I've been vaping for almost 10 months and wanna try to change from khantal to ni80. I bought a VGOD pro mech kit that comes with the rdta.Which is a clone that i bought for 30 dollars.My builder put dual coil pararel 24 g ni80 5 wraps and it taste like sucking a penny or metallic taste. The thing is my friend also put on the same exact coil as i am, when i tried his, it taste like heaven. I dont know what the reason is but can you guys give me any solution for this?
Battery lg h2
mod vgod pro mech (clone)
Rdta vgod rdta (clone)
0.11 ohms (around 90-110 watts)
Battery lg h2
mod vgod pro mech (clone)
Rdta vgod rdta (clone)
0.11 ohms (around 90-110 watts)