!


Thanks for participating! :)

**POLL AT TOP OF THREAD** Please vote!
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Mathew R Taylor

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
Charlotte, NC
I tried Carts, and didn't like the taste (found they were muted)
Tried Ceramic carts and didn't like the burnt taste
Atty man here thus far.

Haven't tried a drip tip yet and being blond don't get the point.... I understand the first vape off a freshly filled cart is the best, but why not just carry the bottle to fill up your cart frequently (I do now)....

Now that being said, I will try it soon just to try it, but if it's better, wouldn't a juice fed mod be the better option?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2010

Got tired of spending money on cartos that didn't last because I have no luck with cleaning them.

Carts are just laughable, with the amount I vape. I was refilling every 10 minutes.

Given that, I may as well drip. And it's really grown on me. It tastes better, the vapor is more consistent.

It also makes more sense for me economically. I have no luck making cartos last, but I seem to have great luck with atties. I have atties that have been going for months. I have yet to have one die. I'm not losing juice in cart filler, because I'm dripping it right on the atty. And since I'm beginning to de-bridge most of my atties, I'm saving even more juice by not losing it in the mesh of the bridge.

It's weird, I'm vaping as much as I was before, but I'm using slightly less juice, even with an LR, and since atties are lasting me for ages, I no longer worry about running out of supplies.

Mathew R Taylor

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
Charlotte, NC

Got tired of spending money on cartos that didn't last because I have no luck with cleaning them.

Carts are just laughable, with the amount I vape. I was refilling every 10 minutes.

Given that, I may as well drip. And it's really grown on me. It tastes better, the vapor is more consistent.

It also makes more sense for me economically. I have no luck making cartos last, but I seem to have great luck with atties. I have atties that have been going for months. I have yet to have one die. I'm not losing juice in cart filler, because I'm dripping it right on the atty. And since I'm beginning to de-bridge most of my atties, I'm saving even more juice by not losing it in the mesh of the bridge.

It's weird, I'm vaping as much as I was before, but I'm using slightly less juice, even with an LR, and since atties are lasting me for ages, I no longer worry about running out of supplies.

Very cool MistressNomad, I appreciate your thoughts - Perhaps I'll pick up a couple of drip tips on my next order... I am filling my carts about every 30 mins or so when at home, so I typically have a 3ml or two on me at all times (and I have a juice caddy on my keychain that I always have a full 3ml on me), but since I'm about as blnd as they come, I still haven't figured out when that one drip is too much, and I get immediate "feedback" ;) Thanks!


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 8, 2010
Northern Michigan USA
Sorry but I can't vote. I have gone back and forth too many times to say. right now I'm on carts and I hated them for a while. Before that it was LR cartomizers, before that it was dripping. Next month who knows? In fact what I do right now is really more of a combination of a few things. If I'm using a cart I drip and just topp off the blue foam. If I'm using a cartomizer I put a drip tip on it to keep it full.

Got tired of spending money on cartos that didn't last because I have no luck with cleaning them.

Carts are just laughable, with the amount I vape. I was refilling every 10 minutes.

Given that, I may as well drip. And it's really grown on me. It tastes better, the vapor is more consistent.

It also makes more sense for me economically. I have no luck making cartos last, but I seem to have great luck with atties. I have atties that have been going for months. I have yet to have one die. I'm not losing juice in cart filler, because I'm dripping it right on the atty. And since I'm beginning to de-bridge most of my atties, I'm saving even more juice by not losing it in the mesh of the bridge.

It's weird, I'm vaping as much as I was before, but I'm using slightly less juice, even with an LR, and since atties are lasting me for ages, I no longer worry about running out of supplies.

KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK ON WOOD--still trying to get the hang of dripping. To me flavor as well as vapor better


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Sep 29, 2010
North Carolina
I drip to test new flavors before filling a carto but as far as doing it often I just can't seem to get the hang of it. I either flood the atty or vape it too dry and get that horrible throat burn. I have debridged a couple of attys and do like the taste better but now I seem to have a lot of leaking of juce down the battery. It's just messy and time-consuming to me and I prefer my V4L cartos or my genuine Joye 510 cartos, besides my work consists of sitting and working at a computer all day and my V4L PT just keeps on going with the cartos!

This is great information guys! Keep it coming and thank you!
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Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Got tired of cartridges, tried cartomizers and didn't like them, just dripping now.
I carry two 3ml bottles with me and every 3 drops is like having a cigarette.

I would get a juice fed mod, but that would tie me to one flavor for long periods of time, and I don't like that.
Besides, the juice fed mods, well, they are either too large or too funny looking.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 15, 2010
Carts are just laughable, with the amount I vape. I was refilling every 10 minutes.

Given that, I may as well drip. And it's really grown on me. It tastes better, the vapor is more consistent.

It also makes more sense for me economically. I have no luck making cartos last, but I seem to have great luck with atties. I have atties that have been going for months. I have yet to have one die. I'm not losing juice in cart filler, because I'm dripping it right on the atty. And since I'm beginning to de-bridge most of my atties, I'm saving even more juice by not losing it in the mesh of the bridge.

It's weird, I'm vaping as much as I was before, but I'm using slightly less juice, even with an LR, and since atties are lasting me for ages, I no longer worry about running out of supplies.
I have been vaping (non-stop on the 510's) for almost 3 months now. I vape mostly caramels and butterscotches. I AM so so so sick of refilling my carts too! Even with the filler material cut by 1/3, it's still a huge PITA. Do you think dripping the heavier juices like these would be ok for dripping? Also, is it real complicated to remove the bridges? I will check to see if you have a vid on "de-brdging", but I'm not too mechanically inclined lol
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